REAL AMERICA -- Dan Ball W/ Steve Friend, FBI Releases New Details On Trump Assassination, 8/29/24
REAL AMERICA -- Dan Ball W/ Steve Friend, FBI Releases New Details On Trump Assassination, 8/29/24



@11957gary Says:
@timkasten7708 Says:
Any photos of the miracle eat yet. And by the way, Where’s Ivanka and Melania?
@tellfile Says:
Shumer warned Trump about those 6 ways to Sunday people, but I'm not so sure they went that far. Then again, truth has always been stranger than fiction when it comes to the Trump deranged Democrats. They are one sick bunch believing what's not and never was.
@justanotherguy61 Says:
Under this despicable admin, the fbi acts like they are in junior school, aka dufuses. 😂
@alext8610 Says:
Whats that flag behind that guy?
@jeremywhitt7009 Says:
The FBI or any other government run Intel agencies should not be allowed access to any case that has a shred of relevancy...they are all cover up agencies, there to manipulate evidence to go after who they want and to disappear evidence on anyone or anything that is part of their crime syndicate 🤔😐
@peterlausen6867 Says:
Biden had Garland use this kid, he was a paid stooge.
@MAGAnifiscent Says:
Love this network. Thank you for sanity.
@deane9996 Says:
@deane9996 Says:
@dsmith6034 Says:
Didn't the shooter train at the same shooting club where FBI and Secret Service Agents trained? Possibly right alongside them?
@digitalsoldier-1742 Says:
Do NOT listen to anything the FBI wants to reveal. Its leadership has taken its good old time to tell us what IT wants the public to know. It's not the truth, at least not the whole truth. It never is.
@recoucheable Says:
Kid definitely had an FBI handler.
@marjoriebreslin2995 Says:
When trump becomes president he needs to clean house in all of these corrupt organizations And bureaucrats
@jude.v25 Says:
The FBI cannot admit to a motive for fear it would expose the media and left narrative that Trump is evil.
@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 Says:
Trump2024 for President come November 5th ❤️🤍💙✝️
@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 Says:
We The People is Trump, Vance, Tulsi and RFK New Secret Service under God
@LifeLifemoreAbundantly Says:
Patrick Henry was definitely correct: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ." Patrick Henry [U.S. Founder]
@LifeLifemoreAbundantly Says:
The leftwing vs. rightwing paradigm has been a massive psy-op on the public. John Adams was absolutely correct: "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." [John Adams U.S. Founder]
@LifeLifemoreAbundantly Says:
George Washington was definitely correct: " It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." [US founder, George Washington]
@LifeLifemoreAbundantly Says:
2020 got rigged.
@suzysuzy7569 Says:
We must push for transparency ‼️‼️

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