'Emperor with no policy clothes': Peter Dutton taking a 'nonsense approach'
'Emperor with no policy clothes': Peter Dutton taking a 'nonsense approach'



@grantsapain Says:
According to the larest polling, the public is with Dutton...
@TimBarnesGoneGolfing Says:
Can Dutton get rid of all the stupid taxes as well please? it is a massive cost to the Nation to be competitive and comes out of Australians pockets. EXAMPLES: Alcohol tax (kills australian liquor industry for a few stupid individuals - why punish everyone else?), fuel tax (lets hurt people getting to and from work - what the fuck), GST (the lets reduce productivity and waste peoples times tax), Stamp Duty (takes money out of peoples pockets and reinforces bank wealth). Then add protection against imports that compete directly with Australian products. Kill demand get rid of immigration.
@judycorbett4462 Says:
CHARMING DESPERATION !! They have read the room Northern Territory DEFEAT !!
@Makedonac007 Says:
[] nonsense approach was MANY DECADE"S AGO .. PRIOR TO DOW, TSX, NYSE ALL TIME COCAIN' HIGH MF"S&MF"D BOTH AT THE SAME TIME AMEN KJV* WHEN YOUR HOSPITAL'S ARE BIGGER THAN AIRPORTS' AND PRIVACY DON"T ALLOW MOTHER' KNOWLEDGE OF AMERICAN CRIMINAL MILITARY TO DISCLOSE daddy' RAPED DAUGHTER YOU HAVE DEAD PRESIDENT SYNDROME EFFECT Upper Canada 🍁 Blessed Center Earth 🍃⚫ C.O.N.G.O. [] The Democratic Republic Of Africa Amen . . At the, "america" they ail' the abuser of drug, alcohol .. THEY CREATED LAW'S .. THE PROSTITUTE TATTOO"D UNION'S DID .. BUT THE PARENT THE NURTURER THE CAREGIVER WAS REPREMANDED RIDICULED NOT GIVEN TRAINING TO GROW PROSPER ... 📻' momma said there would be day's like this, there be day's like this My momma said 🎵 Amen The Last One Upper Canada KJV* 圣经 告诉 我 所以 Shèngjīng gàosù wǒ suǒyǐ
@Cobber2023 Says:
Dutton has my vote at the next election as well as everyone i know and i know a lot of people lol
@Dismas2503 Says:
No clothes? 😳🤮
@douglaswasley1461 Says:
The right time for the opposition to announce its policies is when the election is called..Then the electors can decide who has the better policies for a long-term vision for Australia, not short-term sweeteners for the election cycle..
@penbee9316 Says:
Our politicians just copy & paste dumb policies from other countries. They are all useless.
@annieliew7806 Says:
This is a RUBBISHY leftist woke channel.that is OBLIVIOUS to the negative effects of the importation of the WRONG KIND of immigrants. Dirty Albo is importing 3,000 gazans via the BACK DOOR who are down the line going to create problems for the local Australians. Australia has suffered SO MANY jihadi islamic terrorist attacks and yet the DUMBHEADS on this channel are INCAPABLE of understanding the dangers of such backdoor immigration. They need only to OPEN THEIR EYES to what is happening in Britain. France and Germany to see what messholes these countries have become. It is these WOKE GLOBALISTS like the members on this panel who are the ENABLERS of the eventual destruction of Australia.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
More Labor Lies 🤥🤥🤥
@davidcruse6589 Says:
So labor has no policy again Now back to personal attacks Typical labor nothing new and nothing to see The most Pathetic labor government's ever Jimmy can't even look after the economy Look at inflation under them from when liberal where in last term Labor can spin their 💩 as much as they like they've failed in one term The NT just a sample QLDS next Public know whats in their pockets and how much they've lost in basic needs Thats cold hard facts and the biggest other issue's is migration and how and where their coming in and from
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
😂😂😂 imagine the criminal Conroy saying the emperor has no clothes, sounds like Labor getting scared
@grey_sloth2862 Says:
Conroy your a Labor loving moron.
The more Albanese and his ALP (Labor) socialist left colleagues denegrade, vilify, and disparage, Dutton gains votes by the day. But the juvenile socialist mind has extreme trouble understanding that...
@whatever-ql5ns Says:
Why would he give his policies away, so Liebor can copy them? He is way smarter than Albo.
@ivanoshana3035 Says:
Qatar and the Gulf States.. How much did they pay 💸💵💸💵💸💵the Australian Parliament? please Pay attention!
@mikeoneill9461 Says:
An insult from a fool (Jim Chalmers) is a compliment
@CalciumHat Says:
Libs need to clean swamp and "Go for Gold". Not "Jobs and tenders for mates". Set a decent standard, people/voters will follow. Do Scomo-like again, and you will have dug your party twice as deep.
@GaryHuntington-m3p Says:
Stephen Conroy , you always know crap comes out of his mouth
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
why havent u got rid of them 100 chinesses spys u have in your country ?? how come u dont care all ?.. shouldnt be any one in any country tahts isnt born tehre be in charge of any thing at all.
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
we need just commond senses and not a flip flopper .... abo is a liar to..
@jeffmcdonnell1179 Says:
Conroy is floundering.
@hadrian3487 Says:
It means Labor are in trouble, they are starting to hit the panic button. Note the tone of voice with Elbow, Charmers, Bowen, they get angry when at the dispatch box, and Lib/nats haven’t raised there voice.
@russellcullen9913 Says:
The liberals billions on submarines we will never see.
@Iamwoman68 Says:
What's labors green policies cost Stephen? And 80% of Australians AGREE W DUTTON
@russellcullen9913 Says:
Dutton will take us to war with China for the Americans.
@crashfellow82 Says:
Sounds like Kamala and going great for her.
@John-ul4hv Says:
Labor lies
@John-ul4hv Says:
Labor lies
@johngeier8692 Says:
The first task with nuclear energy is to have nuclear power plants legalised in this country. Current energy policy is ludicrous. Many billions of dollars of taxpayers money is being wasted on uneconomical and unreliable renewable energy projects. There is no utility in climate action. This costly and wasteful folly needs to be stopped.
@John-ul4hv Says:
Thankyou NTfor ditching Labor NOW we have to rid ourselves of the Digital ID Bill, Identity Identification Bill, Misinformation Bill, WEF, WHO, Labors 'Rent to build Scheme' for international investors continue bleeding Aust, E-karen, Australian gov't abuse of power, fraud & corruption from LNP/Labor vote One Nation give them the balance of power to rid Australia of sycophants
@robertfitchett-o6n Says:
The no policy slur was also aimed at the NT Liberals.
@Darshyboy Says:
How does this woman still have a job.. she is horrible in every single interview
@jmc10000-h Says:
Treasurer Charmers has no expertise in finance.....creating a huge amount of debt does not count
@dpitt1516 Says:
Labor's running scared - they know its going to be an election wipeout !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@jpalbany Says:
Convoy you🤡
@alancotterell9207 Says:
When the Liberal Party gets elected without policies, it gives them the right to act arbitrarily. It must be OK, because Labor has never complained about the travesty.
@graemeritchie9378 Says:
rather have no clothes than no brains.
@oldsgtdad8472 Says:
Charmers has a small attitude and opinion. Labor are the ones in Government and supposably running the country not Dutton.
@LouMinarty420 Says:
Conroy is just another whinging Labor 🐈 Dutton's policies are not being Labor and not representing the FHs who vote for them. Good enough for an educated, contributing, capable person like me 😎
@eb2505 Says:
' Treasurer Jim Chalmers has doubled down on his call that Peter Dutton is not only 'dangerous' but the most divisive leader in modern Australian history. ' I think Chalmers has been reading my comments and stolen my lines about Albo. The ALP , Chalmers, under Albo and his merry band of activists fit your description of Dutton. You guys supported the very divisive Voice, and want to bring in dangerous immigrants from Gaza.
@gone547 Says:
To reverse idiotic Labor policies then leave well enough alone sounds like a good policy to me.
@YTGhostCensorshipCanSuckMe Says:
Go away snake charmers

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