Julian Assange 'put through the wringer' by justice system
Julian Assange 'put through the wringer' by justice system



@shirleyminassian1547 Says:
I wouldn't be surprised if Obumma does his dirty work n God Forbid harms Julian a different way seeing he's now released..we all know how they work.
@DonaldDeCicco Says:
"the process is the punishment" - James O'keefe.
@VictoriaLynn59 Says:
FJB ........he's should get A FULL PARDON. TRUMP 2024 🇺🇲
@grantsapain Says:
Only because he fled to avoid prosecution. He did it to himself. Ask the Ecuadorians...
@elenawalker3746 Says:
He should stay away from Australia, when ... NACC... is jailing Australian ....whistleblowers... on home soil to protect our .....corrupt ...government and their ....minions.
@britacadoret3186 Says:
Bravo Julian. Merci for your work. We all love you. Enjoy your life now..
@allon33 Says:
Clive is right, the CIA is running our country.
@HMASJervisBay Says:
The Lord Haw Haw of our times. Throw away the key. He's a turd.
@traceywinkler852 Says:
At last ….. bring him home.

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