Stephen Miller: The 'emptiness' of Kamala Harris' answers is being 'steadily exposed'
Stephen Miller: The 'emptiness' of Kamala Harris' answers is being 'steadily exposed'



@Reporting-t9y Says:
78 yo senile speaking : " I'm a better looking person than Kamala."
@ewamacionga7475 Says:
Her mother started career in India.Who HELPED her?Communists?Who HELPED her in the USA?
@candacehandyside903 Says:
Trump got endorsed by the union
@MrElapid Says:
The trolls say don't listen to Fox., etc. I don't, I just pay attention to what the candidates actually SAY.
@joemaster8066 Says:
Emptiness is an understatement.
@Jeffery-c4x Says:
@connortilson7141 Says:
Mossad in the Trump Camp ! From the Atlantic to the Pacific, America must be FREE, from AIPAC & MOSSAD !
@GiancarlosHernandez Says:
📣How is it that we cant get cameras or live streams going at the polling stations, with an outside company staffing the polling stations as an extra measure of monitoring cheating to ensure voter integrity, it'll be another layer of assurance... give me 1 reason this isn't possible to do?📝💡🙏🏼✝️
@MovieMax1701 Says:
::Kamala Harris notices she has no plan:: Kamala: “How do we handle this?” Harris/Waltz Campaign Manager: “we could try not talking about anything?” Kamala: “I see! Pretend nothing has happened, say nothing and hope everything turns out alright on election day?…Sounds like a plan.”
@MegaNewlondon Says:
Who likes work ?
@kathrynmossor9891 Says:
♥️ Stephan Miller🇺🇸
@VineyardGaden Says:
Kamala and the Democrats DO NOT care for -- or have any respect for -- the American people. Henceforth, they DO NOT deserve the vote of the American people. Simply reference the ongoing open border crisis and its consequences upon the American people.
@robertfraser5994 Says:
Kamala's "joy" on stage comes out of a bottle of alcohol in the Green Room.
@VizualeyezProductns Says:
America should riot if Harris becomes president. We all sat around to watch the horrors of this administration. Are we going to sit around if they rig the election again?
@DP-gw9cw Says:
Oh gosh Kamala is a broken record 😮😮😮 Con artist that’s what she is!
@SteamvilleQuintet Says:
She struts around like Disco Duck giggling like the toker she is.
@jarellbrown824 Says:
“What can be unburdened by what has been..” that’s deep 😂😂😂
@roadtrip2943 Says:
The late professor irwin corey gave more direct more concise more understandable answers that kamster
@lasersbee Says:
Have you noticed that when the Word Salad Cackler has NOTHING she starts to talk Extra FAKE Nasal... I can't wait for Trump/Vance to win the November Election by a Landslide and get rid of all these Corrupt Incompetent Traitorous Biden/Harris Democrat BS Train Wrecks and get back to a NORMAL America.
@joshuaniniola2131 Says:
While it is true that Trump has always been pragmatic, and Kamala is not, the main stream media will continue to push that Kamala won the debate and that her acceptance has heightened not because it actually did but to set a trap for their future election rigging, then claim that the polls have always showed that she was leading. Whatever is the case, this election is a battle between good and evil; Trump representing good and Kamala the arrowhead of evil. I pray that America achieve retribution against all the inhuman and evil people majority of whom are Democrats with some stupid RINOs.
@lasersbee Says:
Cackling Flip-Flopping Word Salad FAKE PHONY Communist Kamala and her City Burning Tampon Tim are Delusional if they think they have a snowball's chance in Hell to win ANY Election.... I can't wait for Trump/Vance to win the November Election by a Landslide and get rid of all these Corrupt Incompetent Traitorous Biden/Harris Democrat BS Train Wrecks and get back to a NORMAL America.
@roudyrusty610 Says:
She has no idea zero cant answer a simple ?,all you is the same robot answer,,i grew up in a middle class blah blah vomit
@mrxstudlly620 Says:
Take me to your leader Trump now let's eat animals for dinner!
@orendz7740 Says:
Hell my company is already reducing its workforce by 5%. I guess we are lucky it’s only 5%, I’ve heard other company’s are doing 10%.
@MrBodyguard380 Says:
Kamala really inspired me tremendously. Her intellect, her ability and her dedication and policies have been the inspiration and motivation for me to definitely vote for Trump. AGAIN.
@MrBodyguard380 Says:
Trump will be in the lead right up until election night and the democrats suddenly find another couple million votes.
@hoss_Cartwright Says:
Be honest she is wayyyyyyyy ahead
@AB-no2cc Says:
She isn’t doing any work, she can’t wait to go back in hiding for 4 years.
@saltybitch9788 Says:
SKAMALA is all theater 🎭 no substance.
@KB-sv7fm Says:
How about the emptiness of Trump’s answer about child care at the Economics Club of New York ?
@markm31017 Says:
I hate hearing her "I grew up a middle class kid" so annoying
@jkarnes45 Says:
Stupid fascists like Trump don't concern me so much. Smart fascists like this guy do.
@emean8299 Says:
You nailed it Stephen Miller!👏👏👏🙌🙌 Kamala is a 🤡🤡🤡 Thank you Jesse!
@KimDelaney-t5j Says:
She learned a few lines and that’s about it. A true ding bat.
@jkarnes45 Says:
Fox loves to interview the vampire. If they ever did a remake of Interview With a Vampire, he's the guy
@miked5789 Says:
FKH, FCNN..... Trump '24 for America
@michaellim8601 Says:
Vile evil crazy laughing hyena kamaka.
@clovertechdev4243 Says:
Trump keep making extreme verbals attacks, and JDVance also instigated someone to shoot Kamala. Why not quit all these nonesense blaming games and extreme verbal attacks and just tell americans your plan. Millions of us still undecide who we should vote for.
@WhocaresWhy44 Says:
I saw a house on Euclid Street in Berkeley listed at 1.05 million. What would be the down payment on that. Yet would you be able to insure it.
@amarreder6241 Says:
All this stuff on TRUMP in the past 9 months is suspicious.
@calacurrather9994 Says:
When is Trump going to “Bagram” Alaska? 😂😂
@danboyd2725 Says:
When Trump loses, he'll have the stupid White Nationalist racism of Stephen Miller to thank for alienating millions of voters. And he'll have Fox News to thank for giving that idiot a platform.
@mariodeltoribio5905 Says:
Comrade Kamala will only win by cheating, rigging the election and allowing the Immigrants to vote in US election, the governor and mayor who let these illegal immigrants to vote which is illegal will face indictments and remove them from office. While President Donald Trump is expected to win landslide.
@CarlosBayon-NO.1 Says:
Try to understand that there is nothing Trump can say or do to win. He is the insurrectionist loser candidate in my view and the view of most Americans 🇺🇸 including over 200 top Republicans, he is not qualified. 81 million voters fired him. I don't let my emotions or my race guide me when choosing a President, just the facts. Einsteins.
@WhocaresWhy44 Says:
RUN OUT THE CLOCK, Enjoy the dividend of smaller Trump rallys, diminish the number of Trump optics. Keep Kamala making "vague and canned " statements. Then the plan, certainly not her plan but a Cheney designed plan, a neocon political machine with its original component, Cheney himself. Cheney rebrands from Satan to Jesus and Liz is enshrined as the savior of democracy.
@CarlosBayon-NO.1 Says:
XZ65- We shouldn't be wasting our taxpayers' money guarding an insurrectionist billionaire engaged in foolish activities when people can't buy bacon and pay bills. This money buys a lot of bacon.
@marileedent8499 Says:
Nannys isn't middle class
@marileedent8499 Says:
She only helps iligals
@sandymartin5578 Says:
How many times do we have to listen to this!!!
@marileedent8499 Says:
I don't blame them. Look what has happened to our country

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