What the SCOTUS ruling on Trump's immunity case means
What the SCOTUS ruling on Trump's immunity case means



@AdamAdam-hj7bm Says:
The more you bullshit about Trumo the more devising you are amongst Americans 👍
@Tocsin-Bang Says:
Today is the 4th, for the first time in many years I will not be celebrating, because the SCOTUS has reversed the Declaration of Independence.
@Tocsin-Bang Says:
"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." ~Carl Sagan
@aidenfisher5679 Says:
So can u impeach a president anymore??? So insurrection can b immune???
@user-lb7zx3qc5o Says:
he literally stole the 1st presidency, doesn't that make him not legit? If he is not legit, does the new ruling on immunity not apply to trump?
@causeandefect8252 Says:
We're in! It was a brilliant decision by the D. C. Circuit United States Court of Appeals that didn't need to be tampered with. Certain Supreme Court Justices exposed their bias and have opened themselves to action. They just gave President Biden the latitude for such action!
@acars9999 Says:
Piss off CNN and Jake Tapper. You gave Trump an unlimited platform to lie. I hope he jails you FIRST!
@mindmulch5304 Says:
All this talk about replacing Biden is ridiculous. He's been one of the most effective presidents in history. He was over-prepared and tense. He's not too old. His judgement is still sound. If he is so weak, why is Xi in China, and Putin in Russia, and Trump in Mara Lago hoping he leaves? They know better than all "sky-is-falling" spineless Dems who want him replaced.
@JMD7379 Says:
This is outrageous.
@Michelle-bn1fu Says:
But the ruling states it is assumed that everything is official, if not, then NYC would be able to go along with the sentencing, but now it is assumed that there were official acts, rather than him appealing from a jail cell. We are screwed as a nation. This may be the final days of a free nation. RIP USA 1776-2024
@Michelle-bn1fu Says:
The NEWS sucks hard
@Michelle-bn1fu Says:
The reporting on this is ATROCIOUS! WRONG! Any prrsident is now assumed to be innocent and all crimes as done during official acts that now must be proven through the courts to be "unofficial" acts. This means that a president can say, "I deem so and so a threat to democracy so I am going to shoot this terrorist". Then, somone has to sue him, take it through all the appeals to the supreme court. He can then "officially" threaten to murder any SOTUS justice who may rule against him, or even murder somone who plans to arrest him for the previous murder and say "it is to defend democracy", which then will also have to go through years of appeals, all while he commits numerous other crimes.
@rkw92262 Says:
Any military veteran SHOULD have noticed Day 1. Regulation funeral service at Arlington. Plenty of tells since. It's a sting op folks, let's talk about that.
@NinjagoWarriorGod Says:
It's Time for Biden to issue an executive order banning any felon from holding any federal office. Do it right after the Supreme Court is out of session and right before the election. Biden could even just cancel the elections because of corruption and it would be LEGAL as of this past Monday. Courtesy of Trump appointmented judges Biden is now King Long live king Biden Now order seal team six to get busy
@randstahl4869 Says:
I dissent!
@jamesharvey446 Says:
How can we rely on the courts to make fair decisions, based on their recent actions?
@Buttercup-vw2zo Says:
@richyaniga2893 Says:
I like to know from the supreme Court how are we supposed to know what's official and what's unofficial and you can't even question his motives
@hodaka1000 Says:
So do your job King Joseph
@NopeUghUghAbsolutelyNot Says:
The constitution gives the executive branch zero dealings when it comes to elections, and yet scotus said a Pres pressuring DOJ bout election jive is an official act. Can Congress pls write some laws so scotus can stop making jive up as they go? When they overturned Dobbs they it was the constitution gave no such right... yet here we are.
@catherinemushaw1956 Says:
Jake Tracker has become a right wing Hack along woth his Company
@user-sv4iz8mf1c Says:
PROGRESS 2025. The democrats need to get on this right now. The Supreme Court gave permission. Stop wasting time.
@benotisanchez5583 Says:
Leftists have this special ability to build a case around a strawman and double down in the hopes that their audience is too stupid to look it up. Who says the POTUS has no check and is "above the law"? That's what the impeachment clause is for. Oh yeah you can't get 67 senators to vote to convict a POTUS? yeah then you don't have a good case. And no you cannot invent new ways to convict a president. Atleast if you are going to do so get it through the legislature and the states: good luck with that. Till then, wipe your tears and move on.
@BNenny Says:
Wtf is going on at cnn???? Are the eyes open?
@christophergarwood2320 Says:
Its over for all you LIBERALS. TRUMP 2024.
@johnbrown1851 Says:
Biden on the 4th of July: in the interest of national security, I am appointing 4 more Justices to the Supreme Court!
@johnbrown1851 Says:
Since the constitution doesn't allow for the president to break the law, NO unlawful act is an official act ???? Hello 🙄
@Versul1 Says:
Hey liberals you brought this on. Your tyranny of going after political enemies caused this. Your weakness of denial caused you to stick with a dying old man too confused to lead. You guys really screwed the pooch. 2024 is NOW going to be easily won all because your fear got in your way. Thank you for being you.
@RaiGG-jr5ir Says:
I'm pretty impartial to this decision, Tim has a pretty good perspective on this ruling. People need to understand that there are wins and losses for both sides. I don't really find this ruling impartial to anyone but powers other than the presidency. I think this is more to protect anyone involved with trumps shade then it is to protect trump. Alternatively, it deffinetly lays down some groundwork into which Trump can be found guilty on. More specifically, the votes dilemma. I think it pretty clearly defines the presidential duties and gives scope to what is unacceptable in terms of what he did. I think people should be happy that this is going to expedite the trial massively, this could be a huge win for either the democratic or republican party. It's pretty much in the hands of the judge at this point. You can always read through the 160 page document yourself. PBS has a link to the full document. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/read-the-full-supreme-court-decision-on-trump-and-presidential-immunity
@HectorHips Says:
Doesn’t the ruling also mean that Biden now has the ability to perform “official acts” and not be able to be held liable for his actions?… Not the kind of power I want anyone including the President to have.
@joshmckearney4884 Says:
i'll tell you what it means, it means biden can assassinate trump legally now. so the problems is...?
@ThomasBeltz66 Says:
So now the Supreme Court, the highest judges of the land don’t know what “evidence” is? They can’t say that no one is above the law and then claim to be above the Supreme Court.
@ThomasBeltz66 Says:
Presidential community was established in 1817 along with the civil rights act. It’s not a new law!!! they didn’t “side with Trump”! every president before him has had the same immunity for official acts. What they are trying to distract you from they don’t have any “unofficial acts” to charge him with. None, zero nada! Everything you did was in the official capacity of his office and authority as president. These people are using you. You’ve been suckered into a cult.
@ThomasBeltz66 Says:
There’s no such thing as fraudulent electors. Each party has their own set of electors, I don’t know why they keep repeating this. Every state has a set of Republican and Democrat, electors in the event of a contested election. Both sets of electors would be in play. When Georgia takes four days after they close the polls to count the votes it is completely reasonable for the Republicans to have an alternate set of electors ready. Remember, there has never been any mention of “fake electors” ever in history, you know why? Because they just made it up!
@user-hz2lg1ld8g Says:
@whatwhat745 Says:
as to an acts official nature, It would have to boil down to what the act is (nefarious or not) not who you are talking with about it or dealing with about it, should it be or has been done in a presidents normal course of business or is it outside of that?
@whatwhat745 Says:
also would the people cooperating with the big cheese in the crime be immune as well? asking for a friend ;)
@kuriouskhemist3395 Says:
What a terrible segment.
@lanagustafson1700 Says:
Mark Esper saying “well, there are legal and illegal things” as if that would stop someone like Trump from breaking the law. What does illegality matter when he’s immune?!
@paulacoyle5685 Says:
How can Congress hold him accountable if evidence of his “official acts” is out of bounds and they can’t even look at it? This is nonsensical.
@GSpotter63 Says:
Every president in the history of America has had the same immunity so why are you making such a big deal out of it now?
@paulacoyle5685 Says:
Esper seems to be a bit deluded yet
@paulacoyle5685 Says:
Why do they think this is a win against Biden’s so-called Weaponized department of Justice? They just gave Biden the permission to use the Department of Justice to prosecute or persecute political rivals. 😂
@lightningjack9996 Says:
Biden is going after political rival using the DOJ...so it cuts both ways.
@joseparra5625 Says:
The Big Money in profits for Wall Street, low taxes, or no taxes, for billionaires win again, not the vote of “We the people of the United States.
@LudwigHollywood66 Says:
trump is finally right about something. In his cult rally ramblings, he continues to say the most dangerous thing to this country is not Russia or China but lies within. trump and the crooked supreme court have proved that.
@411dify Says:
This republican Supreme Court is even dumber than the hair on my a**. Biden can now OFFICIALLY order Seal Team Six to take out tRump and the Supreme Court to protect democracy with complete immunity. I love it!!
@13BGunBunny Says:
I find it funny how emotionally involved some folks can get over someone else's business.
@barbarawood3209 Says:
Must say, I am not inclined to watch CNN anymore. So disappointed in the behavior exhibited by the so-called moderators of the debate.
@Jttw2131 Says:
Goodbye, democracy.

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