Peta Credlin highlights Labor's selective truths on renewable energy
Peta Credlin highlights Labor's selective truths on renewable energy



@peterjames174 Says:
isn't it colder over the last year, its not getting hotter so we're is the so called climate change emergency the clowns are protesting for, a big con from the richest people in the world that can see making money from the con.
@neilstammers8366 Says:
Could build a lot of reactors for the same money being spent by them now
@scottnewton9619 Says:
Peta Credlin, you're the bomb. I never miss your column in the Herald Sun & agree with all of what you have to say. You really should go into Politics, we need someone hard hitting, honest & straight to the point. You have more spine and guts than any of the others.
@petercunningham3469 Says:
BILL GATES just broke ground on a new Nuclear power plant in The US state of Idaho This is a sodium reactor that stores heat for power generation go figure you won't see this news in Australia.
@lynettemahoney1710 Says:
Wind and solar is cheap but cost a bloody fortune to build the infrastructure.Solar is expensive to build but cheaper,because the infrastructure will last 80 to 100 yrs. Not 30 like the wind turbines and solar panels
@niteowl1156 Says:
My Husband has spent the last 10yrs who installs Windfarms & even He said....It's a money wasting Govt. Scam!!!!
@craigharris7236 Says:
Can someone just ask , if renewables are so , so , cheap, why are Bills going up ??
@clydesimpson1462 Says:
So let me get this straight Bowen: wind and solar are the cheapest form of energy. Then why has electricity increased 22.5% in the last two years under your watch.
@garryharrington8255 Says:
@snowman1959 Says:
Forget the stupid emissions targets replace old. coal fired power stations. with new ones it’s that simple Where’s the proof of climate change.
@edwardbec9844 Says:
Labor Greens Teals Zealots lining the Pockets of Billionaires with all that free Australian Taxpayers Money.. delusions of grandeur thinking that puny little Australia's 1% What is the CO2 PPM's that these Clowns will accept? they think they can change weather patterns on a planetary Scale .. this group of No Hoppers couldn't plan anything Just the Destruction of Australia's Unique Ecologically Forests Oceans and Agricultural Lands covered in these large scale decaying toxic Wind turbines Solar Panels .not to mention the lithium batteries that explode into Flames on your homes or while driving placing your family in Harms Way. The usual Anti-Nuclear Zealots will look at this and Deflect to radioactive disasters .. no one died of radioactive poisoning at Fukashima and Cost overruns they’ll cite Hinkley C and other overdue over budget Nuclear Projects without a clue on the exact causes.. but even with those delays these projects will outlast Turbines and Solar and your lithium batteries limited life spans Nuclear power Stations slated to Last some 60- 80 years providing clean 24/7 Strategic Power Security for The Nation,
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
As soon as someone utters the word 'net-zero' they should be dismissed as a clueless clown or dishonest opportunist. The day the first cave man discovers fire the human race ceased to be 'net zero'. It is an impossible goal, just pure BS political spin, no matter what is done. These are the indisputable technological and scientific facts. Global emissions are actually increasing, demonstration that no country on the planet is actually decreasing its carbon footprint. Any place that claims to has simply shifted its emissions from the production of what it consumes to China, India, etc.
@scubaaddict Says:
Then what happens when a hail storm takes out a solar farm, how long will it take to fix and replace the panels and what about spontaneous glass breakages of panels due to thermal fatigue. Having 100% renewable is a huge risk. We need a healthy mix, that is reliable and cost effective. There is too many politics and scaremongering and at the end the consumer and the economy suffers. Nuclear might be complex but Australia can do complex, Its the politicians and ALP that cant understand complex and by the looks of it simple maths too.🤣
@colinjones5100 Says:
Have you seen all the thousands of Wind blades they have to dispose of each year by chopping up and bury them. Bowen needs to get back to his ferret farm the idiot. I can't stand to even look at him.
@hmasyarra Says:
Labor = misinformation and spin.
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
Travelled and lived in 3 regions over the last twelve years only blackout or power outage was the one where we didn't have Solar!!! The weather doesn't play nice for generation transmission and distribution either!!!
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
Fossil Fuel Warriors fighting hard for their mining masters!!
@oddball3675 Says:
In halls of power, treason blooms, With whispers of impending doom, Chris Bowen, with misguided might, Seeks to shroud our land in night. Solar dreams and wind's soft hum, He claims the future, yet strikes us dumb, For when the sun and breezes fail, Our nation's strength begins to pale. He would dismantle, piece by piece, Our power's core, our lifeblood's lease, With fleeting sources, frail and weak, A future dark, so grim, so bleak. Yet in this hour, a voice rings clear, A hero stands, dispels our fear, Peta Credlin, bold and true, Guides us with a vision new. She speaks of nuclear's steady hand, A beacon bright to light our land, "A referendum," she boldly cries, "Let truth be seen, let wisdom rise." For when the costs are laid so bare, The voters' choice will then declare, A future strong, with power sure, A nation's light to long endure. No fleeting winds, no fickle rays, But steadfast light through all our days, Credlin's voice, a clarion call, To guard our strength, to stand tall. In the battle for our power's fate, May wisdom rule, and not blind hate, For Australia's heart must beat with might, Through darkest storm and darkest night. OddBall Kelly's Heroes
@Beechwood-tm9pu Says:
Someone should get Labor to commit not to sign contracts for renewables if they look like loosing an election. What they will do (as was done by Labour in NSW some years ago) is sign contracts locking in future governments to their policies or face massive penalty costs to break the contracts.
@olddog-fv2ox Says:
Japan is building new nuke generators inside four years
@chopperking007 Says:
Labor are clueless...who's model are the following ?
@chopperking007 Says:
Renewables will never give the poor cheap power let alone manufacturing
@DontFearAnything Says:
@onlymelbourne2842 Says:
maybe albo and blackout can turn farts into energy similar to Monster's Inc and blackout and albo would have the most 'wind'
@johnnywarbo Says:
Coal is not expensive but only expensive to the so called climate narrative.
@questioneverythingalways820 Says:
No it isn’t true because the entire grid needs to be redesigned for it to function ya moron.
@KenDyer-wl4lf Says:
Something the Colaition has not told the people of Australia. Nuclear power stations produce high-level radioactive waste. It is dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years — and so far, the world has failed to deliver a safe, permanent storage method. Is this a problem Australia really wants to take on? Perhaps Peta might like to address that issue.
@BarbaraHambleton Says:
Ain’t no free anything
@johngeier8692 Says:
If Mr Bowen really believes what he is saying then he belongs in a psychiatric hospital. The whole ridiculous push by the activist infiltrated United Nations for Net Zero is economically destructive delusional insanity. Carbon dioxide emissions are actually increasing. Enormous amounts of money and resources (including coal, oil and copper) are being squandered on uneconomical and unreliable renewable energy equipment in a futile attempt to prevent small and largely beneficial changes to the Earth’s climate. Additionally augmented atmospheric carbon dioxide levels directly stimulate plant growth and increase agricultural yields. We need to withdraw from the ridiculous Paris agreement and stop wasting our money and resources on this nonsense. We should simply use the most economical energy resources available.
@h.epeterjohnmanthey6295 Says:
Billy gates has his own power company now and it going around the world causing trouble. Nuclear is illegal here johnny Howard made it illegal we store all the used nuclear rods up north from around the world. But next government which can't be liberal either we need a third government which isn't the unitary paradox. Which doesn't work for the corporation or we're just sold to over seas interests. Bought and paid for.
@h.epeterjohnmanthey6295 Says:
The renewable is bullshit by people just trying to make a buck by scamming the rest, the windmills have to spin to work and Australia isn't that windy they work like altinators in cars if they aren't spinning no power and lithium lithium batteries are good for my lightsabre but for anything else only lasts...well lasts bugger all. And lithium creates its own oxygen, is why when it burns you aren't ever putting it out. Solar alright for a street light but that's it. Coal is all we need
@wyattfamily8997 Says:
A new nuclear reactor was commissioned in Finland last month, and power prices to consumers DROPPED by 75%.
@unknownisbest Says:
Albo comes from a fake world and sees Australia as a toy for him to play with.
@vindenis9049 Says:
Nobody explains the grifting, subsidies, cost of constructions, lifespan, plus cost benefit analysis. One Polly states renewables are cheap and nuclear expensive. Produce some figures to support your argument please
@St.Thomas-er9iu Says:
By then, you will be sweating inside of the hell... St.Thomas
@TheBillABCTV Says:
Labor are complete liars.
@ShaneMcGrath. Says:
Wouldn't trust solar, We already have billionaire idiots wanting to spray atmosphere with fine particles to try block out some of those suns rays, Good luck.
@garrynuman5080 Says:
Australia is becoming a third world country. The cheapest form of Labours renewable energy saving was $275 to everyone. Well this has actually increased to nearly three times more than we used to pay and it will never come down unless we go Nuclear. They are full of lies, because it failed everywhere else around the world and Labour, Greens and Teals say we are the only nation that can make it work with Billions of tax dollars been wasted on failure. Then we have to start paying billions of tax payers dollars more in 15-20 years again for millions if not billions of replacement solar panels and wind turbines that l won`t be recyclable by then. Grrr
@MrMikeV00 Says:
Fact. Fact. Fact. Fact.. I'm ducking behind a chair.
@MrMikeV00 Says:
You could almost be an engineer. Wow.
@MrMikeV00 Says:
How did the journos suddenly get so smart. I know always have been right. Dangerous breed.
@MrMikeV00 Says:
Nuclear can push a higher voltage and transmission is the most expensive part of any system FYI. Spot on Peta.
@MrMikeV00 Says:
Wouldn't selective truths be "misinformation"?
@timcoller177 Says:
Bowen is full of hot air - maybe he could power the wind turbines ?
@rob6543 Says:
The truth is we sell coal around the world ,and where not using it ,all because of climate change, as long as Australia makes it target it laughable
@GeoffTrevenen Says:
Brown-nose Bowen is a frigging disgrace. Total loser and full of bullshit!
@janemelrose7208 Says:
Can those of you who support nuclear power please advise us where you live so we know where it’s ok to build a nuclear power station, Thanks 😊 BTW THE CSiRO ( an actual source of scientific creditable information) have done the research and confirmed nuclear power costs twice as much as renewable energy . It costs at least 85 billion to build a nuclear plant, Please do the research before believing Murdochs propaganda.
@paddlesmcbean2366 Says:
Labor lies and deceives. Nothing new there. What is new is that the current mob of traitorous labor cretins takes it to new heights and are arrogantly blatant about it.
@travstar5447 Says:
Reliable base load power must be Nuclear, Gas or Coal.....FACT. Wind and Solar are intermittent so not Reliable, so not viable for base load....FACT. Wind and Solar are hyper expensive due to the overbuild required and the c/o every 10-15 years,disposal issues and insane transmission costs. Far left Socialist Labor is infected with Ideologically-driven cancer. Reality always crushes Ideology. Alblozza is cooked. Dutton will be our next great PM.
@user-mc4sp8ql2u Says:
LABOR says NO to NUCLEAR! Australia is tooooooo vast for total dependence on RENEWABLES! We are 14 times larger than France and the French depend on NUCLEAR with a slight number of RENEWABLES! This Labor Government is purchasing Nuclear Submarines - where are they to dock? Lucas Heights has had a Nuclear Reactor since the 1950's. Hospitals have Xray/ Scanning machines that depend on nuclear! Albo and Bowen go figure when the sun ain't shining and the winds ain't blowing = BLACKOUTS or BATTERY STORAGE DEPLETED - Australia is STUFFED! Maybe we can have a Welcome to Blackout Country blowing smoke out our a#se at the cost of the Abo Albo Labor Government - I am certain that international tourism will take a dive - no survivors!

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