Tapper presses Biden campaign co-chair on whether Biden is best candidate to go against Trump
Tapper presses Biden campaign co-chair on whether Biden is best candidate to go against Trump



@braindeadbasil Says:
Never thought I'd ever like Jake. This wasn't on my 2024 bingo card
@dactylogram82 Says:
Tapper is so pissed. What an epic failure of a debate. This will go down in history. Makes JFK versus Nixon look like... I don't even know. This is such an incredible failure.
@jshepard152 Says:
3:30 Who is this paid liar, and why should we listen to him?
@kevinj.wilson3669 Says:
Fucking CNN main media focus on Biden but ignore the fucking lunatic Trump. Sad pathetic USA …
@malachi- Says:
Everybody knows what they've been witnessing for years now.
@KluverBucy Says:
The bald dude on the right is spewing nonstop gaslighting BS.
@KluverBucy Says:
Thank you Jake for finally giving CNN the tiniest semblance of legitimacy.
@kevinjones5457 Says:
Go Jake!
@ChiefMasonDixon Says:
Be looking forward to Jake coming to Fox or some independent news outlet.
@Black.Superman_CPA Says:
I like this version of Jake Tapper!
@SocialismSucks Says:
If democraps didn’t have excuses, they’d have jobs🐑
@ZaydarGetsNoGirls Says:
You can see Tapper get increasingly more irritated as the interview progresses
@ZaydarGetsNoGirls Says:
Chris Coons is exactly what his last name implies
@KayDee-lv2ns Says:
Im gonna tell you everything that they did
@jacobhughes9010 Says:
Every poll says Americans are doing poorly, can’t afford homes, and can’t have children and we have to get gaslit by politicians telling us we should be happy we’re doing great lol
@jacobhughes9010 Says:
It is absolutely amazing how only in politics does the letter next to your name make the entire case for or against lol like it’s absolutely insane lol
@snowflakeyflake5239 Says:
I’m proud of Jake Tapper for keeping the pressure on this idiot trying to gaslight us into believing Biden was just having a bad night. The man is clearly mentally inept
@gdvadventours5512 Says:
Here's my record all time high inflation,all time high gas prices,all time high border crossings all time high housing unaffordability etc etc. He spoke like Biden's legacy are best of Times when its the Opposite😂
@naamamarkishorekumar822 Says:
This is a result of the new CNN CEO. No more leftist BS. Hopefully this channel becomes more balanced
@revtheory Says:
This goes a LONG way for building trust in the media. Jake Tapper actually pressing this shill. It’s intolerable how he lies. Such a politician. And Jake, has done an amazing job, at the debate I thought he asked great questions and he Dana Bash were fair and measured. And now for the firsts time, it feels like there is real journalism, looking for real answers, pressing what we have known for years Biden has dementia. We ALL KNOW. Come on guys. He’s not fit to run the Burger King let alone the empire. It’s a travesty and I’m both inspired and grateful for Tapper to get after the truth here. I’ve always seen him as the most middle and truthful of all the CNN anchors. This gives us hope.
@BlackFemaleAnd50 Says:
1:40 He needs to retire. And he needs to take Mitch McConnell with him.
@pikieragland2987 Says:
CNN?? Is this you??? I’m so confused! 🫨
@fryaxoof2521 Says:
I am voting for the Democratic candidate whoever that is.
@2VelvetDreams1 Says:
Jake is singlehandedly trying to restore integrity to CNN and news media. I know it may be a lonely road Jake but keep fighting the good fight!! We the people see you and we support your allegiance to truth!!!!!
That was just one bad night. The rest of the time he's great! No really!
@michaelhughes7267 Says:
Still how can CNN claim to be a non partisan news source? They are only concerned with the DNC and it's well being. It's so very obvious.
@michaelhughes7267 Says:
Just when you think these people can't get any fucking worse they send this guy out to take up for Biden. I can't wait to vote for anyone other than Biden!
@hankochai Says:
Completely delusional
@bodylinc Says:
Trump derangement syndrome
@whatda6554 Says:
Never seen this before? Absolutely crazy… I never knew Joe was off whatsoever… let’s all be honest like these guys
@bodylinc Says:
God did that to Joe.. God is in control of everything, He has all powet and authority and wants the Truth and Glory for Him.
@shytguy Says:
Here are trump’s lies: “so and so was the best it’s ever been. So and so was the worst it’s ever been.” And on and on. Those are subjective sensationalized comments. Perhaps a few false statements. Biden’s lies are straight up LIES. No service members died on his watch? Legitimate lie. Talking about unemployment and jobs stats being bad for trump when we were literally in the midst of a global pandemic and he conveniently leaves those facts out. He has a stronger border than trump had. These are all far worse and verifiable lies than when trump simply gets all grandiose with his statements.
@jaketreida3448 Says:
This is the best I have ever seen CNN and it's a shame that it's only occurring because the elite democrats who control the narrative on networks like CNN are giving them the green light to do so. My gut tells me they gave the green light because they want to force Biden to make the decision to drop out so they have enough time to salvage this election. Otherwise, they would be running cover for Biden like they have been for the last 3 years.
@kacejonez2448 Says:
tapper should leave CNN. he is turning americans away from the only chance to beat trump. he is ignoring trump’s wordsalad speeches. get effed jake.
@arthurmall4688 Says:
This is the best version of Jake, he is very good today.
@user-dm6bc7nm5f Says:
Really jake
@billw8476 Says:
bringing up biden's "record" was really a bad move. just blame his record on dementia,and flush the turd
@jamesmichael7832 Says:
Most of you, "absent" of hangups, prejudices, or other personal issues, must (you have to) realize that whether or not old Joe runs or not, Trump can not and will not be elected! If Joe was 100 or forgets his name, he would still be reelected! An alternate democratic candidate would also win. Never would the majority of voters in this nation (especially by November) vote for someone like Donald. By the time America continues to be bombarded by all of Trump's history, most people in good moral concious couldn't stomach another 4 years of that. Of course the MAGA crowd is excluded from my previous list of absentees . They want their country back; not ours ( Whatever the Hell that means.) 😮 Oh, and Jake. CNN can now steal some of the Fox viewers time. Especially since you'll be losing a great deal of your audience. 😃
@HeathenPride7942 Says:
Democrats need to actually run a moderate, not a fake one, but a real moderate to win against Trump. That's the only way. So if any Democratic operative is watching the comments, look at this one because that is the only chance the Dems have at winning this. All those other picks currently waiting in the wings won't win in November. Go moderate or just go home.
@HeathenPride7942 Says:
Jake Tapper just got red-pilled. Welcome to the fold.
@annmackay5786 Says:
Nope: Joe it’s time to go. Step aside and let Harris take on Trump.
@user-tq9cn7sv4g Says:
Jake you need to talk about project 2025 you don't care how about Joe Joe Biden talk about the supreme courts ruling that's what the people want to hear about the Bible said Christianity have a false prophet running for president is on the forehead we not stupid we know what's going on
@conunpocodefe Says:
Tapper is a Democrat nightmare...
Hey jake have you ever heard so much BS in your life you SHILL
@Zionist_Eternal Says:
Look. Everyone back off. We should be plenty happy that we finally beat Medicare and move on. What does it matter anyway!
@therealdoug1000 Says:
And thanks CNN for NOT ONE FACT CHECK during the most consequential debate in American history. Thanks for that.
@therealdoug1000 Says:
Wrong question Jake. The question is “Is Biden (an honest man) a better candidate than a convicted rapist and felon?”
@user-dx8kd5yv1r Says:
Tapper you knew he was incompetent...
@standismore5328 Says:
Never thought I would say this...well done Tapper.🎉
@billysmith5335 Says:
Another fraud from Delaware!!!!

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