President Biden delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling
President Biden delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling



@pgconnections Says:
Joe Biden, you are so full of BS!!!
@wethepeople905 Says:
At this point in time, Biden and his Dems sound like absolute idiots with the lies they continue to tell about Trump!! Enough is enough!!! And the closer we get to the election, the more outlandish their stories are!!! And the fact that THEY JUST CANNOT STOP TALKING ABOUT TRUMP!!! ANY ISSUE, ANY SUBJECT, THEY SPIN IT AROUND TO TRUMP!! THIS IS NOT NORMAL, AND IT'S BEEN GOING ON FOR 8 YEARS!!! THAT'S WAY TOO LONG!!!
@scott12346 Says:
Yeah, this country is f’d, trump raided the capital and couldve sent the national guard, and biden is mentally crazy and cant speak… We need a new leader who actually knows what he’s doing, and respectful, John F Kennedy was respectful, and Lincoln knew what he was doing aswell. I dont think Biden was good, but dont think Trump was much better. Dont attack me for this. But i believe that Trump and Biden are bad for America.
@bernlin2000 Says:
Supposedly this is the best dude to protect democracy? Can't even answer a single question after such a huge Supreme Court case...this is why people are losing trust in Biden. He can't be spontaneous and he shuffles in confusion from one political function to another, which sadly included the most important debate of his life, which he completely failed. That will be his 50+ year legacy now..."he didn't know when to give up the ghost and embarrassed himself as he started showing signs of senility". Very sad, and pathetic for liberals to have gone along with this scam for so long. Biden has been sick for years, they're just barely paying attention now.
@jasonphelps2914 Says:
While Biden is dumping on Trump in this official speech and professing his own respect for the law, HE IS BREAKING THE LAW, for engaging in political speech against a political opponent, on federal property.
@coke5204 Says:
Yeah, we alll saw it with our own eyes by the CIA controlled media; unless you saw the truth on Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore or Russell Brand. And let's not forget the boys on PBD Podcast.
@coke5204 Says:
The Mike Pence Gallows he' talking about; there would have been arrest if it was put up by Trump supporters. There wasn't one arrest concerning the gallows because it was erected by FBI infiltrators .
@Martin-wx2qt Says:
Poor old demented fool ! He knows his not to bright crime family is going to pay a steep price for years of corruption and treachery. The democrat propaganda ministry can no longer hide the truth.
@terrytoman4227 Says:
Let’s make a judgement on your curupt dealings with china , with Ukraine , the so called fake lap top that was real , he’s a lyer , and very dangerous for our freedoms In America ,
@terrytoman4227 Says:
Keep talking , because he’s talking himself right out of the White House
@terrytoman4227 Says:
But oooh Mr Biden can do whatever he wants , he’s the most curupt piece of work I’ve ever seen
@rosebud3193 Says:
Such a liar.👎🤮
@chrislaxson9988 Says:
Blah blah blah!
@chrislaxson9988 Says:
What a liar!
@zitaa6860 Says:
@foo_tube Says:
It's not enough to get everyone to vote against Trump. Even if Biden wins in a landslide, Trump will simply call the election 'rigged' and the corrupt scotus will agree with whatever he wants and declare Trump the winner no matter what happens. The President needs to impeach and remove the corrupt members of scotus before election comes and we get fascism forced on us forever.
@fourwinds9947 Says:
Let’s go Brandon, you’re lying again. What a moron Biden is.
@briannunya679 Says:
Why do you get to lie Biden?
@r.w.stewart2792 Says:
Didn’t the Supreme Court decide many of those people were wrongfully imprisoned on Jan 6th and were freed?
@r.w.stewart2792 Says:
So the Supreme Court was wrong for stopping a corrupt Political Party from using the arm of law to attack their opponents? Thats exactly what we are trying to prevent in this country! Who really is corrupt?
@user-uz7hr8qg6d Says:
Joe Biden is a joke, he practically destroyed democracy, he doesn't believe in freedom nor rights, we need to get this fool out of office and get Trump in office so we can rebuild what Biden destroyed
@ELFUEGO-kv5iq Says:
And may God protect our troops?
@JoeyAdoga Says:
This guy is selfish. And would not flinch if it was working in his favour. The office of the president existed before he was born. Dude take a seat
@vanterry08 Says:
Look Jack! You’re the one that deserves prison!!! Someone please shut this moron up!!’
@marlak1104 Says:
Can we get all the J6 footage made public so this gaslightening can be refuted?
@KevinForish Says:
King above law like telling other countries to fire a prosecutor?
@markehler8710 Says:
I can't stand to listen to any jibberish that that guy spews from his pie hole
@stephenduncan4380 Says:
This guy not only is a liar, but he shows his ignorance of what the Supreme courts ruling was, the Democrats seem to not understand the words official duties.
@20Jandy10 Says:
Let me get this straight...No one is above the law? what about the immigrants who charged into the wall and ICE struggled to control them or when the immigrants attacked BP? A lot of them were apprehended and let go into our country and you allowed it. There are more examples under your administration too many for me to count. Oh yes, and what about your shady dealings with your son Hunter and so many others...come on give us a break. We the American people know better and see clearly the dishonestly and lies of your administration. As a politician not personal, P Trump is still the better option for our country. Sir and your administration cry us a river!
@kennywhite9283 Says:
@user-zp6ok9ng5e Says:
Will Joe Biden EVER take RESPONSIBILITY for what he has done or will he ALWAYS continue to blame others?
@rustyshepard9659 Says:
If biden truely believed nobodycwas above the law then he shouldnt speak on trumps case as trump had his day in court something biden was found to be to old and feeblevto handle even when if came to giving away our nations secrets
@kimpullen5059 Says:
Wake up
@Erockfaque Says:
Alright I want a trial on the Afghanistan withdrawal
@bobjenkins9208 Says:
wow, what a fake president, claiming morals and justice, its laughable.
@jamesreese8196 Says:
This lying clown has violated more laws that everyone combined
@JKBApril83 Says:
They should I think they should have a younger president get rid of all the older presents and getting a new younger president
@Joskemom Says:
They always ask Pres Trump if he would accept the election results if he lost, lets ask if Biden would accept the Court's decision if it does not go his way. We know that Biden never accepts the Court's decision.
@itidings Says:
Biden is a hypocrit.
@cynthialgray3668 Says:
Such a devider in chief!
@TVSTGProductions Says:
End of quote… hmmm, was that supposed to be read out loud?
@semajjames7082 Says:
checks and balances is still intact...
Nice to see joe has his teleprompter back, the "end of quote" at 3:35 was a nice touch.
@dontfallvictim Says:
Just like you spent taxpayers money to try and get Trump out of the race you arranged the attack on the capitol and tried to blame the Republicans. You failed twice!
@dr.mikeybee Says:
It's your responsibility, Joe, to restore the rule of law!
@marywilegus5509 Says:
Anyone who believes all this is either lazy or stupid. Read what the courts said and what the laws say about what can be done by the president. Plus how dare you use tax payers money to do a campaign speech.
@well-blazeredman6187 Says:
Whatever Trump's failings, he's never been the CCP's place-man in the Oval Office.
@dwork9451 Says:
People of the United State demand that the WEF step down and go back to their respected countries..
@dwork9451 Says:
Well no not really, SCOTUS filing does state on the first page, that you have to comply under Constitution Law. I come to the conclusion that Branden can not read, or Branden is pushing incitement to violence and sedition on national TV to hold on to his kingdomship
@miavos3610 Says:
Biden's sly plans are falling apart. He's bitter.

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