Pro-Palestinian protesters at Parliament House avoid criminal conviction
Pro-Palestinian protesters at Parliament House avoid criminal conviction



@hebbsylicious Says:
Soft, should have been jailed for trespass
@keithc904 Says:
I guess the UK is not the only two tier justice system in place for people with the correct message.
@JsckSzx Says:
sky workin hard for israel lobby
@rosshitchen-ij6en Says:
What would you expect? One year in jail for a banner? Lol.
@petechudleigh8070 Says:
Complete farce
@davegoldspink5354 Says:
What a friggen joke they should have all been deported to Gaza or at best been given long sentences with hard labour. Like our electoral system our justice system is an absolute disgrace.
@winstonsmith7801 Says:
Two tier system . If this was a pro christian demonstration , they would be jailed.
@solar1Aus Says:
I wish this weak government would jail these idiots.. enough is enough...... are these people Palestinian who were arrested? I'm standing with the Australians Israel people..
@IHG-ou8kd Says:
albo loves these types, no way will they get punished
@lornatodd4750 Says:
What a travesty of so called justice.
@LawrenceJamesWall Says:
Again the Australian peaple let down . Expecting an appropriate response but shockingly just tickle with a feather 🪶
@yowten8994 Says:
Yet if any of us got up there with a sign saying no more Islamic economic migrants we would surely end up in jail.
@OgreRoku Says:
I'm more worried about what I'm having for lunch, next Sunday, than Palestine
@paulawalters5618 Says:
The law is so scared of these people. Break the law and ZERO consequences. I shudder to think what they will get away with next? Government needs to grow a spine! The migrant is suppose to assimilate to the country and culture they have chosen to reside in, not the reverse. Useless government and law makers.
@St.Thomas-er9iu Says:
Government Bureaucrats Satanists in the fear of being exposed... St.Thomas
@RSmerlinRS Says:
video proof of them committing the crime pleaded guilty no penalty are we an islamic state now?
@LumpiaOperator Says:
These fucking clowns are in y’all’s country too? These people are a scourge.
@thiagotirapelle290 Says:
@RidgeyDidgeDude Says:
#LGBTQIForPalestine 😳 😆
@RidgeyDidgeDude Says:
One Law for Them? 🤬
@adods9824 Says:
Not our issue. Someone Else's Problem - SEP. Who cares ... ?
@jdgoesham5381 Says:
But they didn't get charged with hate speech? How does anyone today not know what their big saying actually means and is a dog whistle for? If you don't know look it up.
@VK6AB- Says:
What does "from the river to the sea mean" Iranian extremist Tarek Bazzi can explain this, "Understand what these slogans mean. 'From the river to the sea' means the absolute annihilation of the Zionist regime," (May, 2021).
@VK6AB- Says:
These protestors have no idea - it is Hamas and the other Iranian backed terror groups that call for the destruction of Israel and its people. Here are few well known examples (1) 1988 - "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (Preamble to the Covenant of the Hamas). How about the Iranian leadership (2) Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, stated in 2000 that “the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region”, and in 2001 that “the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region” (3) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who served as president of Iran from 2005 to 2013, in 2005 he stated: "Our dear Imam (Khomeini) ordered that this Jerusalem occupying regime must be erased from the page of time," and that Iran would “wipe Israel off the map”.
@effbee56 Says:
Wjst happened to tje truck convoy people that protested Covid restrictions im Canberra? Were they murdering terrorist supporters?
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
They're terrorists.
@garys8415 Says:
They are free, just never happy.
@sallycent6598 Says:
This is unacceptable ruling because they will do it again and again.
@glenweston8307 Says:
No even the true jews... imposters with evil heart
@glenweston8307 Says:
So why is it a crime to point out the slaughtering you condone sky news? Would you treat Israelis like this? It is absolutely terrible hamas killed 1200 Israeli people on 7th but it is pure and utter evil to your justification of killing 40.0000 people. Are you people mad? Or are all our news ankors possessed and are numb to Israel's slaughtering??
@user-zi5lx6lx5k Says:
@user-zi5lx6lx5k Says:
@omarmoussa44 Says:
No crime here. They are standing up for what's right. Once again sky news and their racist propaganda. It's actually funny that sky news can't stop talking about Palestine. Palestine lives rent free in the head of sky news. You can have your fun now sky news but soon you will realise that Palestine will indeed be free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
@Fire.4Effect Says:
@andrewo8356 Says:
Rules for me but not for thee
@denisgeorge549 Says:
This what happens when u got parties that only support people who come from countries marry little girls such as Labor and greens n teals this government is full of traders to this country all should be jailed for treason
DISGUSTING ! ...another fine example of socialist left two-tier policing and judiciary...
@alanw8552 Says:
No conviction? Can't climb Ayres Rock but ok to climb Parliament House. Excellent, I'll bring my climbing gear.
@MrPietvz Says:
But the God of Abraham, Isak and Jacob say that land belong to His nation and so will it be.
@jule3480 Says:
No surprise. How bad do they have to get before it’s treated seriously?
@MrOrthrus Says:
Nope. Israel is the side of good.
@deb1309 Says:
Scum bags
@chasehicks7465 Says:
What a joke... what is going on with our world......
@lornatodd4750 Says:
Why are we not surprised. They were only displayed Labor's philosophy. 🤮
@magentamagenta1274 Says:
Deplorable outcome! But no surprise
@Eric-jo8uh Says:
Australians couldn’t give a toss about Palestine, maybe 0.001% if you’re lucky. Protest in Palestine and while you’re there clean up the mess of the war YOU STARTED!
@smokiebandet Says:
What aload of bullshit
@annviolet4727 Says:
Piers Morgan WRECKS Pro-Israel British Politician in VIRAL DEBATE on Live TV - Openminded Thinker - YouTube
@terrydougherty3599 Says:
Why all the Jewish HATE?!? Bunch of idiots who can’t think for themselves and instead join a bunch of Dumbass Nitwits I STAND WITH ISREAL! Screw Palestine and HAMAS…there’s no reason to be this stupid and ignorant…what if it was your son daughter husband wife or friend that was killed by these maniacs?

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