Sunak slams Farage for Ukraine remark | Israeli women rush to buy guns | WION Headlines
Sunak slams Farage for Ukraine remark | Israeli women rush to buy guns | WION Headlines



@flangepipe1 Says:
Nigel said it in the European parliament 10 years ago that if we keep poking the Russian bear with this AMERICAN insistence on everyone joining NATO there will be trouble and by jingo he was 100% correct and why can't the morons see it.
@daisyg4560 Says:
SUNAK no matter how you slam Farage the world knows what’s the real fact is going on between Russia and Ukraine. You are not only crossed eyed but you are stupid stop being arrogant as the west and NATO will never ever WIN THE WAR.
@marawanyassin2992 Says:
Farage was right.
@HoTrEtArDeDcHiXx Says:
Farage says you’re gonna need Texas and a whole lotta women with guns sir 🤫
@rareearthelement8698 Says:
Sunak is not being honest.
@Shyhalu Says:
0:30 lol that porker......

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