Keir Starmer majority win built on 'quicksand'
Keir Starmer majority win built on 'quicksand'



@ianHolmes-up2oc Says:
Great to see right wing crybabies getting upset over Labour winning the election
@alexzannoni1501 Says:
But the question is: Has Starmer worked out what a woman is??
@infidel202 Says:
Far left labor are wef puppets just look at what they did to New Zealand and Australia, labor in Australia received 32%of the vote and are destroying Australia
@merlingeikie Says:
10 million of 46 million voters, turned out for Labour. He hasnt got a chance now that the left despises workers and holds their interests in contempt.
@chrisbabbage4004 Says:
Cry harder princess 🤣
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Yes, esther, very week victory for UK Labour, only 400 seats. Great victory for Reform, a whole five seats. Far better to watch repeats of Little Britain thän rubbish from little esther.
@JimAllder11 Says:
Well, it is the center left Labour Party that won. Making every bit of this analysis Right Wing Hyperbole, generated by devout students of FoxNews tactics.
@Vertibirde Says:
Keir Starmer with 411 seats and a majority of 172. Yep, sure he’ll be devastated.
@jacquelineithell307 Says:
@leifandersen2756 Says:
He has the majority the next four years so what can go wrong ? The Conservatives is out of power the next four years so accept this !
@curly-3606 Says:
He looks completely lost
@andyhoward940 Says:
Why does starmer always look clueless ?
@dmarshall8366 Says:
Hey Dolt, thought Europe was moving to the right? Britain gets a centre left Government and the French stop the right wing gaining power. You are so pathetic and transparent. No journalism ever, just hard right rhetoric and bigotry.
@RakHineUss9 Says:
@colinyates7485 Says:
How the right wing media hate any form of a centre left government, the Labour Party won by a massive majority under their voting system, they have only been in power for a few days yet sky are whinging already about the UK election , it’s called Democracy, get over it.
@arnoldsaunders6073 Says:
Look at their front bench. Similar to those you would have met in the Star Wars bar.
@TrickyBoy1517. Says:
Labour didn't win. They conned people into thinking they could do better, and they won't.
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Bolts the Rich Grub just drinking along to his own comfortable Ego.
@cramsagellvas8654 Says:
It’s crap I bought it & it’s crap I will talk to my bank if I can have my money back, it didn’t make my grey hair disappear,waste of money & time,
@GeorgePapadopolous Says:
The far-right can cry and cope for the next five years. Better luck next time, in the meantime, here's a cup for their tears. 😢 🍵
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Venezuela 2.0 just around the corner for the UK😂
@nursejulie3636 Says:
A Path to Communism. Left always finds a way to win.
@killua6281 Says:
Womp womp cry more
@joeybrown3583 Says:
Also UK's New Leftist PM Kills Illegal Immigrant Deportation Scheme On Day One. How do like that.
@joeybrown3583 Says:
So 34% is a majority 😂.
@englishstark6100 Says:
They’ve Cloned Albo!
@serviusm9523 Says:
Polls had Labour at 40%. The Labour majority is built off vote splitting, which is easily undone by tactical voting

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