'Vile, hateful and sickening': Chris Kenny slams those who defend October 7 attacks
'Vile, hateful and sickening': Chris Kenny slams those who defend October 7 attacks



@Aiden-ly4zs Says:
biggest mistake to let these people live in Aust...muslims will never be loyal to u
@somawallett6671 Says:
Thank you
@raysater4083 Says:
There not marching for Lebanon only Islam ☪️. Most Aussie Lebanese are Christian and support Israel
@markbasman7101 Says:
Well said Chris Kenny..!!
@krisnaweni6448 Says:
Europe is banning entry of muslims into their country and throwing out muslims already living in those countries
@TorqueKit Says:
Muticulturism at work , isn't it wonderfull. All the "Do Gooder Bleeding Hearts " will suffer the consequences of allowing these people into Australia .
@krisnaweni6448 Says:
No islam no muslims for australia enough is enough
@denkendannhandeln Says:
Expell Islam from every civilized country before they destroy us all.
@bengeeman Says:
Oh Chris, yep, what Hamas do to people is horrific and should be condemned, as you are doing in this report but you still never seem to excuse what the IDF have been doing to Palestinians over the years, they treat them like scum. I have to say, I backpacked through sth America in the mid 90's and the worst travellers/tourists were the groups of entitled ex IDF soldiers, they treated the locals with zero respect. I have a friend that just had a holiday in Sri Lanka and he mentioned that the groups of ex IDF soldiers were unbelievably disrespectful towards the locals and other travellers. So guess what, personnel from the IDF aren't saints but some of them walk around as though they are the chosen ones!
@Schwabian Says:
We are on the way to becoming like the UK- weak leaders- remember it will be your grandchildren who will suffer as a result of passive government
@tyo8663 Says:
The only weapon of consequence that the terrorists have is the gullible western media. Yes, looking at you ABC in particular. Stop spreading Hamas propaganda like it's news.
@TitchTheWonderDog-rp1pf Says:
Make no mistake, unless the Australian Government grow a spine and start to deport and cancel visas, we will see the same terror happen here. A matter of time.
@juliedunne2726 Says:
Meanwhile our Govt has let this fester, and they have totally distracted our govt from what they were voted in for! Be nice if they paid attention to their own for a change!
@vonshayne5316 Says:
Occupation is unacceptable in 2024. Israel must stop the occupation asap.
@leanegarden6997 Says:
Australians don’t seem to realize what they’re dealing with. These people hate the West and aim to spread Sharia law wherever they go. Europe’s already dealing with a silent intifada, with governments downplaying the chaos to avoid looking bad for letting in illegal migrants. It’s happening in Australia too, and when it erupts, it’ll be too late. Islam considers non-believers filthy and impure, banning them from places like Mecca. Ironically, some Muslim countries like Egypt and Jordan have kicked out Islamists, yet they wreak havoc in Lebanon and Israel. Australia could be on the same path if it’s not careful.
@johnburnett3942 Says:
Well said.
@nzpnorthernzonepropng8505 Says:
Just deport them..
@joycelynbennetts Says:
And we have a Prime Minister that supports Palestine,.
@koloni2862 Says:
This is what happens when u let Muslims from the ME into ur country they will turn it into a shithole
@alexdrake5048 Says:
@regsteiger Says:
But, it is just sand kaffirs being their EVIL selves. Wake up whitey's. before all is castles in the sand.
@alexdrake5048 Says:
@Chrisbryant-q1j Says:
They all need deporting NOW WEAK ALBOSLEEZY AND BURKE
@dougglesj5817 Says:
Where is the Member for Lakemba Tony Burke? Home Affairs Minister, portfolio blank page and no where to be seen or heard, hiding in a card board box electorate full of Anti Australian enclave dwellers.
@Asianjesus1 Says:
These people is not ready for modern world
@darussianping61 Says:
100% i agree with this anchor
@violet-kittychick Says:
@deec3960 Says:
I think 90% of Australians support Israel, just most can't say it.....that's where the problem lies
@ilfyf Says:
The meaning of Palestine is "invader."
@pat6289 Says:
Australia has become weak, AUS shoiuld protect this country at all costs, i wonder if it was neo nazis protesting in the streets ?!
@Omni-11111 Says:
Sickening indeed!!! When the day "occupied territory" they ran what is left of the state of Israel after Israeli ex gave them the west bank and the Gaza strip. Now they want the israelies out of what is left
@NancyOoi-vg3fs Says:
So sick!😢
@oneofakind5668 Says:
By not showing what really took place, the same footage the jihadies shared, has made people believe it never took place, so by showing it only then will people believe it. The loonyleft and moslems keep telling us the white folk are colonizers and we need to go back where we came from o.0 622 The Prophet Muhammad undertakes the Hijra, his pilgrimage from Mecca to Medina. Shortly after his arrival, he writes the Constitution of Medina, which establishes the first Islamic state. This focuses on stability, freedom of religion, and justice. The Islamic empire starts to expand their control under Muhammad. 632 Muhammad dies, and control passes to the caliphs, the successors of Muhammad. The four "rightly guided," or Rashidun, caliphs greatly expand the Islamic empire into North Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, the Iranian Peninsula, and Central Asia. This provides the stability and influence necessary for the Golden Age scholars.
@sscfc1 Says:
@brentonburdon2924 Says:
Well said!!
@danechristmas6570 Says:
Liberalism is a mental disorder.. Please have empathy for them..😂
@cupra2Jock. Says:
They just using this as an excuse to put a bally on or their nans tea towel round their kipper. None of these melts have ever had to get masked up for a job. Soft chwats.
@marianayos5306 Says:
Send them back even they are A citizens...their loyalty still in their country.
@user-rf2el4gh5d Says:
The sad changing face of Australia. Refugees bringing there hatred with them
@jinnahmaelobrio9228 Says:
These people are proud of their barbarity and evil acts. Such sick and twisted minds.
@janethompson5575 Says:
Well said
@LeoLvr-v1o Says:
The same people that will normalise pedophila
@jessedavid4271 Says:
10/7/24 - Blessed be Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Yizkor "And so I will remember you, Who have gone to the distant realm of silence, Who have vanished beyond the boundary of the narrow world's horizon." Hayim Nahman Bialik
@johnchristie7514 Says:
The callous timing of the Palestinian protest is morally sick .
@MarvinFerolino Says:
Deport all immigrants in Australia they are antisemitism
@jonnybotts Says:
Very well spoken, the truth is a rare thing nowadays
@caspers5431 Says:
Gift of diversity. Thanks to the Australian govt 👍🏼
@nivid01 Says:
Albanese and Wong are supporters of this Hamas/Hezbollah shit while the vast majority of Australians, decent Australians, support Israel and condemn terrorism and its supporters!
@deniseorourke7235 Says:
Thankyou for telling it as it is Let the imams go back to their own countries and lie their brains out there
@landseaairphotography Says:
You talk about the videos as being too harsh and violent to show. Maybe these videos should be shown to the world, so that people can make judgement for themselves, and actually see the truth. Then maybe all the protests will turn the other way. An old saying. "If a tree falls in the bush, and you did not see it. Did the tree actually fall"?

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