Following Nasrallah's threats Lebanese and Cypriots fret over increase in Israel-Hezbollah tensions
Following Nasrallah's threats Lebanese and Cypriots fret over increase in Israel-Hezbollah tensions



@TreasaVeigas-qq5jm Says:
Satan seems to be having a ball in this beautiful world of the good God. The good God is still in control of every human and every situation in this beautiful world.
@ericalynn3353 Says:
The question of Palestine stands as one of the most enduring and contentious issues of the 21st century, stretching back to the 1940s and continuing to wreak havoc, displacing millions and claiming countless lives today. The land of Israel-Palestine historically has been embroiled in conflict, owing much of its turmoil to Jerusalem—a focal point for all Abrahamic religions. However, it was only relatively recently that the debate of Israel versus Palestine catapulted into global consciousness. Prior to World War II, Palestine, under loose British control, boasted a diverse population steeped in Abrahamic belief, primarily Muslim thanks to previous Ottoman control. The seeds of Israel were not sown until the 1910s with the Balfour Declaration in Great Britain. Britain sought a solution to what they described as the "Jewish problem," simultaneously sparking the rise of early Zionism within European Jewish communities. This confluence of anti-Semitism and Zionism facilitated large waves of migration to Palestine, a trend that only exploded during and after World War II. This trend, however, was vehemently opposed by the local Christians and Muslims who constituted 90% of the population. They perceived the mass migration and the transfer of land as a blatant disregard for their presence, emblematic of Western arrogance. Thus, persistent conflict between Israel and Palestine can be traced to this "original sin" and the profound failure of British diplomacy in the Arab world. Nevertheless, Israel's geopolitical significance has transcended its origins as a British miscalculation, evident by the fact that practically every nation in the world has seemingly taken a side. Perhaps most notable is the United States' stance as a strong ally of Israel, funneling a grand total of $3 billion annually into the country—99.7% of which is dedicated solely to its military. Additionally, Washington also provides large-scale political support to Israel, having used its United Nations Security Council veto power 42 times against resolutions condemning Israel, out of a total 83 times in which its veto has ever been used. This seemingly one-sided alliance is not a mistake. The position of Israel near martial hot spots such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran makes it an extremely strategic ally to Western powers. The billions of dollars' worth in foreign aid to its military also makes sense when considering the fact that Israel has essentially evolved into a de facto emergency American military outpost with the amount of aid it receives growing each year. Many Israeli politicians have actually spoken out against American aid, saying that Israel no longer needs it and that the relationship is harmful to the sovereignty of Israel as a nation. Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has forcibly annexed more than four million acres of Palestinian land and systematically destroyed over 530 Palestinian communities, resulting in mass displacement and loss of life. This destabilization paved the way for the emergence of Hamas, a terrorist group committed to reclaiming Palestine through violent means. On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a coordinated assault claiming the lives of 1,139 individuals, including 695 civilians. In retaliation, Israel declared a state of war and launched a full-scale invasion of the Gaza Strip. While Israel justifies its actions as self-defense, the ferocity and scope of the invasion have elicited international condemnation from bodies such as the United Nations and Amnesty International. More than 30,000 Palestinians have died since the commencement of the operation, including 11,000 children and 7,000 women. Israel's bombardment has ravaged one-half of Gaza's homes and cultural landmarks, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis. Additionally, Israel told civilians to flee to southern Gaza, but has since dropped bombs on regions they declared "safe." Family trees have been dismembered or obliterated within Gaza; however, the media consistently presents a false dichotomy of the situation. It is not Israel vs. Palestine; it is actually Western influence versus international cooperation. The conflict within today's Israel-Palestine is one that could have been solved decades ago. In 2013, 70% of Palestinians in the West Bank and 48% of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, together with 52% of Israelis, supported "an independent Palestinian state together with the state of Israel." Still, today's climate looks much different, with the majority of citizens in Palestine and Israel both opposing a two-state solution. That doesn't mean that the possibility of a two-state solution doesn't stand; the only real bodies opposing peace in this fashion are the United States, Israel's far right, and Hamas. With UN support, it is possible to stop the pouring of gasoline on this international fire to ultimately find peace. .
@londonwestham1564 Says:
Cyprus island is no where near Europe it is a middle East island
@user-si5dn5gf8b Says:
🇮🇱 God Bless Israel ! 🇮🇱🇮🇱 God Bless the I.D.F.!🇮🇱
@percyjohnny2729 Says:
Nasrallah a crazy and warlike leader!!!
@RohanNaik-pf5gh Says:
The underlying issues must be tackled accordingly. .
@MiladaKaiser Says:
Attacking Cyprus = attacking EU. Narsala wants to start war with EU? What happens if a country in the EU is attacked? This clause provides that if a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States have an obligation to aid and assist it by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51.
@MiladaKaiser Says:
Attacking Cyprus ? It means attacking EU. What happens if a country in the EU is attacked? This clause provides that if a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States have an obligation to aid and assist it by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51.
@happyman8755 Says:
Israel will make Lebanon to Gaza, I mean another Gaza.
@Ilforever1124 Says:
Supporting Plastilin means supporting Terror, gen 0cide and LGBTQ+ and minority clean $ing.
@connortilson7141 Says:
Zionism = Fascism = Concentration Camps = Gaza = Genocide! Live with your Shame, your Hate, your Theft, - it’s not gonna last much longer ! 🙏🙈
@Sarip4titanah9 Says:
Isrewelies..All in #freepalestine #savepalestinian 🇵🇸🇮🇩
@Sarip4titanah9 Says:
Isrewelies..All in #freepalestine #savepalestinian 🇵🇸🇮🇩
@Sarip4titanah9 Says:
Isrewelies..All in #freepalestine #savepalestinian 🇵🇸🇮🇩
@amitbentsur6947 Says:
Cypriots.. okay, new word
@Sonnyz7359 Says:
Zionism is a plague on humanity
@green6629 Says:
Go to Europe a lot, First time I know a country name Cyprus, for my understanding they mess with the wrong people now they are famous, it’s better to stay unknown
@FillYourHeadSwe Says:
@PeterWilliamson-nn9et Says:
Turkey maybe growing soon there’s definitely going to be some map adjustments when it’s over
@FadyBujana Says:
Iranian proxy’s wreaking havoc in the Middle-East? Nice piece of biased reporting! Israel, the just and peaceful nation of the Middle-East is spreading love and democracy, right?
@snowcrow1178 Says:
Friend of my enemy is my enemy
@jim3445 Says:
So stop helping regime of Zionist apartheid genocidal maniac which by the way UN and international human rights Court also called Israeli is fascist apartheid ganicadel regime.
@Ramenscooter Says:
US needs to side up and stop Iran now! Why are we listening to these religious fools. Stop Iran and you chill the whole Middle East. No more Hezbollah no more Hamas, no more Houthi. Can’t believe we put up with this.
@Beefeatingman Says:
Cyprus has always been used by the west to attack countries at war with isreal. Hundreds of sorties were conducted by the British and other European countries in support of isreal during the 1967 conflict between isreal and the Arabs. Isreal didn't win the war, the Europeans won it for them
@taurus66 Says:
Cypress is supporting Israel and Israel is acts of evil either you’re with terrorist or you’re with countries who hate terrorist and are fighting with evil.
@josephujiadughele6035 Says:
Cyprus is not fighting Lebanon or hezbolla, why is Cyprus to be part of the war
@deewhite3764 Says:
Leave the jewish nation alone
@joe-id5pb Says:
Gott mit Hezbollah!
@joe-id5pb Says:
When one helps evil, don't be surprised when evil things happen.
@jan3019 Says:
Hezbollah wants to sacrifice their people too, just like HAMAS
@bradleybrazington385 Says:
Iranian proxies wreak havoc in the middle east 😳 did I hear correctly? Israel wreaks havoc and has done so with impunity for years.
@wilsonantony5720 Says:
Israel has been the ancestral home of the Jewish people long long before islam was born. So, you don't need rocket science brains to figure out who the occupiers really are.
@OnePalestine1948 Says:
Wow. False sense of security.
@maddielee4eva123 Says:
Zechariah 11 1 Open your doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may consume your cedars! 2 Wail, O cypress,a for the cedar has fallen; the majestic trees are ruined! Wail, O oaks of Bashan, for the dense forest has been cut down! 3 Listen to the wailing of the shepherds, for their glory is in ruins. Listen to the roaring of the young lions, for the thickets of the Jordan are destroyed.
@sadrealampm9587 Says:
Israel is a terror country Israeli army is a terrorist army
@brutallyremastered4255 Says:
Yeah, israel completely guiltless. Ffs
@ag8887 Says:
Lebanon has the right to defend from any creation from Cypress or Israel
@richardhawkins4621 Says:
That bearded iranian is responsible for thousands of deaths and he still wants more blood on his evil hands
@whosthat2869 Says:
"They will hit cyprus without any reason.....if...." proceeds to state the most valid reason to hit cyprus. Yup hes definitly one of them.
@glennlopez6772 Says:
Many countries, nations and individuals are manipulated into positions, which make them look "bad"! Let the truth prevail!
@jax10x Says:
American colony is wreaking havoc on humanity. Either accept two states or you will be left with no state.
@AugustoCuervo-hx9pr Says:
If you have no blame, feel no shame.
@sayjustwordstome Says:
Attacking an EU state would be very stupid.
@user-go2bn9in3m Says:
If the Lebanese are truly concerned, why are they collaborating and failing to take action against Hezbolla. Why are the Lebanese Government not asking for a nato peace enforcement force?
@abdurrahmanHarbi-cy8hy Says:
The criminal terrorism state of Israel must go back Europe
@Pdfgyu Says:
Netanyahu funded Hummis
@kpk1251 Says:
These people are all new to the lands with their pale skin and are going to destroy the lands including themselves
@jonspengler5891 Says:
Cypress has it coming if they take sides with a terrorist state in the middle of crimes against humanity

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