Biden tells Hill Democrats he is staying in the race
Biden tells Hill Democrats he is staying in the race



@tinah5823 Says:
@me2get2u9 Says:
The way CNN is covering this you would think Joe over turned Roe v Wade, oh that was Trump and it didn't get this kind of coverage. Why is that oh yea corporate taxes. I mean you would think Joe said you can kiss a women without knowing there name and grab them by the pussycat if your a star they just let you do it, oh yea that was Trump and it didn't get this kind of coverage. I guess Joe should have save the speech about raising corporate taxes?
@DIRTYD-bd2nf Says:
WHAT A DISGRACE 💀💀💀💀💀🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
@ottomatix2277 Says:
I would vote for Biden even if his head was in jar of blue goo before I would vote a person who is a convicted felon,and rapist. Anyone who spent time picking out a solid gold toilet has no idea of the reality Americans live , no idea what families with children with disabilities feel when he mocks them, when everything he does is done to tear down whats taken 2 centuries to build. Name one thing he did as president that affected you personally for the better. Tax checks don’t count since your children are paying that off.
@ThickBanana Says:
It's not very democratic to effectively say "shut up, let's go with the candidate that practically half of us in our own side of politics wants to move on from"
@Peacethisyear Says:
CNN executives are Republicans! They are deliberately trying to tank Biden’s campaign
@Peacethisyear Says:
CNN is trying to tank Biden’s campaign!
@My2CentsYall Says:
Good on ya Joe. You going to try to switch up people 4 month before and election NO! Its insane
@annettesurfer Says:
Gee, I can’t believe I held my nose to vote for Biden. He’s clueless of what’s going on around him and this foolish quest for another term is going to earn him a legacy like Ruth Bader Ginsburg in not knowing when to pass the torch. He ought to drop out of the race and resign ASAP so the history books will give him credit for elevating a woman of color into the presidential seat. The truth is, we’re going to lose because Joe alienated too many voters with his ill-advised embrace of war-criminal Netanyahu. His debate performance along with the ABC interview and his selfish, full of himself demeanor appears to be the final nail in the coffin. His haters are either going to sit this one out, waste a vote on a candidate outside the duopoly, or vote for the worst possible waste of good oxygen…tRump. Independent Bernie Sanders could save us from losing since the deadline to file only ended in 8 states and he could be a write-in candidate there. His popularity and name recognition would mean a landslide win because all those haters the duopoly lost would have a candidate to vote FOR, rather than just against. And to sweeten the deal, Kamala could remain the VP so she’d still be a heartbeat away from ascending to the highest office in the land. Sure down ballot defections from split tickets are possible but that would be on the D’s for not drafting Bernie to run as a Democrat.
I am Ridin with Biden...may I suggest you get on board to save democracy!!!!
@XzX-7 Says:
Alright GD it, let's get the hell over this and move ahead. Be open to changing your mind, going with the flow, and let's rally this thing and get on with it. The way I see it things are looking good. The Democratic Party is strong and good, and we are going to win this election! 🇺🇸
@alanapierre7119 Says:
Wtf is wrong with you silly ass people? Nobody has said anything About the Orange Elephant 🐘 in the room.
@mg9660 Says:
My question who wrote the letter JILL ?
@crocsonletsgo9665 Says:
Now that bidens issues are finally being recognized by the media, I hope his family gets him the help he needs. It was sad to watch us pretend like he was okay for so long.
@mg9660 Says:
Trump 2024 is a shoe in for certain
@topsingles280 Says:
Crime is at record lows under Biden. Law and order was never under better shape than under Biden. We know all about Trump. Convicted felon. Caused 1 million covid deaths and high inflation. Caused a civil war almost, on Jan 6. Caused 20 percent unemployment. Caused a stock market crash and everybody’s retirement plan melted down. The oval office was in chaos during his 4 years. There was chaos on the streets. Allies ran for the exit. We were never more insecure. He overturned roe v wade. He tried to erase millions of black votes in swing states. He swindled banks. His tax cut drained middle class wealth which went to his ultrawealthy donors. It is only the tip of the iceberg. Trump will spell the end of democracy in America. The entire global economy will crash.
@topsingles280 Says:
Biden should just stay in the race. He is the greatest post world war 2 president having saved democracy once already. Democracy is at stake in november and he is in good shape. He will save it. Biden economy, jobs and Bidenomics are very solid. He has added 16 million jobs
@topsingles280 Says:
The media are horrible. They want his doctor’s name. How about the press reporter disclose his social security number , bank and investment accounts before asking his question? Total jerk and unintelligent person.
@pcastromedina Says:
CNN= Crooked Nasty News is in bed with Trump, that’s why they are not reporting on Trump’s involvement in Jeffrey Epstein’s disgusting dealings. Trump’s name is all over those released documents.
@Tỳkheo Says:
For a peaceful world without war, freedom, democracy, human rights for people around the world, please vote for DONALD TRUMP. And Colonel HUNG CAO enters the US Senate in 2024🇺🇲🇺🇲❤
@WagnerSandr0 Says:
No matter what you watch, no matter what you hear, your eyes and ears are not important, ignore evidence, it is not important, george orwells
@keqinyangmuseum6183 Says:
Congratulations to America president Joe!! Powerful. Right direction for America today government powerful leading conditions. Hope all social media platform influence entire world in great ways as excellent results, great pictures and videos in fully positive conditions. Social media voice powerful influence entire world mentioned America government powerful leading conditions. Today America government Win is America Win!! All Americans respond and together Win today Win tomorrow Win future Win forever!! America on the peak of pyramid forever in the world!! All Americans respond by have the strongest confident Win forever!!
@freeman041 Says:
Selfishness? At that age, there's no way you can get better. Democrats should prepare for the worse.
@scott70 Says:
President Poopy Pants 😂
@zekie23 Says:
Dam Jill and hunter biden sounds angry in that letter.
@issacdaniels Says:
I didn’t pay attention to policies enough to comment on the details but I know that Joe has lost my confidence. I’m a proud American that wants a leader and not someone that can’t truly address the American people. Joe seems to have little capacity of what’s going on and only tries to sell himself. We know who Trump is. I want to hear more about how we can unite the American people and strengthen our nation. For the record I’m black, as though that as nothing to do with anything I’m American and hate to see where this country is headed. I’m only 29 and truly hurt, disappointed, and saddened to see the decline of our country. I’ll hope for the best and to my part as a proud American regardless of the outcome!
@jscorpion9413 Says:
Biden is staying in the race until the wheels fall off. He’s going out the hard way.
@alonsogalindo1428 Says:
“And just as you saw the feet and the toes to be partly of clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom will be divided, but some of the hardness of iron will be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with soft clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom will be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 Just as you saw iron mixed with soft clay, they will be mixed with the people; but they will not stick together, one to the other, just as iron does not mix with clay.”(Daniel 2:41-43) Turn to the ONLY kingdom that can provide salvation. Jehovah’s Kingdom led by his son Jesus Christ. ““In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever”(Daniel 2:44)
@FiTrill Says:
Kennedy 2024!
@angeec3311 Says:
CNN!! You are celebrating Trump winning your debate the 30 + lairs Trump told and never answering your questions you asked..Never fact checking until way after the debate I will never trust mainstream media again.. No to Project 25!! Vote Biden Vote Blue
@brianlowe3529 Says:
The good old us of a . Says it all. Two old men . In a tub .
@jaysmith6863 Says:
I bet CNN ratings are skyrocketing now they are telling the truth
@Nancyy5318 Says:
Folks: Never Trump again “. Stand up All Democrats Vote All the top to a bottom. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
@Nancyy5318 Says:
Let’s go President Joe Biden! And 👍👍👍💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️😀❤️🧕🏻🙏🙏🙏✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
@ursaltydog Says:
Biden has given over to his prideful anger. He has fallen for Trump's goading and sarcastic posts maligning him to stay in the race... Oldest trick in th e book. If a new candidate emerged, there would not be time for the Trump campaign to do opposition research and make the points stick, like they have done with Joe. Joe, do the right thing.. for the country, I beg you.
@susansawatzky3816 Says:
Voting BIDEN/HARRIS 💙💙💙💙
@michaelbill521 Says:
He has Dementia. It will not get better. Theres no cure sadly. This is his unfortunate fate.
@CharlesMartin-wt8pd Says:
Joe bidens communication skills are a disgrace. Joe biden is a candidate the democratic party must replace.
@janmac218 Says:
If Biden understood the Dem's concern, he would step down.
@dontewashington3250 Says:
This is great news. The pure unadulterated entertainment flowing from the democrats and the White House is better than anything I’ve ever seen. What did they think would happen when the installed the dumbest man in politics in the Oval Office 3.5 years ago?
@JMJc3337 Says:
A house divided against itself cannot stand. Biden is a wolf in sheep clothing. Thank God for revealing who biden is at the debate. Glory to God..
@steveo3831 Says:
Fetterman is delusional or an outright bullshiter. Is there no reputable designer or local tailor who can help this man?
@Nina-eo8vp Says:
This looks like a struggle between the Obama shadow government and the Bernie lefties. Sleepy joe has conveniently with the good doctors ( jill ) prescription alligned with the the lefties. CNN, MSNBS, NYT etc. Your game is up. Enemy of the people
@FrankBurnham Says:
@Mrspuma527 Says:
God forbid a man be concerned about a woman, even in a joking way. Why did the blond lady get so offended that her male colleague didn’t want her female colleague to get soaked by the sprinklers? Women are so sensitive and it must be hard to work in such an environment.
@Aksownsbske Says:
“Freudian slip” LMFAO
@THollandcunt Says:
@rp9674 Says:
If there had been CNN, there would have been no FDR
@ToxiCisty Says:
Dr. Jill/Hunter 2024 🏳️‍🌈
@RandySmith-z8l Says:
Biden/Harris 2024

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