Opposition wants an early election to 'get rid of' Anthony Albanese
Opposition wants an early election to 'get rid of' Anthony Albanese



@alexkostoff6587 Says:
James Mcgraths wife wishes he could just get it up once a month, let alone get taken to the mid-winter ball once a year.
@user-ik3bx8yf6t Says:
Shorter terms would be better that way we wouldn’t have to wait as long to get rid of politicians who don’t do their job or lie
@666dualsport Says:
@batmanlives6456 Says:
Not just the opposition THE WHOLE of AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺
@oldgolfer7435 Says:
What an utterly stupid comment. Need more be said. Is James McGrath one of the Libs. best?
@Janet-hs4wl Says:
For sure labor albo needs the boot.
@robinwood590 Says:
Dont vote or we end up paying for it all I've again with these unlawful major parties Governments.
@alffox9151 Says:
All well and good the ALP criticising the Greens. The question is, are they going to refuse the Greens preferences and are they going to preference the Greens last at the next election?
@user-ds2ej3wn8p Says:
Dream on, 😂😂😂 the ALP will retain office make no mistake about that, nobody gonna vote for Peter Dutton
@cheesecracker1543 Says:
Albo will leave an election for as long as possible, he wants to build his bank account up with more pay rises for himself before he’s booted out.🇦🇺
@petermcdougall5291 Says:
So when we get Dutton in is he going to get rid of digital ID, CBDC.s., Stupid un proven net Zero, control the outcome of out of control public servants in Canberra, launch a real royal commission into Covid…..that would be a real leader.
@user-km9vs4qv6q Says:
Labor is not helping with anything they have made everything worse
@KenDyer-wl4lf Says:
If wishes were fishes, the Federal Opposition would all have gills.
@johnchristie823 Says:
If you voted for the GREENS, then may be you should think about leaving this country, as your values are not in keeping with real Australians...!!
@peterjames174 Says:
yes please Australia can't afford this government.
@YvonneCrean Says:
We want an early election before Albo totally destroys our country. As Dutton said Albo is "crafty". Tell us something we don't know 🤢
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Keep pushing for it peter ...get rid of stupid albo .Labor government has destroyed Australia
@robertsutton3439 Says:
What a load of crap you idiots not worthy of 2 months in there
@leicesterdewsbury7890 Says:
I grad we don’t have longer terms fancy 4years of this pm and useless government
@ajs4x482 Says:
Getting rid of Labor would be awesome, replacing them with the LNP won’t make much difference, both parties are corrupt and doing everything they can to destroy Australia!
@MariannaMiranda-rg6xr Says:
Doesn’t matter what Albo says as nobody will believe him.😡😡😡
@MariannaMiranda-rg6xr Says:
The Labor government is bedding down to make ALL Australians poor.👎👎👎👎
@John-ul4hv Says:
Dutton's a Dud he just wants your Votes LNP/Labor have destroyed Australia the GREENS incite hate Albo is a globalist with LNP in support we are in trouble. Digital ID rammed through Senate with NO democratic argument by Labor supported by LNP, sub section 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 future mandated, it shouldn't of passed the Senate without a bloody debate and referendum the People know the gov't wants power and control of the People and for Australia to go Cashless look to gov't for fraud and corruption, REPEAL the Bill, get rid of it Misinformation Bill exempting protecting politicians lies and silencing the People what they read and say on the Internet E-Safety Commissioner coming after you and U-Tube, Identity Identification Bill giving gov't the right to hold your information and share it with greedy corporations globalism, authoritarian totalitarian vote the ONE Party who opposed these Bills ONE Nation give the Duopoly a clear message
@John-ul4hv Says:
Don't vote for Dutton the Dud, Duopoly wins again & again & again
@John-ul4hv Says:
Our community had written to all the TEALS with evidence for there help in a federal Constitutional matter 109 inconsistency of laws & 117 Rights of Residents in States complete with Australian Attorney Generals misrepresenting the Constitution and letters Ms Steggall did NOT REPLY. We matter too the elderly/disabled, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU, sack the lot of criminals
@mikehansell7262 Says:
Please bring it on!
@rodneycroft5889 Says:
Dutton is not the answer, Vote One Nation.
@raygiddings2715 Says:
Let's be honest we should have an early election please bring it on because Australia cannot continue down this road with a weak pathetic useless Priminister Albanese and his useless Labor Federal Government who are destroying Australia.
@allenknapp3416 Says:
Disagree with a longer term, when the voting public realise they have been lied to and the government is no longer representing them and is also damaging Australia's global reputation. Need to get them out fast, before the damage is unrepairable.
@cultundergroundmoviesmusic845 Says:
This government let Islamists propaganda campaigns run loose . Involving violence against the Jewish community. Violence in our streets. And they did bugger all.. because Albo wants the Islamists vote.. monster. The greens are Ferrel and dangerous.
@cultundergroundmoviesmusic845 Says:
They should all be jailed including the greens
@arthurfilippidis9170 Says:
No we don't want longer term Govt to keep useless polies in Labour longer without the fear of getting kicked out such as Labour is heading for.
@lynettemahoney1710 Says:
Yes Daniel and we have had the same mess for the last 2 years.Labour created the cost of living crisis and nothing they do HELPS
@lynettemahoney1710 Says:
PINOCCHIO will not call an early election because he wants the power as long as he can.
@abrighterday508 Says:
You know if you over breed anything in nature, you get defective genes, just look at the Liberal Party 😂
@stevenpatruno2639 Says:
Oh your windows have been broken. I wonder why useless Labour Party
@boggonails1881 Says:
We need it..
@Mrbuckaroonie.. Says:
I didn't vote for them. Lots did but they seem to be keeping quiet about it. Don't make the same mistake again people.
@user-nd2hl4qr1z Says:
Albo and Bowen are both seeing who has the most rainbow colours on their Target Tuck friendly. Bowen's staff now call him green top, a renewable mushroom thriving on bulls-it.
@DonnaF-rr8wq Says:
No Dutton wants an election thinking the top job will save him from the court case he is facing.See you in court Peter, you picked on the wrong family this time.
@S.Carrick Says:
Please God, help us get rid of this most corrupt, lying and divisive Communist PM, along with hatefilled toward the average people of Australia..the vile Greens..
@robinalexander5772 Says:
No one likes labor only Chinese. No one wants nuclear power, no one will vote liberals in for that reason. So people will vote labor in. More of the same from commie albo. Lose nuclear and liberals win. Enjoy your tax break $15 spend it wisely two packets of sausages from woolies, yeah excitement is building. And Albo got $50,000 pay rise so the story goes. Wow if anyone out there knows the exact figure post it here.
@williamboney7371 Says:
This clown wants a longer term,imagine the train wreck.
@williamboney7371 Says:
Australia needs a strong man like Peter Dutton.
@carbine5378 Says:
The Greens need to go along with Labor
@morkoblooper7991 Says:
We need Hanson for PM
@judyadams3855 Says:
Plz plz early election Peter Dutton has a lot to fix up….2 yrs of labor 10 yrs of Peter Dutton to fix the hell Labor exploded on our country…
@paulkruger4156 Says:
Is Skynews LNP loving fuckwits, or do they take turns on running down which ever party is in power at the time!
@paulkruger4156 Says:
With their proven non performance of the LNP, why would anyone want them to get back in, to not do their job again. At the end of their reign of terror, only one member of their party was in all the positions. With the rest of them holidaying at our expense!
@user-ko6jm7sb9t Says:

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