Fine Point - Crisis In The Armed Forces - With Will Thibeau, 8/30/24
Fine Point - Crisis In The Armed Forces - With Will Thibeau, 8/30/24



@robertlucas5090 Says:
The government is using the people's armed forces as their own Frankenstein project! What's new? The main function of the armed forces is to protect the homeland and the constitution from all enemies. If you want to twist and corrupt something from its original attended purposes the government is the right body of individuals for the job.
@mills-z9k Says:
I wonder what our combat veterans who died in the service of our nation would think about their sacrifice now.
@gordonjones4095 Says:
Spooky really given all the changing demographics.
@glenngraham8513 Says:
'Diversity is our strength'. Once upon a time, our strength was 'E Pluribus Unum'.
@sonicleaves Says:
The military let this happen.
@gsr4535 Says:
Military is over. It's a joke.
Jesus this seems like a good way to let the wrong people in and thus lead to our army being taken over by people that will turn on us.
@patraic5241 Says:
I'm a veteran. I can't in good conscious recommend that my adult kids join the armed forces at this time. They are more likely to not be ready to fight in the event of war. Any military formation is first and always a meritocracy. That's not what we have right now. Merit barely matters. Except for perhaps the Marines.
@morningdew2594 Says:
soros and gates

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