Stunning new details revealed about moments before Trump shooting
Stunning new details revealed about moments before Trump shooting



@marcmarc59 Says:
@carlosavila8015 Says:
Cada noticia de Este señor es de dar risa, lo que mas duele es que aun El govierno de Este pais lo tome en cuenta como candidato y pero me sentiria de frustrado si llegase a ganar.
@user-bg4fd8qb2o Says:
This is tough for polite company, certainly, but let's give a maybe Rhapist, certain felon the benefit of the doubt. Eh? Surely Grandma, you can find a way to explain away your support of Doughboy Don to your granddaughters. And your grandsons will love you for your choice. Right? So Grandma - Dump The Grump or the Grand Children?
@paulm518 Says:
Trump's only policy is Project 2025, which consists of the following: - Allowing states to ban labor unions in the private sector. - Making it easier for corporations to fire workers who engage in collective action or organizing. - Allowing corporations to get rid of unions even when the workers are protected by a signed union contract. - Forcing workers to hold secret ballot elections to form a union even when their employer has agreed to voluntarily recognize it. - Eliminating overtime protections for workers. - Ignoring the federal minimum wage. - Eliminating the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which has relieved many AFSCME members of an overwhelming student debt burden. - Ending merit staffing in the federal government so Trump can hire unqualified loyalists for thousands of positions now filled by qualified, trained, nonpartisan career employees — among them AFSCME members. - Gutting health care and retirement benefits. Eliminating federal rules that protect children from working in mines, meatpacking plants and other dangerous workplaces.
@JennaaMusic Says:
She needs to be fired immediately
@tradrodsandcustoms Says:
Nobody talking about the guy on the water tower
@angelatanurdzic7508 Says:
What a movie! 🧐
@jennifergoldwaithe6451 Says:
And Noone will be held accountable either Sick!!!
@scottsours Says:
Dei hires
@larryhunt2579 Says:
You know what aggravates me about the lesser side of this is that people like Jesse Waters play laughy little clips that's aren't funny at all. Jesse should have stayed watters world. He's not worthy of prime time egotistical pathetic man. Btw prime time with everyone i know is at 9pm. Jesse, you need some lessons from the greatest ever Sean Hanity
@frankpohl4377 Says:
CIA Sunglasses: 60 years part of the uniform in service: RayBan Black Sport. Can t foll from your ears. Has the hardest glas from all glases (breaktest special) Why is no one wearing them today? Frank
@PIREPvideos Says:
Did Crookes know he was going to die? Did he volunteer to be a sacrificial lamb, to cover for the other marksman? Why do I ask this? Because of the video he posted- either Tik Tok, or Instagram - where he finishes off saying, “You got the wrong guy.”
@hasasled Says:
plausible deniability
@user-bu8gm7yh9u Says:
They found glass in Pres. Trump's ear. But where did the bullet land???
@user-bu8gm7yh9u Says:
Twice the boy was noticed before he went on the roof. Eight minutes prior to Pres. Trump's appearance at the podium, boy wss spotted on the roof. Obviously, you'd keep Pres Trump hidden til threat eliminated. And the roofs near or further away are for security to be stationed at least one hour prior to the event.
@hasasled Says:
The democrats came up with "Trumped" up charges to try to keep Trump from being able to run for president, that didn't work. They tried to keep the president's failing mental health issues secret from the masses, until we ALL saw the mental meltdown at the debate with our own eyes, then they tried to replace Joe but he said he's staying in the race. The democrats have openly said on tv that Biden can not beat Trump in the election, so the only way to stay in power is "eliminate "the competition and now you know how this went down. This is about the democrats power, not the welfare of the country or it's people. 🤷‍♂️
@TDH8988 Says:
They cant be that imcompetend.
@ThingsThatgobang96 Says:
So the fbi is investigating themselves?
@davidnelson6363 Says:
Why wasnt Yrump pulled off stage. That is the question
@jean-AT Says:
Maybe Fox should report on the father of the gun man who features in the RNC database with a 0.97 out of 1 to being a Republican gun owner and prime receiver of their propaganda.
@pennymorin8636 Says:
Interesting to see how Trump is going to spin this to his advantage. He’s a pro at that kind of stuff.
@charliemackenzie2485 Says:
Soooo the top security force in America doesn't use drones?
@Peacemaker-er3tl Says:
Doe 174
@fuzzy59 Says:
Well if anybody is a advertisement of how dishonest the wolf left are it's this clown
@jacobdudzik667 Says:
EVERY event has aerial surveillance, either drone or satellite... And this guy was on that roof for several minutes???
@triplebackspace3623 Says:
Okay. Off topic. I need an answer from a MAGA former republican. Why & How ? Trump poses triumphant after his involuntarily ear piercing & it is a good almost inspiring pose but then ends up using it to shill for money by putting it on a $299 pair of cheap Chinese made sneakers sold via a sleazy late night infomercial format. It's almost like he's trying to distroy his own fake narrative that it's the democrats that are making the US a laughing stock.
@sirloin869 Says:
@TeresaLandazury-g6d Says:
@rzone1286 Says:
Who stands at the podium for 9-10 seconds for their shoes and a photo opp, putting others in further danger? Such a clown show.
@enduser6764 Says:
I just can't understand why no one watching (as Trump supporters) did nothing but watch what was happening. Why didn't any of his loyal supporters in the stands help their future president. Makes me wonder who all the spectators really were? I'm confused.
@victorthai250 Says:
cant even bring a sealed waterbottle through TSA but Secret Service is too lazy to secure a rooftop?
@jenh9361 Says:
The director of the secret service was leniantly pushed into position without being vetted by the Senate... Anthony who somehow wheelds more power than fjb's cheif of staff pushed this chick through for jill biden... she was jills secret service during their VP time. She was not qualified for the position as director of the secret service... DEI clearly doesn't work once again!!!
@ritchiecherice Says:
Way before that come in stop lying
@subs4794 Says:
Second Amendment, he had a rght to carry arms, legs and ladders.
@ricktatom6383 Says:
Cheatle said, “It shouldn’t happen again.” AGAIN?! It shouldn’t have happened this time! This agenda-driven liberal may think that saying, “The buck stops with me….”, makes her sound noble and virtuous, but she should quit patronizing us and do the right thing by resigning forthwith. And not wait to be asked!
@TheAboriginalFamily Says:
This is what they are going to do blame trump as usual. Then they are gonna try and take him to court again for some bogus bull💩. You guys know that they don’t want trump for president
@michaelbennett9009 Says:
So .. when walking up to a sidewalk , and the little ramped section for handicap access. Is that now so Dangerous that our Secret Service agency should Avoid. Maybe steer clear ? Sounds Soo Scary lady ! Give me a Freakin Break !
@bidensacrook9411 Says:
Why was that rally the very first one that the entire media aired live for the first time ever?
@ricktatom6383 Says:
You lost me at, “The FBI has interviewed….”. The proverbial fox is once again (gleefully) guarding the chicken coop.
@realsteel8113 Says:
Extraordinary how this is the single biggest blunder of the secret service ever in history and we have a political party actively persecuting Trump for 7 years straight and a diversity hire head of the secret service who actively does not want to protect Trump 😒
@claytonlister25 Says:
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity or incompetence.
@bobbystephens1537 Says:
Lee Harvey Oswald all over
@Randy-c3c Says:
I still ask... what if a civilian had taken responsibility to protect our fellow citizen(S)?
@terrence2396 Says:
Usual suspect
@bryanspanjer3213 Says:
Fire dei director
@JejesjnsnsmDjdjdj Says:
They probably was told to overlook it
@terrence2396 Says:
@sharcrum Says:
Every time I watch one of these news clips about this, it just blows my mind that local law enforcement along with the secret service allowed this to happen. I mean even if they would have put me in charge I probably would have done a better job then all these people I mean maybe I'm just seeing it from hindsight or something but these people are supposed to be experts at this these people are supposed to be trained at this. What in the world happened unless it was just set up to happen that way?!
@rickb1387 Says:
They were all out in places which hindered them from being close enough to protect Trump. They were told to operate that way.
@thesoner4605 Says:
Jill Biden's pick to lead the secret service was only worried about diversity.

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