Different, not a challenge: Things the West doesn't get about the SCO
Different, not a challenge: Things the West doesn't get about the SCO



@Ellesar925 Says:
Hopefully, the forum allows India and China to solve their border issues.
@Ellesar925 Says:
Nah, bro. The SCO is a mystery to everybody. I doubt even the average Chinese know what it's for😂😂
@user-ib3ke5ee4u Says:
"Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh And having an high priest over the house of God Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Asia rightfully gravitate towards 'Asia Unity' let alone former colonial days 'awe', the basis of the recalibration of the world.
@gecko6541 Says:
Why do you think Tibet and xinjang paying the price? Yeah, because they are different.
@FrankiePo89 Says:
Whatever steps taken to improve oneself is always a "challenge" to the west. They will not allow competitions because their countries are built up by STEALING from the world.
@gunsumwong3948 Says:
The IMF, World Bank and NATO are clubs setup to promote the "American first" policy with the US as their boss. SCO, like the BRICS, are organizations for "together for a shared future" where everyone is equal.
@cpc9563 Says:
Too...many...truth bombs!!! Westoids won't be able to handle it!
@TacticalMayo Says:
Lol these Communists are crazy. Say anything bad and you get disappeared. Otherwise you're allowed to glorify the dictatorship till you puke 🤣
@Sean-giang Says:
No one in the sco knows what they themselves are doing.
@urimtefiki226 Says:
First time to hear this week about SCO, never new before...
@ramed1954 Says:
You must know that this organization and all those formed by the Chinese and the Russians, the G7 will try to discredit it, sabotage it, brand it with all the ugly things it believes, in addition to warning countries that are fearful, weak or doubtful of its sovereignty, to refrain from participating in them. This is because they believe that they must direct everything in the world, everything, and that no one has the right to act on their own.
@yehuo2825 Says:
they are too blinded by their arrogance and self-centered mentality to understand, so they think everyone is like them, since they tried to educate everyone to be like them...
@techitheemperor2583 Says:
Even the USA has differences among its states yet they are one country. The agreement has to be made on which basis the participation in the SCO is accepted. Conflicts resolution has to be part of the work. Good things don’t come easily. Hold referendums on the borders areas to see what the people over there want. Solve the conflicts and move on. You can’t move on with loads of conflicts on the back. Little conflicts have to be removed. Why isn’t Europe and America with borders conflicts? Borders always have issues. It’s better to overlook them. To prepare the future you must settle the present. No good future if there’s no good present.
@techitheemperor2583 Says:
Economically China has won but should now reinforce its military because its enemies are hoping to fight it even though the gate from Russia to fight it has refused to open up. That’s a sign God has decided to uplift China to full and irreversible prosperity to humiliate those who were already starting to think they’re small gods yet being so ridiculously simple men. Use well your time. Develop yourself and your friends. God has indeed involved Himself in the failure of the others. Yes He’s giving Russia victories and, even now, it looks like God wants one key country’s economy to descend and fall faster than it’s falling now through warmongering and hatred for mankind. They’re pushing for war with Russia knowing they cannot defeat Russia. The type of war they’ll fight will push Russia to strip that country of its precious economic tools which will drop that country into third world group of countries even if they’ll still be having the science and technology. Then it’ll simply take sometime for other countries to catch up. If China develops its genuine friends well both economically and militarily, it’ll never have to fight its enemies literally. Currently it’s to the good of all countries to befriend China properly. Because times are changing and it’s China that has its hands on the wheel of time. China can make itself safe and secure very quickly by just doing things in a better way: HELP ITS GOOD FRIENDS TO GROW A LOT TO SHOW TO THE POPULATIONS OF ITS ENEMIES THAT, TO GROW, THEY NEED TO BE IN GOOD RELATIONS WITH CHINA AND NOT TO FIGHT IT. For now the USA is still standing although already dead economically just because of the believers who live there and are praying to God to help them. Their leaders who are pulling them in hell are still doing it and they’re going to achieve it with their own free will. So investing in global development with willing countries is inevitable if China wants to continue growing. You see that’s the mistake the USA made: The USA thought that helping other countries to grow was going to work against it by looking at money: the financial systems. They considered the artificial side of finances (values, exchange rates, …) and forgot to consider the natural side of finances (finances are meaningless without productions which means that countries can prosper even without the financial systems participation (like Russia did without SWIFT in the last 2 years) because finances don’t make the world to be but the world makes the finances to be) to understand that general growth is natural and inevitable. If you don’t want to grow others will grow! And after some time you’ll find yourself behind others and start to bully them for outgrowing you (typical example: United States of America). So since growth will always be there, grow with others naturally, with win win approach and relationships. The way the world is set in every areas of the humanity’s existence, cooperating with more people means more prosperity. Now we are all seeing for ourselves how one big fallen angel is waking up to the realization that the world never stayed where it left it some decades ago by refusing to help it to advance and grow. It’s struck by the shock that the world can do better without it. That country killed its production doctrine understanding that, as long as its finances will be doing better in the world no matter on which basis (artificial value in its case. Not natural value that’s based on production), it’ll be fine; forgetting that finances are truly alive and healthy when the world makes them to be there and thus (production forces the existence of vectors of exchange (money) to exist (because goods and services have just become too many to trade directly) and how they interrelate (exchange rates)). It’s not a shock! Growth is inevitable! So just grow with all those willing to grow!!!!!!!! Because growth is inevitable!!!!!!!!!! Growing someone may get to surpass you in one area but you’ll also surpass him or her in another area because growth will always be there for as long as people are alive. The good thing is that you’ll never be left behind by others as time passes by and others are growing because you’ll also be growing. CHANGE IS INEVITABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes just grow!!!!

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