UK election a 'disappointment' for Conservative Party: John Howard
UK election a 'disappointment' for Conservative Party: John Howard



Corporate & State merged is Fascism, I.e. Extreme right wing - Extreme capitalism / profits before people, as defined by far right fascist Mussolini ! Sunaks right wingers, copied north american extreme capitalism / greed, & screwed ordinary Brits by selling off the UKs assets to corporates ! The UK has now voted against corporate control ! : ) : )
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
Sooner or later people realised they are getting played, "trickle down economics" is a lie.
@3RAV4s Says:
Has anyone asked John Howard about abolishing his Nuclear moratorium , yet?
@francescostello1377 Says:
Really, oh boo boo, they are not Conservative fgs, but Zionist Neo Liberal WEF globalist government, owned lock stock and barrel. The same as the misnomer Labour Party, two cheeks of the same backside, the uni party.
@johncorlett3699 Says:
total no brainer, their polices, and lack of action on voters concerns made them like dog doo on a shoe, unfortunstly voters forgot how bad labour were, so now there is dog doo on both shoes
@winstonsmith7801 Says:
Hey Johnny , The Tories are not Conservative , that's the problem . The same issues resides in Australia with the LNP.
14 years of right wing control & the UK is now owned by corporates, nothing left for the people ! The lesson is - ` Governed by Greed - All $$$$s go to the Greedy ! ` : )
@amritpal4964 Says:
Conservative Party deliberately put their worst foot forward . It was the only way to get Rid of the Hindu Tavi Piece of Nincom Poop 💩
@AdnanMasr Says:
Mr Sunak, go to your genocidal friends. I am sure they will console you and pay you for all your support.
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Sunak aint no Conservative. He's a weak, woke muppet who infiltrated the once Conservatives
@brad4texas Says:
If one acts leftist, then calling yourself “conservative” means nothing.
@rrfuchs1 Says:
Putin is laughing as Europe divides and conquers itself.
@phishENchimps Says:
Did you ever consider that the vote is rigged? It is your right to question the formation and calculation of the votes.Unless you do not live in a "democracy" but an authoritarian state. your Personal actions will decide which is which.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
UK no hope no future 😂😂
@Poorlineforeva Says:
John Howard is a disappointment to Australia. Back in your cryogenic chamber until the next election. Which you can help the lnp lose. Again. You war criminal.
@nursejulie3636 Says:
Doesn’t matter how many people vote. Matters who counts the votes. Economy is for the worse mass illegal immigration and crime. Just like here in the USA.
@sandgroper4044 Says:
I feel sorry for Britain. Slowly getting over taken by Muslims and the lefty government letting them
@Dont_Gnaw_on_the_Kitty_1 Says:
Right wing is on the nose everywhere. UK and France rejected the conservatives. The UK living standards have gone backwards after 13 years of these incompetant leaders.
@MrMSBranham Says:
The conservatives should be disappointed. They ruled like liberals and ignored the people who sent them into office.
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
Betray the voter with illegal immigration expect it however huge mistake but unfortunately voting for the far left criminals Islamist party is the nail in the coffin
@williambranch4283 Says:
Zero Seats next time
@alisaleh9405 Says:
New era for Britain, my be it time for Britain to untie its self from American tale tale
@LuciferBlack-y7c Says:
Did little John wear his bulletproof vest during his interview with Flicka 🐴...? To be fair her political opinions did contribute to wiping out right wing governments in Australia the UK and France.... 😆😆😆..... When nothing changes Nothing changes.....♻️
@Genesis-007 Says:
Pipe down Howard, you're just another washed up ousted has been.
@Toddscomp2 Says:
Both parties are bought and paid for by an organization that seeks to destroy your country. It's happening worldwide. That organization is the WEF, and they won't stop until their ideological demands are implemented.
@nicethings2070 Says:
Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Interviewing war criminals & peadophiles is not an honourable thing to do
@serviusm9523 Says:
Labour won thanks to voting splitting. It is easily undone by tactical voting. Look at France. The left-wing were tactical and brought down Le Pen
@darrylweidenhofer Says:
Why do we care about what this war crimminal fossil says.?

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