Donald Trump and Joe Biden prepare for first debate
Donald Trump and Joe Biden prepare for first debate



@DwightJones-wr6gi Says:
There ain't no goddamn life beating Donald Trump Joe Biden only has five at his goddamn places
@bobdylan2843 Says:
Wateva dr.ugs they give to Biden for the debate, I want!
@roseanneelliott3817 Says:
Lies Biden more like 2%
@garyjohnstone6422 Says:
Good policies well explained will win. Actual substance. The steak not the gravy pls. Biden has socialism to offer after it has robbed you of the good life you used to have with Trump Remember? Can you really handle 4 more years of plunder from Klepto Joe?
@jeffkok9170 Says:
Do Americans really think that Biden is capable of doing anything good for the Country ?So far we’ve only seen all his policies and actions are a big disaster.
@mazz85- Says:
What is the date for this "debate" ?
@Helin101 Says:
Finish the farm.
@undisclosed3863 Says:
Can you imagine trying to balance the dosage of Aricept that helps Joe with the dosage that won't cause him to pee his pants?
@obamathebigearsclown3979 Says:
Trump should ask Biden if his memory is so SHARP does he know the birthday of his GRANDDAUGHTER Navy.
@RDA8191 Says:
There's a 0% chance Biden is winning in any polls. Gotta release the fake polls to make the steal more believable.
@SusanCox-pl9qp Says:
Joe Biden is a sorry excuse for a human being.
@bryanmartin4643 Says:
How does Biden have more cash on hand than a billionaire?
@tomassali8870 Says:
That will be utter embarrassment for Biden 🤦🏻‍♂️
@jayhorton4088 Says:
Trump is going to make him look like the doppy joe the world is laughing at 😂😂😂
@ajlee7376 Says:
It is not a close race. President Donald J Trump is way ahead of the polls. Our President Donald J Trump will win a landslide victory over sleepy joe biden this coming 2024 Presidential election. I would say the election is over. NO CHEATING CLEAN AND HONEST
@donovanjaden1617 Says:
I’m laughing hard Biden don’t have a chance In debate again Trump
@asthecrowflies737 Says:
Yeah yeah yeah...Joe Biden goes to Camp David to find his marbles and Donald Trump goes to Phily to buy steak sandwiches and mix with the public.
@blueorange31 Says:
Man there’s no way this debate is happening. I just can’t see Biden’s camp going through with it in the state he’s in.
@davidsullivan9593 Says:
I'm asking Donald Trump for 45th president Joe Biden on his documents by his Chevrolet Camaro James Dean some dumb s*** I don't even classify him ask if he cannibal of who I said top secret singer you know what's crazy DOJ FBI z
@MrP19883 Says:
Trump the biggest conman ever . Keep sending money guys😂
@tampanativeson Says:
Aiden Smith is full of it. TRUMP 2024!!!
@HectorGomez-kf1fq Says:
Damn no good for nothing trumpet loud 📢 and cool lies ain't getting you in DON THE CON 😉.😂🎉😂🎉😂
@kevinlamartina8208 Says:
Aiden Smith is a Left Clown. 🤡 He obviously doesn’t have a clue what’s really going on. Trump will wipe the floors with Biden in November. 👍🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
@Jiggaz-fr3kr Says:
Sleepy Joe is going to need a triple dose booster injection and a large diaper🤣. Trump 2024🦾
@jamesparker1071 Says:
Who else doesn't believe there will be a "debate"? Ever.
@MordechaiK89 Says:
Rasmussen just has a General Election poll out 49 Trump to 40 Biden, to me the Fox Poll looks like an outlier. Worth noting that even if Biden did win the popular vote total by 1-2 points, it would not be enough to stop a Trump electorial college victory. If the election was held today I reckon Trump wins all 2020 states plus Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and 1-2 rust belts states. That would be more than enough to win the presidency.
@fado792 Says:
Ohhhh. Trump has to use ARGUMENTS. Ohhhh.
@carlurbananimals Says:
Clown show
@saraharris8052 Says:
Trump need to worry about his cases and stay away from the presidency how's it going to become president when there's some countries he cannot go into because of his criminal cases we can't have a president that can't travel into certain countries
@justonetime112 Says:
I am so nervous, found out today I will be working the 🎤 🎙 that evening😮
@danielclement950 Says:
Trump 2024
@erickriebel4366 Says:
President Biden is only 81 years old and Count Dracula was over 400 years old Count Dracula could fly President Biden can't even walk and President Biden is preparing for the debate sleeping in the hyperbaric chamber
@MrJebosan Says:
I wonder do they the J.B gang call you also russia disinformation ...because you see how bad J.B politics is for all world
@GS-kb1vy Says:
Trump will not make it to the debate , his nappy can’t hold that much shit
@GS-kb1vy Says:
Hahaha , Biden to trump: go to jail go straight to jail , do not go to any more rallys , you are going to jail
@jreifsnyder2225 Says:
A big difference in the two is Biden is the one that has been trying to put Trump in jail with three court cases!!!- Biden should be in jail for political interference and stealing classified documents - curious Trump is being charged for classified documents after he was president and could decide anything he wanted with the documents where Biden was a vice president and legally should have had no classified documents in his garage yet he isn't charged because they feel he's too senile to go to trial????? Yet the left is running him for president of the US ????- I mean the left couldn't write a funnier movie script if they tried. The US is no example of a great republic nor democracy in the last three years, they are running on reputation not what the left has turned the US into.
@mauricejones735 Says:
There is no way the corrupt Democratic party and the dishonest Media would have allowed Biden face Trump unless they have something up their sleeve... I am waiting to see what is the catch...
@TrucNguyen-ke4dc Says:
Wrong Conviction does not impact on Trump
@CushmanDavis-z4b Says:
The Fox poll showing Biden ahead, show in the cross tabs that Biden and Trump are splitting 50/50 Rural voters and Urban voters, which is unrealistic. That is like saying Philadelphia city is 50% for Biden and 50% Trump.
@lennarthallberg9918 Says:
Easy to predict already now that Dems friendly media will present only short clips from Joe Biden's comments afterwards to make him look better than he actually was. It is as easy to predict that the Dems friendly media will show only short clips from Trump's worst moments afterwards to make him look worse than he actually was.
@lennarthallberg9918 Says:
Only five days to Joe Biden`s and Trump`s debate on CNN. The debate, which will be hosted by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, will be held in Atlanta on June 27. But will it be a real debate? I don't believe it will. Joe Biden`s people have demanded rules that protect him from Trump`s argumentations. No opening statements and mics are closed when the other is talking. That is not a debate. It`s a rigged debate in my opinion.
@hotchihuahua1546 Says:
Knowing both these men and what they can do I have no need to watch them in this debate ! 🇺🇸TRUMP 2024! 🇺🇸
@angrytrader3783 Says:
I got $50 Trump brings up Hanibal Lector
@captainhook190 Says:
Notice Biden changing the debate rules.. even in a debate stipulations.. all of us Americans 🇺🇸 want Trump!!!! #Trump2024
@josephgeorgeejr7039 Says:
This sounds to me like paid for polling results, at an opportune time
@vincehughes5606 Says:
I don't know where he gets his information from? Bidens mind is gone....Biden is losing huge on the numbers... this man is a far left supporter..
@Brennan_Dale3169 Says:
"Amphetamines are a hell of a drug" Uncle creepy Joe.
@aisforapple2494 Says:
The American people don't have long-term memory anymore and no one is gonna remember anything from the debate 5 months from now!
@Jabbawocki1 Says:
debating trump be like debating a meringue
@bonoyoutwo1011 Says:
In best trump voice.. "It's going to be a bloodbath"

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