Zuckerberg admits Biden-Harris administration 'pressured' Facebook to censor Americans
Zuckerberg admits Biden-Harris administration 'pressured' Facebook to censor Americans



@JoeWhite3572 Says:
z*ck*rb*rg has been dead 3 years. biden has been 5 years.
@kirstenerman8068 Says:
This statement assumes that one trusts Facebook as a reliable source of news information. Pick wisely and don't take it at face value. Many things can later be proven or disproven based on your bias and the amount of time that passes. We did at one time believe the earth was flat.
@decafmocha211 Says:
Those days are over. Get ready CDC and FDA.
@maureenbuck4795 Says:
Just because zuckerberg confesses, does not indicate any willingness to CHANGE
@nephalos666 Says:
You don't regret not being more vocal. YOU REGRET BEING CAUGHT CENSORING AMERICANS you uppity little skidmark on the underpants of society.
@joesmith1574 Says:
And if anybody believes this pile of horsesh1t, you’re a fool. He probably got paid be the democrats to hide the story, and that’s why he didn’t say anything back then. Now he sees the tide might be swaying the other way in this election, that’s why he’s admitting to the cover up.
@Donna10879 Says:
This tells you that they know Kamala will not win. They are trying to save themselves from the prosecution they are about to face.
@Errr717 Says:
The damage is done. The lockdowns caused irreparable damage to the economy which is why prices are higher relative to average income. The open border has caused innumerable illegals to enter the country and taxpayers now have to foot the bill for their food, housing, healthcare and their kids‘education.
@바보Queen Says:
better late than never
@MichaelWinkelman-rm1hp Says:
Well if he caved that only shows his weakness obviously. 🤷
@michellecullen8530 Says:
The level if censorship in Australia gas hit a new level its time this stopped. Its time we took our rights back. Its time to stand up Australia please help take back our country so we can be proud of it oncd again.
@putrinesia5343 Says:
And they said if Trump is elected, say goodbye to democracy 😅 they themselves kill democracy
@Shady12708 Says:
Facebook is a shit platform and still to this day fact check and censor. Now that he's under fire look at him roll over
@pinkninja4949 Says:
Biden-Harris: All rats abandon ship we will deny any accusations
@tomspiegel5322 Says:
Can't hate the media enough.
@VjidfyjgtXhiifdhh Says:
Alex jones proven right again and he wasnt wrong about sandyhook btw funny that all the parents are all anti gun lol
@Caesar2001 Says:
And how this is legal? Nobodu will go to jail btw thats a clown show
@douglashanson7489 Says:
Is Zuck becoming a good person? Did his wife or someone tell him "go do something _good_ for the world" ? If Facebook becomes neutral, the Leftists will lose much of their artificially-propped-up power and influence. The Leftists have eroded Liberalism so far, that _Trump,_ of all people, is the last hope _for_ Liberalism. It's crazy! Is #LiberalsForTrump a thing yet? It should be! (See actual definition of Liberalism, not the hijacked twisted version on TV. Hint: the second amendment is a Liberal Ideal, it has to do with that "Individual Autonomy" part when you read the Definition of Liberalism. Also, try multiple different search results, to get a better overall definition.)
@dianamariewells1437 Says:
The last four years have brought violence and terror to my community and the larger states. Under Harris"s direction our worlds are nightmares. We are scarred for our lives constantly. Terrorised by the persons streaming across the borders. They have brought violence, pain disease and suffering. Individuals will try to take your house, saying it's theirs, attempts to physically force people out. Threats against, community family and worse.The fires set in the wilderness have devastated.The trees, the rocks, all of it, endlessly spray painted, desecrated , burned for mile after mile. The residents hide now. It's too dangerous to go into our forests, our stores. Harris may look shiny but if she wins, we will all have the invasion at our doorstep, all states. Threatened, harassed, accosted and in the larger cities, rapes and murders, diseases long gone becoming commonplace. The border is all our problems. There's nothing "woke" about terror. It's not about abortion or equal rights. Americans will die en mass as the invasion escalation continues at her direction. Even the wilderness suffers horrifically. It's the destruction of our Peace, our Sanity and our freedom to even live. She is a beautiful poision apple and America will suffer horrifically. 2CD
@lancelavigne8702 Says:
@genemetz1945 Says:
FB is still censoring. I'm banned for 180 days for what I have no idea. They don't allow you the know what they considered needing censoring. I posted nothing bad. I repost facts about Trump or Kamala.
@BrandonubHalcomb Says:
And yet millions of Americans plan on voting for kamala who has been a complete dumpster fire as vice president.
@drunkanddisorderly4808 Says:
He’s just backpedaling trying to save his ass, meanwhile my accounts been permanently disabled prior to the election because of my opinions. Last election I was suspended for 90 days immediately prior. Screw him.
@DavidHouse-f3t Says:
Biden and Harris no they don't do anything wrong oh wait this high food gas rent prices murder of 13 soldiers that Biden forgot about the murder and rape of the 12 year old girl by two migrants they let into our country and so much more oops guess they have done nothing right
@nahaidiew2991 Says:
@RastaMan3000 Says:
We won't stop to get the TRUTH . TRUMP VANCE 2024 EASYYY🔥🔥🤝
@blessingnkosa1087 Says:
Zuckerberg did not commit suicide!
@ChrisS-no3ft Says:
Its irrelevant! Too little, too late! The damage was done a long time ago. SO NOW you admit it? You have nothing to lose at this point, so why not right? In 5 years, Garland can come out and say they told that DA to prosecute Trump, and nothing will happen, because they weren't caught and proven at the time. Time goes by, then they can admit it, and for what? I steal someone's car, frame someone, they get the sentence or whatever, then 10 years later I'm like "yeah, actually, I did it. Oh well, sorry."
@A1Pro77 Says:
No, No, No, No, NO!! Pressure or not, it was HIS company and he relented and allowed his company to betray WeThePeople of America 🇺🇸 He should be held accountable for his actions and so should those who perpetrated this on us. End of story.
@DevontheSongwriter Says:
Fake news Fake fake fake Wow, propaganda sure is getting funnier. 😂
@danor6812 Says:
What he meant to say is. All the money and support and anything else he was promised, (possibly a cabinet post). He didn't receive. So he won't do it again. Unless he is already given what is promised. You tube did and is still doing the same thing.
@HiRhyssGaming Says:
Tell us something we Don’t know
@Yeshua964 Says:
MARK ZUCKERBERG: Covid Censorship was wrong and I’d wish I fought it. Censorship is the tool used, when the LIE Losses its power Now that Zuckerberg has admitted that FB censored its subscribers on the orders of the Biden Administration, will FB now completely remove the shackles they put on our accounts and un-censor all of our previously-banned and supposedly "Fact-Checked" posts? Btw, the Zuck knows that the so-called "Fact Checkers" (i.e. AP, Reuters, etc.) were all willing accomplices of the Biden Censors' Bureau, doesn't he? ------------------------- FREE SPEECH: without Free Speech, there can be no freedom, there can be no democracy. Free speech is a trademark of a good civilized society. we must be allowed to disagree, we must be allowed to criticize our authorities, to criticize ideologies, religions and so on. But it seems not the case anymore in Europe, U.K. England, Scotland, France and spreading. I do not support violence and racism but we have to stand up against tyranny & technocracy which leads to segregation & submission. Amen. Free Speech is imperative
@kennethsample716 Says:
They should all be in prison
@malachisguides Says:
Lefties: OMG wtf how could they??? Everyone else: yeah we told you so back then
@jeffgreen2194 Says:
He is jewish he wasn't pressured by Biden they are the ones who pressure the US government not the other way around
@mentorjohnabriol Says:
Vote Kamala for more Censorship and silencing humans 😅🤐
@timexyemerald6290 Says:
Disgusting current democratic parties underbelly is starting to drip
@timexyemerald6290 Says:
People: perhaps i have judged you too harshly *caresses Mike Zuckerberg picture on news*
@manicmechanic448 Says:
This doesn't surprise me.
@davidgarton2387 Says:
You cant believe a thing from this slime ball. 😢
@stroye5438 Says:
That generation shall never forget the way that these socialists governments allied to control through censorship and misinformation. We have to use this era to fix the next one.
@fozybear64 Says:
needs some jail time
@michellecrawford9847 Says:
He's participating just as much a 2020 right before the 2020 election.My Facebook page was hacked once again right before the 2024 election.My Facebook is just mysteriously.Hat he needs to be held responsible.I've had enough of this
@davidlanders4802 Says:
But yet the FB Gestapo is STILL suppressing the right
@veryhotgames5529 Says:
This reptilian soy boy is incapable of doing anything, he is just a puppet of the democrats and the elites
@mikesemenko4944 Says:
Wow who knew!?! Everyone that is not a democratic butt kisser
@Nemo71340 Says:
Social media is just an even bigger extension of the already Israeli owned media machine.
@jbgoodson5050 Says:
Joe Biden needs to be help accountable
@jamesrashbrook9485 Says:
An evil man

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