China's Shennongjia protects eastern honey bees, boosts bee farming
China's Shennongjia protects eastern honey bees, boosts bee farming



@kittykittykittywhere Says:
Never forget that every type of fruit and flower has a specific wild bee that tends to it and it is the hundreds of species of specific-to-species efficiency wild bees that are endangered, not the honeybee, though honeybees are useful, too. Honeybees actually pollinate all the many kinds of flowers, but not every flower-that-needs-to-be-pollinated, and not every pollinated flower becomes fruit and seed, half-pollinated plants often fail to reproduce successfully, which means Mother Earth still needs the wide variety of pollinator bees, if not for their honey, then, for the many plants they tend. So do not only care for the honeybee, mankind's little friend, but let us also protect the plant specific pollinators, whose honey may be only for themselves in amount or flavour, but who keep the world we live in green and lush and flourishing, and forever.
@darkcloud5830 Says:
While the bees in the US are dying and the scientists and the government are making excuses.

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