Labor plans to 'reduce super balances' with tax proposal
Labor plans to 'reduce super balances' with tax proposal



@0cool966 Says:
Best think for Australians - get out of here. There are countries who pay you to live there and have low taxes.
@maxrockatanksyOG Says:
I have been saying for years, that Australian Politicians will find a way to get the 3+ Trillion sitting in Super, into their coffers- its too much money sitting there for them _not_ to have their hands on
@666dualsport Says:
They won't be in government next year, stop worrying
@exploringoptionsabroad Says:
Its a precedence with 3million, then 2million, the 1 million
@davidwright1752 Says:
Problem is assets can go up but they can go down particularly when the Federal Government and State Governments $12 billion was taken of the taxi licences owners and given free to Share Ride politicians,Goldman Sachs (they made $2.6 billion) Its a secret how much the future fund made guess about $5 billion when Uber was sold on the stock market . Retired Taxi owner on the Age pension. Australia Government helped Uber to export cash of more then a billion dollars every year. What a deal Remember the state governments sold the licences to Australian the gave free licences to Share Ride
@gregedelman176 Says:
yes why are the politician exempt one rule for them and another for us we are paying for them we need to vote them out
@peterschaefer2946 Says:
they just dont have any shame steeling peoples money
@christiandavies7650 Says:
He's just stealing stoopid US policies that are dumb there too. Forgiving student debt and tasking unrealised gains. We need to reward the productive people in society. That's how quality of living improves for everyone.
@wagonweel4200 Says:
They stole out pensions which was a separate part of consolidated revenue. They tax our super, which was aleady taxed. Now they want more of it and nonrealised (on paper) gains that could easily become, as past crashes have shown, massive losses in the future. The whole rort system the politicians have built up for themselves and rheir backers needs to be completely dismantled.
@Bluetooth_ez Says:
I'm seriously over these politicians. They fill their own pockets with exorbitant increases in politician wages during a cost of living crisis in Australia, and they look at how they can cut us down with further taxes. It's time we turn the tables and make these politicians serve the people, not the other way around. We need strict KPIs on all governments NOW!
@2017phattang Says:
They are not the jobs incomes to do super ,they are stealers from my personal private owner account business incomes ,must be give me back my accounts business everything snd money , penalties is $80000 gigabit UK money and deaths of laws .
@2017phattang Says:
Penalties and deaths money , notefir tax talking on stealers country , you are not doing shooting deaths of laws , the shooting will be you and your big families , i said so many years ago to now ,must be shooting deaths of laws on stealers to decide to steal my accounts and my business incomes money .
@love-garden279 Says:
The more the government is giving all people, the higher the RBA will put up the inflation.. Think about that one..
@Kelly-oe8kr Says:
Don't worry Labor won't be in office long enough to make this happen. Albo knows he's on the nose, call an election this year and *maybe* Labor will form a minority government or wait until next year and suffer a crushing loss. Let's face it Labor have racked up one failure after another.
@darren4392 Says:
It's time for a Vote of No Confidence in Albanese. Come on MP's Do it, and quickly
@evit8cre Says:
How about we tax people with SIX properties ALBO?!?!?!?!?.....would YOU sell one of YOURS just to avoid this STUPID tax??!?!?!?!......OR How about we tax ChUNTS ('H' is silent) like YOU who have had more than 2 pay rises in 3 years AND who earn $600K?!?!?!?!....huh?????... WELL?!?!?!?! ChUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@davidpearn4344 Says:
What atotal turd he is
@caronmills8983 Says:
Why was the presenter on his mobile phone as he's interviewing someone?
@ThreenaddiesRexMegistus Says:
Typical lefties going after other people’s money to fund their wasteful social tinkering and virtue-signalling!
@Pedroaghyu Says:
This is proof off Australian voters voting themselves in poverty and socialism, every democracy has the government they deserve
@russellhorsefield9199 Says:
Hands off super you wankers.
@jesus_built_my_hotrod Says:
Greedy grubs.
@jeffcindy3274 Says:
Same thing in Canada! Punish the people for the Government spending!
@dansmith2863 Says:
They just need to print double the money, double the house prices and absorb the wealth because they devalued the currency. Why should we pay tax on the devaluation of the currency.
@jasonfranich5601 Says:
VOTE ONE NATION Rid ourselves of the clown show if you don't you'll be happy and own nothing wake up people
@mtscott Says:
ALP are corrupt socialists. They must be voted out.
@gregs8086 Says:
Another Labor theft from Australian taxpayers so they can spend it on immigrants, hamas and foreign aid.
@seppDietrich-ys9jq Says:
How about taxing the profits of all large corporations both Australian and foreign.
@TheCraftywun Says:
Labor has wanted free access to super and private propertry since inception. if they can force land owners to sell to pay their tax, who is going to buy? it plays to their WEF overlords mantra to the masses of "You will own nothing, and you will be happy" (BTW, the part where you WILL be happy is not a consequence of being destitute, it is a command along the lines of "Be happy or else")
@markbennett3187 Says:
Albos as lame as a one legged racehorse .
@michaelmarshall1713 Says:
Now folks it was ALP (Keating ) imposed the compulsory superannuation because he did not want to pay the pension and make his Union Mates Rich . The only people who make money out of Super are the Super Funds . Get rid of Payroll Tax and Compulsory Super and stop paying pensions to immigrants who are the retire back to the old country thus taking money out of our nations economy .
@GETBNT1 Says:
Who the fuck needs over 3 mil to retire?
@AndyH-13 Says:
Be good and put the phone down until the end of the video.
@troothseeker7312 Says:
Previous Grubberments (Corporations) brought in Super because they already spent the Pension. They just keep pushing to get more $’s as they are failing in managing our Country. Australian WAKE UP!
@We_Must_Resist Says:
They hate us. The hostility and meanness in this tax shows they hate us.
@darren4392 Says:
Labor must go! This has to be the worst government we have ever had to tolerate.
@christuxford4462 Says:
Why aren’t we getting royalties on our gas fields? We miss $70 billion each year due to politicians having given our LPG fields away for their personal golden parachute with British Gas. 🤬
@Daryl-e2o Says:
Dont text when on air you fool!
@DJ70404 Says:
Albonese does not care about Australians. He is a liar, and his only interest is in himself.
@WalJames Says:
Super has always been a scam from the moment the invented it to fund the unions. How they get into power has me stuffed.
@momaslilboy1781 Says:
Damn, this current government is so greedy. Every week, tax this, tax that. Increase tax on this increase tax on that.
@UbuteyAustralia Says:
Labor thieves and they never change , malcom frazer always said if labor comes to power hide your money under your bed and never a truer word spoken👍😏🤔
@keepitreal2902 Says:
Labors plan to tax the ring out of workers...
@axeya366 Says:
They know there is a huge next egg in Aussies super. They will eventually tap into it. Starts at 3M then slowly bring it down without anyone knowing.
@Jake65Kelly Says:
Texting while interviewing and on camera. Rude, disrespectful and certainly not professional.
@marcolucchini8173 Says:
Albo is an Italian word for LIAR.
@Holden-2024 Says:
@jamesaustralian9829 Says:
Make superannuation voluntary, and allow people to withdraw it at their own discretion
@gregoryray9920 Says:
An inheritance tax is right around the corner, mark my words
@chopperking007 Says:
So sick of the high paid career parasites

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