Journey to excellence: Former New Zealand PM's take on trade with China
Journey to excellence: Former New Zealand PM's take on trade with China



@roberttony001 Says:
People need to remember, tariffs are not paid by the country exporting the product but by consumers buying the product. Where there is no competing locally produced product to protect, they are just a sales tax to generate tax revenue. This was done in the USA, where taxes for the richest was cut and this was paid for by tariffs on Chinese product paid by the poorest Americans, shifting taxes from the richest to the poorest, with the pretense of being a trade conflict to protect US businesses.
@muhammadshahzad2864 Says:
Love China best thinking working world happy new life all world nice media and friends and media understand but America and some countries why all time problem big question law of world and world media?bawaG world news pakistan
@michaelgoh9768 Says:
New Zealand has forward looking leaders who will spur and improve the economies of its people and country unlike US which is hostile to everything from China which deprives its people of economic benefits and prosperity and causes economic losses to businesses and manufacturers.

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