Australia has 'zero chance' of meeting government's plan to build 1.2 million new houses
Australia has 'zero chance' of meeting government's plan to build 1.2 million new houses



@rohanhall-dq9ij Says:
And our politicians are suppose to be our best and brightest, these clowns can't even do basic maths..and they have no shame.. It's frightening to think where all this is headed with our current clowns at the helm..
@ninaclemente5944 Says:
Too many vacant buildings in the CBD of every major city that can be converted to temporary accommodation. Where there is a will, there is a way. It will take some years to get us back to sanity! Guess who will be against people taking loans?
@lornacarlos Says:
Cutting immigration is contrary to Albo's puppet masters' agenda. Simple solutions and common sense are beyond this regime's comprehension. Their mantra, "You own nothing and you will be happy."
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Maybe that fantastic A.I. can build them.
@vmura Says:
this guy should be Treasurer
@kidsoxoxox Says:
Men on General Strike. Find serfs elsewhere to build homes for all those wonderful sole parent families.
@roger-rabbit Says:
We are full - send then back
@jjsc4396 Says:
And yet, both parties of your utterly fascicle Australian political circus pathetically spin building more as the solution to avoid dealing with the real drivers.
@davepowelldrumz Says:
we know , they know we know , and we'll let them.
@ministryformensbehaviour Says:
Let me guess more migrant skilled workers needed to build the houses? Ppl don't believe this anymore.
@KT-bb1tb Says:
So Albozzo Can't do the Maths.......Funny That ? Another Fake Promise !
@jol166 Says:
1.2m homes in 2029. how many new immigrants by then? 12m?
@josephgee143 Says:
Look up the CEOs of each of these corporations concerned and you will be amazed to find an Epstein link.
@dontbeasheeple5883 Says:
1,200,000 / (5 x 365) = 657.5 homes PER DAY Yeah nah that's never going to happen. Which overpaid public servant comes up with this shyte??

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