Julian Assange acted 'reckless' and in a 'haphazard way' to leak sensitive documents
Julian Assange acted 'reckless' and in a 'haphazard way' to leak sensitive documents



@tzmythos Says:
Reckless and haphazard? Get the facts. Wikileaks was very careful with the information, and did not just dump it. They did what any honest, sincere journalists would do, and I thank them for it.
@TheTraveller20081 Says:
He's not a journalist, he's just a hacker who stole and then revealed a lot of data that endangered our allies.
@rotkatzeredcat4284 Says:
Who are you? Who cares what you think. And with that I am now CANCELLING my Sky News subscription. I want to hear truth and substance, not made up twists and knots.
@franktully3065 Says:
Oh, the irony of claiming that Assange is somehow a "free speech defender" when many of his supporters would probably fight to defend anti-democratic, anti free speech laws like RDA18c or the Vic RRTA 2001! Dumping thousands of hacked files is "free speech", but woe betide anyone who says anything that (might) offend, insult or humiliate members of certain "races", cultures or ideologies. It isn't even necessary to offend another, just a realistic possibility, "in all the circumstances", that you might do so, is enough for you to be hauled into court. Most defenders of Assange have no real understanding of what genuinely free speech consists of, or why it's so crucial for democracy.
@czarkusa2018 Says:
He's a grub and crimminal. what happens on the battlefield STAYS on the battlefield. Let our boys do what they have to without interfering.
@nunyabizness9955 Says:
Sky is part of the machine that divides people. They report on antiwhiteism when msm won't to get you to think they're in your side - then try convince you that Assange is a bad guy and that Israel is your friend.
@sg-go5li Says:
before believing media narratives on Assange. 1. Watch his lawyers. 2. Read “the trial of Julian asaange” by Nils melzer Then see if you’re still gullible or stupid.
@myultimatemixedtape Says:
Stop your rubbish @SkyNews the US court in Saipan 2 days ago admitted there has been no harm as a result of the publications in question. He is a publisher that is the job of a publisher The New York Times and Washington Post worked with Wikileaks on the information and released the exact same information at the exact same time. Julian out of the three of them was the only one who redacted as much as possible the New York Times and Wash Post didnt even bother so gets your facts straight and stop the lies please
@PaulJames-t2f Says:
Ok, new story
@Rancid_One Says:
Careful there .. criticising Sky is antisemitism .. and thats bad .. M’kay .
@GregoryBamber Says:
Reckless and haphazard ???? BULLSHIT ON YOUR PART SKY POOS !!!!
@kriztov265 Says:
LOL Brad " Based" Ahh SKY You are like the simpsons of the media world only you dont predict the future as well.
@johnwayne8475 Says:
Julian Assange is not a US citizen, he was not on US soil when the information was published. Why should he be held liable to the US government for information which was given to him by an American?
@louisemichelle6232 Says:
@fabioleonosorio2298 Says:
@nebulasray1355 Says:
He is a hero. He put his life on the line and risked everything in order to bring to light war crimes the US government attempted to hide. This was never about the documents being released. This was about the US governments brand being damaged and them saving face and not having to come to terms with what they had done.
@ryangooch6701 Says:
morons skynews
@SpartanBionics Says:
Acted being the key word.
@jordyn3563 Says:
Very interesting who is going against Julian. There's a very good correlation between those wanting his head, and those that have an agenda going against the people. Expected nothing less from Scum News, sorry I mean Sky 'news'.
@floggedpeasant3343 Says:
Report US war crimes...this is what happens.
@JenJen-veritas1111 Says:
@ivisyung3088 Says:
Assange got arrested cause he was close to exposing the truth about us government Aussie Corrsak was arrested in auatralia for exposing the dirty corrupted nsw police force. See the pattern? Authorities push a crime on any law abiding citezen who dare to speak out And the west has the audacity ro say china is against freedom of speech and rights to protest
@dennisgarcia1183 Says:
I’m with Julia 👍
@ronferguson4379 Says:
I am a great admirer of Sky but they are wrong on Asange. Shame on SKY in this case.
@joeblogs3950 Says:
Saya a pro American owned news channel who have no credibility at all.
@stevedehosson275 Says:
Typical Skynews garbage
@MargaretLangley Says:
It's a pity the msm didn't expose people like Clinton who caused wars like in Libyia. Bush, who created the war in Iraq .America has caused many wars throughout the world. Their crimes against humanity should be exposed.
@AI_Ghostwriter Says:
bro nobody cares anymore how are you nerds still on this
@johncameron6864 Says:
Sky new sux
@glennet9613 Says:
If the Americans allow every low level clerk or contractor to have information to everything, things which are totally irrelevant to their function or responsibilities they deserve what they get. Same as Trump, or Biden, they had top secret documents stored in insecure locations and there was no document trail - nobody knew what they had, nobody knew what was missing. Secret documents should be signed out so when somebody leaves office they, or their staff, should have to account for and return every classified document.
@Mslindyrose Says:
His done his time. Let up for once and stop being so bloody un-australian.
@erikawindt529 Says:
Assange is a coward. He hid for 5 plus years in the Venezuelan Embassy being to afraid to come out of there because he would have been arrested and deported. How dare he come back here expecting to be treated as a hero. What was heroic about leaking espionage documents then hiding in an Embassy that did not have extradition treatise. I have no time tge slime called Assange. 🤬🤬🤬🤬. He is a pathetic little man eho should be ashamed. I wonder 💭 if he ever stopped to consider (while he hid at the Venezuelan embassy) whatever happened to the young man whom he got to steal the documents he leaked. Ir did he even care. Disgusting 🤢 slug 🐌🤢🤢🤬🤬🤬🤬
@bronim7311 Says:
This tells you everything you need to know about. Sky News and their relationship with truth. Looking at the comments, seems most people agree.
@rongt859 Says:
I wounder , if an American released British war crimes secrets while living in Australia , and we arrested them for the British to extradite him back to the UK to face trial , how would the American people react ? The last Americans to face war crimes were some soldiers for the My lai massacre in the Vietnam war
@slayorcs Says:
Sky News is full of BS
@lilajason3704 Says:
@johnkauppi7078 Says:
Sky news should lay off Julian. He is our fellow countryman who did a remarkable job exposing US war crimes. He has got more balls than any Sky news reporter.
@phdspencer9852 Says:
Sky News is riding Uncle Sam harder than a postie on his motorbike
@keithdevine8281 Says:
Did Assange ever report war crimes perpetrated by isis or Taliban and the Islamic religion. No he is a grub of the first order and was the doing of his own confinement.
@royboy4571 Says:
I love this conservative, starts off with “ if it’s illegal, therefore it’s immoral “. Sorry that’s not how the law works. Smoking a joint is illegal, so that’s immoral ?. And then this gem, ..” unequivocally exposed war crimes of the USA…but did it in a haphazard and reckless way “ and notwithstanding spent years locked away and imprisoned illegally he’s still not a “ stand up guy or a heroic figure ..” What a sap, two sided, like yeah sure he did the right thing exposed crime and was then treated by a criminal, but na, he’s no hero of mine because…he,s not a stand up guy “ 🧐🤢🤮
@granand Says:
So opiniated peddler is talking about journalism ? He demonstrated the civilians killed by army, he has shown up a marriage party being shot down and he has shown how US spends it's tax money with ambassadors extremely vulgar views even on it's allies.
@TehMolernator Says:
Julian Assange is a hero whose bravery was rewarded with 14 long years in a foreign countries' jail. We can't let the same thing happen to David McBride. Protect our Whistleblowers!
@FactsNoFictions Says:
Sensitive your a s s. Go after criminals like yourself
@AaranJackson Says:
The world should come together to donate body cams to philippines national police with body cams to help their partners whom often complain of domestic violence against their filipino police spouses but no investigations or charges ever laid. Nobody not even loved ones are safe from the systemically corrupt Philippines national police we protect their country from the outside while they rot their country like a decaying wisdom tooth from the inside.
@thisisyaren Says:
Thankyou guys for telling the truth about this scum bag!
@tysondog843 Says:
Exposing War Crimes, the murder of innocent people, is not "reckless" or "haphazard". A Government that criminalizes journalists exposing their accountability in Criminal acts is tyrannical.
@matthewjamessmith7047 Says:
the world needs more people like this guy to stop the murderers in the usa getting away with supporting the military complex , disgusting .
@JennyWise-qb5nt Says:
Change the title u pos
@JennyWise-qb5nt Says:
@dougspray7160 Says:
Julian Assange suffered 14 or so years of a severe loss of freedom because he published crimes committed by America and others. Whether or not he is a journalist, an offender of American Laws etc is irrelevant but two 😊things are obvious. First he must be considered a hero for bringing to light crimes and appalling behaviour by many politicians. Second the prolonged suffering he endured for enlightening us puts those responsible America and the United Kingdom in a very poor light.

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