Jim Chalmers affirms need for Australia to be 'indispensable' to net zero transformation
Jim Chalmers affirms need for Australia to be 'indispensable' to net zero transformation



@CherieDemicz Says:
Tick tock tick tock nothing is going to change
@evil17 Says:
What a bloody liar, always blame the last govt is that your only excuse? y You have had two years to do something and all you & Labor can do is stuff up everything you touch, say & do. Get rid of Albo, Bowen, Chalmers, Wong, Gallagher & the frizzy hair dark lady, would be a good start. Woke Labor, the liers party, cant wait to see you gone next election.
@StuartTurner582 Says:
this bloke failed year 10 maths
@StuartTurner582 Says:
stick your net zero its not helping us at all ,it only hrlps the rich ,dies nothing for Australia like labour
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
This guy is a complete lying clown. Ask him what is the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere. The issue of net zero. Is it can never be achieved. It's an urban myth. Humans contribute 11% in what we breathe out. These questions were asked just recently in the U.S. Congress. And the left wing climate nutters could not answer a single question. 1. Ho much Co2 is in the earths atmosphere - to day = 0.407% - less then half of ONE PER CENT. Humans add 11% - to that 0.407% total. 2. How much have oceans risen in the last 50 years = hardly at all. 3. How much extra Co2 has been added to the atmosphere since the 1970's = hardly any at all. 4. How much does the U.S. contribute to the overall percentage of 0.407% Co2 each year - 0.000003%. That's the U.S. taking into account - cars - industry. And they have about 330 million people. So this idea you are saving the planet is a complete lie. This GOD complex labor has - is a complete lie. Labor can't admit they got shafted by shysters. The green energy myth - trace it back - to a bunch of shysters - who bought out media outlets - to push their lies. That's a marketing campaign. To scare people - into buy my useless crap - over anything else that works. Green energy machines - do not materialise out of thin air. They are dug up out of dirty mines pits - made into machines. It's a 100% scam. Labor can't admit they are the dumbest bunnies in politics. And they can't tell you - why they are running a policy - that is only run by the world left wing movements. That have failed - every where else.
@robertfitchett-o6n Says:
All aboard and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead on Hmas Delusional. The global net zero transformation is grinding to a halt Jim.
@Birds_and_art Says:
The global net zero transformation..what a joke. Wind turbines impact the environment, last 20 years and can’t be recycled. Solar panels last even less. What happens to all the junk?
@vivrowe2763 Says:
What a person full of garbage. Jobs are going and more are about to.
@rapscallion9333 Says:
Having someone SO deluded controlling the purse strings is frightening.
@KarolinKey-t9g Says:
@info88w11 Says:
We all know Chompers Chalmers is still an in the closet alcoholic drunk on free booze in Canberra while he continues to vandalize the economy
@info88w11 Says:
Hey Jim keeping the status quo on over-concentrated duopoly of Australian Big-two super markets with excessive market power and lack of real competition will continue to screw over consumers and be a continuation of spiraling prices and inflation but you could not careless
@info88w11 Says:
BS Artist Chompers Chalmers lives in a fantasy spewing propagandas as a union puppet under the thumb of the CMFEU thugs like a wind-up robot fleecing taxpayers
@info88w11 Says:
Total Cooker dim sim grim jim snake chalmers the training wheels treasurer has a buggered up the economy and caused a cost of living crisis & high interest rates fiasco
@tomjones5338 Says:
Snake charmer Jimbo from the Simpsons get back in the Canberra basement
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Good old Grim Jim has in a short 2 years made Australia a third world shit hole.
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
He belongs in a mental health care facility
@Conky769 Says:
No climate hoax for Australia.
@UnknownUser-sc6jx Says:
Green energy is a scam it's a way to steal money from the tax payer by the government investing in green energy and second you paying more on your energy bills it's about keeping you poor.
@kkcw6668 Says:
Here's the REAL Net ZERO: Australia and the rest of the Sthn Hemisphere (man, machine & beast) goes into suspended animation for the rest of the 3rd Millennium, thats 976 years and the difference it makes is ZERO. Do Your Own (modelling) Research or ask NASA & JPL for theirs, both raw & filtered. AIRS +OCO2+OCO3 orbiting atmospheric observatories with half a (human) generations worth of data at greater than 1million packets of (raw) data every day on the composition of our sthn hemisphere atmosphere and same for the nrthn hemisphere
@jasminetutt7631 Says:
What an absolute joke
@Berserker978 Says:
Could someone bump Jimbo. I think his needle is Stuck in a Groove. He's been repeating for over a Year. 😆
@santino9346 Says:
Get stuffed charmers you pig!
@LuciferBlack-y7c Says:
Curious to know why the Murdoch family is protecting the Dutton family after Tom Dutton used social media to promote drug use.....? Reminiscent of danhunt Pete using the attorney general to escape a recorded conviction for mid range drink driving... The downside of Checkbook journalism 🤥
@PaulJames-g1w Says:
Nothing is getting cheaper,
@camche7683 Says:
Vote this smug useful idiot out.
@claudballs5679 Says:
So what he is saying is Australia is going to help Australians and people of the world go NetZero. How by buying all the equipment and minerals you need to go NetZero from China, and then Mark up the stuff and sell it to these people around the world because that's the only way you're going to be helping I can't believe they haven't realized yet that China controls NetZero and the ability to get there and stay there

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