'Absurd and simplistic': Rita Panahi slams the idea the US president is 'not above the law'
'Absurd and simplistic': Rita Panahi slams the idea the US president is 'not above the law'



@user-kr2yj4dm3l Says:
Nice to know you're closet communist, Rita.
@eddiemertin3381 Says:
Unreal that people think it's acceptable to have a king with nuclear weapons use tendencies. That desires to hammer through Project 2025. America is on notice. CPAC calls for the end of our Constitutional democracy. CPAC: "Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely." h/t Barry R MacCaffrey Four Star US Army General Four combat tours Three purple hearts Trump held sole legal authority to unilateral employment of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. ————— His first Pentagon meeting to be briefed on our nuclear deterrent strategy he was angry being told we couldn’t use them as normal weapons. The Sec State present in the meeting after Trump stormed out famously opined that our new President was “a _______ moron.
@reecewatson5311 Says:
And it looks like joe got into Ashley's makeup. Or has he come out of the closet?
@lizzieb6311 Says:
I’m an American and ASHAMED that ****ANY**** American Voted for and CONTINUES to support this compromised (politically) and MENTALLY disaster known as POTUS.
@robertjones7419 Says:
Biden is a sorry lying coward… MAGA…!!!
@earthworld1000 Says:
If he's not above the law then give us the Hurr tapes.
@thomasoconnor3803 Says:
No one is above the law apart from Joe and hunter
@robertreed3835 Says:
Joe says nobody is above the law. Is that y joe was not charged for stealing secret documents as vice president 🤔 fjb
@PsyQoBoy Says:
The entire democratic party should all be in jail for elder abuse.
@Wombat-blue Says:
Haha the Snr Orange man also looks a ridiculous colour now! But clearly he’s trying hard to look like Trump. He is hysterical 😭
@ongtayjoojames-ow1bs Says:
Yuppp...!!! That's how, things will go and urgently needs to be.!☝️ Every president of every country, needs to be a "King" above the law.!☝️ This is how a country, needs to stay afloat already.!☝️ Look at China.! Look at Russia.! Look at Iran.! Look at North Korea.! Look at Singapore.!☝️ All these countries too, was rule by dictators in the very beginning.!☝️ That's how these countries becomes and will remain powerful...!!!☝️😳🙄😬😉 It's a sad fact but it's true.!☝️ So, for America to stay afloat and maintain democracies, as well as global peace, it too must be rule by a "King" already...!!!☝️😉
@leslieweakley7994 Says:
Obidens communist socialist party nation
@vanhooler358 Says:
He is a boring idiot, a disgrace, this has to be the biggest mistake in history, i though the Bushes were bad, this is the bottom of the pit.
@danielg8700 Says:
Lying left media keeps on lying
@WendyTai1 Says:
he is so stupid, he doesn't realize the courts just protected his treasonous ass.
@betheva5917 Says:
The shortsightedness of the regime assumes you can use the law against your opponents but not expect your opponent to return the favor.
@BobPsomiadis Says:
Rita the parasite is defending her dreamlover and poster boy ,Gaseous Trump .
@jeffwild4764 Says:
Biden for prison , someone tell the jackass read the Constitution !!!!
@AbelbenAdam Says:
In the last days the conservative right media has put so much effort in providing constructive solutions for the left. They even call this ordeal ''a sad thing''. Can someone please explain what is so sad about evil lying pedo getting old?
@uncensored2282 Says:
the 28% are in California, New York,...liberal lunacy land
@geoffsimns8424 Says:
Anybody who listens to and believes anything, ANYTHING, that Joe Biden says has a problem - when liars lie, they are speaking their native language.
@carolejohnston9294 Says:
The Dems don't play by the law.
@rickc661 Says:
'realistic and simplistic ' that is the trump case - VP. M. Pence , I'm sure you remember - refused to certify 'alternate electors' cooked up in backroom deals , voted on by nobody in the plot to destroy a US Election, from inside the White House. clear and simple as day. White House lawyer. R.G. guilty of threats on election workers. trump did the exact same, down to naming the victims. I guess that is ' official duties'. White House lawyer. k. Chesboro guilty of election fraud. on and on. TRAITORS. but this is Sky who's company owner said in U.S. court his 'talking heads' lie to their viewers. cost, a cool. $ 3 /4 Billion so we know what Sky / fox are about - propaganda.
@annjohnson9131 Says:
He’s mad … lol
@jtr789310 Says:
It the Democrats that are destroying Democracy. The Democrats got robbed by not having a fare Democratic Presidential Primaries from lie from the controlling the party.The American public have been lie to time after time from the Democrat party.Read the Durham report, the Mueller investigation one of the biggest lie was the Hunter laptop was Russian collusion.
@kiptt7082 Says:
I bet Hunter Biden could kill another hooker or two and get away with it. And Trump could rape Joe and get away with it.
@terike9738 Says:
@thedawn-rt9rx Says:
''no one is above the law'' no thats why you get nearly nothing if you assault a random person but be locked up for life if you do that to a police officer or the president
@GilmerJohn Says:
What the US Supreme Court this with this decision was to slow down all the "LawFare" prosecutions of Trump until after the election. Prior courts created the doctrine of "Sovereign Immunity" to let police do their jobs without excessive concern of spending years in year for a single bad decision. Cops still go to jail for violating rights but it takes more than a few mis-chosen words.
@user-xo4rx8ov5o Says:
Remember Obama pardoned dirty Bradley Manning for doing what Assange did, in fact Bradley gave Assange the secrets, my question why was Brad pardoned, what did he have on Obama
@zeppy2732 Says:
@JeffSunnyside Says:
Maybe if you would read the complete ruling , including Judge Clarence Thomas' remarks , you might get a better understanding of how the United States Government was founded. Three branches that are equal in power that check each other. The ruling actually helps Biden get out of jail, not so much for his controllers. By the time the crooked lower democrat judges sort through all the mess that they created, the United States will be governed by the legitimate , elected and honorable Senate, representatives of the House , the Supreme Court and President Trump.
@larryfasula4064 Says:
TRUMP 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@NeverGonaHappen Says:
The main stream media are touting the Leftards view that it gives Trump the exemption to commit mas murder. They OBVIOUSLY have not read the ruling. They need to be VERY careful, what they seem to miss is if you go by their rules Clinton Obama and Biden HAVE to be tried for exactly that, The Drone strike ordered by Biden in Afghanistan, and other military strikes to take out Taliban leaders etc.
@sislertx Says:
Thr idiot doesnt understand...he isnthe benefactor...his illegal treason means he is next...plus his 1500 bank laundering reports
@DavidBauer-iv9yw Says:
Joe is like the leader of a herd of buffalo when the leader goes over the cliff all the others follow
@David_Beames Says:
“It is so absurd and so simplistic to say no one’s above the law – the president has powers that others don’t have,” Ms Panahi said. So do police officers, judges and all sorts of official roles. Those are powers enshrined in law not above it.
@Want0nS0up Says:
Agree, who are the 28% that think Joe is mentally adequate?
@Jasonmcglovon Says:
It’s a threat to democracy to question the court’s decision “Biden after trumps New York City verdict
@weishu8102 Says:
Why an old man with poor memory can be aoided from prosecution if no one is above the law.
@shovelguggelheim8454 Says:
No one is above the law unless you are too demented to stand trial. Hey Joe.
@martintran7837 Says:
Hopefully, SC would see it and protect the laws, JB' is so dangerous.
@turnerfamilyinozi Says:
Wow! The Supreme Court ruling is so bad that I agree with our Rita.
@MichaelKingsfordGray Says:
Orange man bad!
@lyingdogfacedponysoldier201 Says:
He's more orange than Trump
@Larry-Livermore Says:
The President has been above the Law since 1788.
@sharonhopper7015 Says:
S.C. upheld the constitution.

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