Jason Miller: Trump is showing America still has a leader
Jason Miller: Trump is showing America still has a leader



@stephenleblanc4677 Says:
Trump is a leader of lies and throwing food and paper towels. People don't matter to him, winning for Trump matter than him. When Trump raises money, he keeps 80-100%. Joe knew enough to sign emergency relief BEFORE the hurricane struck land.
@lllmmm5751 Says:
Prayers for my fellow Americans 🙏i wish i could say i don't know what your going through but i do,even in Pennsylvania long ago,Agnes ,i was a kid in Harrisburg, yeah well ,,shock,confused, grieving, as soon as u get your thoughts in order , breathe ,calm a liitle Tell us our government ,F.E.M.A,red cross,etc.but what do you & your family need ,while your in a hotel,motel,shelter etc.a certain toy,blanket, cell phones, get ahold of a ❤1 pictures it's the littlest things that comfort us the most .is your pet in need to,no time for pride please don't do that .we Americans can be stubborn on needing help.Lord watch over them in their hr. of need ,help ease their burdens. 🙏 Amen ..😢😢
@judewarner1536 Says:
Donald Trump is NOT a leader, he's a whiny old man... "Poor me, it's not fair what they're doing to me. I'LL SHOW THEM NOT FAIR."
@sabrowenie Says:
Who’s getting the proceeds from all his side hustles?
@allauddin732 Says:
US is runing away from America.
@billyslots72 Says:
Didn't Jason Miller dodge child support? Look it up...typical MAGA ...sleazy dude
@4leafclover0519 Says:
Anything coming out of Jason Millers mouth is a lie! He fits in well with his leader!
@onepointofview Says:
👩🏻‍🦰👩🏼‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏾‍🦰👩🏿‍🦰 YOUR VOTE AS A WOMAN MATTERS! 👵🏻👵🏼👵🏽👵🏾👵🏿 Say NO to the RAPIST, NO to PROJECT 2025 - support a STRONG WOMAN in POWER! It’s YOUR VOTE. 👩🏻‍🦱👩🏼‍🦱👩🏽‍🦱👩🏾‍🦱👩🏿‍🦱
@DarylSauerwald Says:
So, according to this line of reasoning, every president has showed up at every disaster ?
@bobh771 Says:
The Kamala Tim Sideshow is campaigning like he is in office. Uh, guess what Kamala, you are in the middle of year four of running the country. Maybe its too late for you to try now. What a mess.
@DarylSauerwald Says:
Rrrrrright Trump just stated that the invasion is the fault of the US.
@DarylSauerwald Says:
Rrrrrright Trump just stated that the invasion is the fault of the US.
@rosannatoffolon9704 Says:
Hate or love Trump, but he is the only person who can make America strong again, get cost of living down, close the borders, and get some peace with all these wars that are going on. What good has Harris done these last four years for the American people…nothing absolutely nothing. Go Trump.
@lindaevancic2651 Says:
Biden and Kamala are done with their current roles as far as they are concerned and are letting the ‘real’ president take over in their absence - you know, Obama.
@SteveGrzybowski Says:
Miller, stop the threats. 45 has been saying " were not going to have a country" since 2015
@idlesurfer214 Says:
A snowflake MAGAt has just reported me for "bullying" - *BECAUSE S\HE COULDN'T HANDLE THE FACTS THAT I LAID DOWN ON HIM/HER!!* *BWAAAAHHHHH!!!* 😭😭😭😭
@vivianhernandez4270 Says:
Hahahaha, hohohoho!
@meonyoutubenow Says:
The title is correct, Biden and Harris. Presidents do not show up on ground zero in the middle of a disaster more than they are needed, wanted, or even allowed into my trauma center. Going to Georgia to lie in the midst of a natural disaster first response could not be more inappropriate.
@nadia0701 Says:
Trump belongs on Canal street selling shoes, coins, watches, Bibles, and hats
@petertillig7048 Says:
And a cheater. "Buy a Trump Watch" 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@DerekHiser-wn8zb Says:
Joe doesn’t care. He doesn’t even know where he is or what day it is. Loser. Total embarrassment to the world
@ilonahesseling4821 Says:
LIES LIES LIES !!! Don't believe me, look up what the Republican governors say about this. You can find it all over YouTube, the internet, the papers. Except on Fox of course. Because Fox is no news, it's propaganda.
@jkarnes45 Says:
Trump has such a beautiful body by his own admission he doesn't mind showing it off in Vegas.
@jkarnes45 Says:
I'm an old guy but when I saw the huge inflatable balloon of Trump I was reminded of Pink Floyd's flying pig
@mikean1123 Says:
Trump is not allowed to associate with charities because he's a crook
@parisnelson2053 Says:
I love the 43 foot tall Donald.
@JEng-oc1lc Says:
IF re elected 78 year old trump will be hell bent on being 100% authoritarian who will initiate a “world of hurt” on you and your future generations thru Project 2025. His cronies cooked it up for years. Trump’s name appears 312 times in PROJECT 2025. ☹️. PS. This convicted felon sentencing date is 11/26. Don’t believe❓, google.
@jkarnes45 Says:
And don't try to tell me that the guy who tried to subvert democracy and has been telling the big lie for 4 years and who said things like you'll never have to vote again doesn't want to be a dictator
@jkarnes45 Says:
If I wanted to live in a rotten dictatorship I would have moved to Russia a long time ago. Plenty of room left there for those who do.
@jkarnes45 Says:
If Trump never lied he would be the quietest ex-president since "silent" Cal Coolidge
@David-z6o2c Says:
@Reporting-t9y Says:
Vote to send 34 time convicted felon to prison.. go full MAGA = Make Accountability Great Again
@finnskinnerup173 Says:
Vote blue og get a dictator.
@lenoliver-k6g Says:
Yes this is very true we do need Trump back in the white house badly but! is the american people smart enough to vote him back in on Nov?!
@finnskinnerup173 Says:
Yes, Harris. Trump is a lying felon.
@johnpacella9519 Says:
The most unnatural smile in existence. BTW, Trump “shows up” by selling watches, coins, sneakers, trading cards, etc etc.
@clydeslate8087 Says:
Trump is a lying sad excuse of a human being trying to spew more MAGA likes like this for political gain. Why is this sexual predator and convicted felon even allowed to run for dog catcher - much less President?
@SunshineYTGigi Says:
Jason I don’t understand you, with your face stuck to your insurrection-ist N Chief’s A$$!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Is he throwing paper towels to soak up the water???
@idlesurfer214 Says:
_Upon landing in Valdosta, Trump claimed to reporters the president had been “sleeping” and that Brian Kemp, the governor, had been “calling the president and hasn’t been able to get him”. He repeated the false claim when speaking in front of the store._ *_Kemp refuted the allegation earlier in the day._*_ He said he had been playing phone tag with vice-president Kamala Harris, but also said: _*_“The president just called me yesterday afternoon and he just said: ‘Hey, what do you need?’ … He offered that if there’s other things we need, just to call him directly, which, I appreciate that.”_* *Donvict is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!!* _(and a felon, fraudster, and RAPIST!)_
@Wayzor_ Says:
If he's so great why is he so behind?
@herold2370 Says:
-'- How many CHILDREN is tRUMP going to KIDNAP this time around? THOUSANDS the last time, folks! Wholesale, of course! tRUMPs family separation plan! You should look it up! Before project 20 25 gets YOU!
@herold2370 Says:
-'- Don't forget that g.o.p. has given U.S. A RECESSION every time since EISENHOWER! Well, Regan DOUBLED the DEFICIT to stop one that Nixon Started! tRUMP increased the DEFICIT 33% and STILL had one! And how many BANKRUPTCYs has tRUMP had, ALREADY?
@Ritza.Elefteria.Michaki Says:
One would say the Picture 🖼️ of Harry is the most embarrassment of being VP since they show you I don't care. Holding the head 🗣️ by doing so meaning I AM I am so boring. Truth
@Positively46 Says:
Awful that they don’t have a spine. Trump was golfing most of the presidency and they are talking about Joe Biden going to the beach once. Stand up republicans and stop the lying.
@davidbarlow6860 Says:
Americans are slow to catch on that electing a clown ends up with a circus like trump and his fascist administration. Failed president successful rapist and coward and fraudster and now a confirmed criminal awaiting sentence.
@rolandgraff414 Says:
Great leadership Fox News, that’s why you paid out 800 million to Dominion. Last election 👺🥊✊🇳🇱
@winterstormwatch1980 Says:
Trump uses a national tragedy as a campaign prop. He’s a convicted felon, liar, has no policies to help Americans. He only cries about being the victim. Enough of this guy Trump.
How does he even put a pillow case on his mypillow?
@paulturner8040 Says:
Trump's probably going to keep the money for he's election cost!
@aussie6910 Says:
Oh yes! trump is showing America still has a leader alright. It's just not him, LOL.

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