TIME Magazine corrects 'fact-check' of Trump
TIME Magazine corrects 'fact-check' of Trump



@chief3839 Says:
The only thing that harris might be good at is bj’s and I say might be is because she still might mumble in less your into that!!!!!
@TheTinker6871 Says:
No more debates. No good comes from debates
@Steve-yr5vi Says:
If you're an abortion voter, why aren't you asking yourself "Kamala / Biden had a super majority from 2020 - 2022 and they did not pass a national abortion legalization law" why do I believe Kamala will do it now? You might also want to note, Trump as a conservative believes constitutionally, laws concerning abortion are a state issue, if Kamala is telling me it isn't, not only is she unlikely to even attempt to pass a national abortion law based on history, if she were to do that, the SCOTUS would strike it down. Conclusion as much as Kamala wants to make people believe Abortion is on the ballot in 2024, it is not.
@88888gerald Says:
she has experience with an economy....ruining one....
@laurie-lionessnotaewe5902 Says:
Also lied about soldiers in war zones.
@raykozlowski323 Says:
Watched. ABC. News 90. % of. The time...after the debate...Never. Again!!!
@GTPInternational Says:
Get ready Communism is coming.
@alexreyes7237 Says:
This is exactly why the concept of fact checking doesn’t make sense
@garry7263 Says:
There should be the same questions to each candidate. A moderator's opinion is NOT a fact. Kamala never answered one question. She talks in circles and avoids an actual answer.
@susanaandrade7828 Says:
Kamala is for enterrainnent only no for politic , she is dumb .
@HankKroll Says:
She wants thousands of government agents telling store owners what they can sell their wares. When store owners cannot make a profit they won't order that product. It won't take long before the store shelves are empty like the former Soviet Union... t
@wolpertmommyx4 Says:
@ruhtra-k Says:
I vote for whoever supports 1st and 2nd Amendments. Without those two, none of your other rights will last for long.
@tomgavaghan9335 Says:
Trump created more debt than any other single-term president in all of our history. The US government cannot file bankruptcy like Trump does. We and our children and grandchildren will have to pay for his mismanagement.
@keithsmith-ic8qu Says:
Undecided on Economy... What a joke... she has been in office for 3 years...
@JohnBean-lx5ep Says:
Kamala isn't planning on changing anything. She likes this mess and I guarantee she plans on making it worse. She's just saying what she thinks people want to hear. She'll never follow through on any of it.
@itsonlyatail Says:
She was the Border Zar…..and she never visited the border! How can you you be in charge of something and never have seen the problem". I call it Biden is demented!
@pathoover3708 Says:
No more debates. Doesnt help. Just liberals cheating as usual.
@MarkHutton-vf3hk Says:
How can someone who has never worked in the private sector or run a business run the economy of this country. She just dribbling out her father's Marxist economic views.
@wilmaeulberg4323 Says:
I don't want to hear any more Kamala lies in a debate.
@duanelinstrom4292 Says:
It is embarrassing to listen to Kamala, and infuriating to watch the moderators skew the answers.
@vickiehemb2691 Says:
Everything was better under Donald Trump When Donald Trump left office a gallon of gasoline was a $1.74 and I have a receipt to prove it a loaf of bread was $2.54 now it's $4.10
@Robert-bm2jr Says:
My favorite part was when they fact checked Donald Trump's sarcasm. That is the pinnacle of hubris.
@Robert-bm2jr Says:
She's not offering anything, and she knows it. That's why she acknowledges that the economy sucks but offers no way to fix it. It's an interesting tactic. The dems know that they can't ignore it or pretend it's not real. So, they acknowledge it and pretend that they can fix the problem that they created.
@crapphone7744 Says:
Tell a big lie out loud to everybody. Days later when no one's watching quietly printer retraction. Do your damage and move on. No accountability for anybody.
Opportunity economy indeed. What horsepoopey.
@hoffbd1 Says:
If you want a better economy it is a no-brainer. Who is this idiot who thinks an American believes that Kalama can fix her failed economy?
@07jayann Says:
Isn't Time Mag down to just three or four pages of "news?"
@RoundRockMinistry Says:
One single example can suffice to highlight the bias makeup of the debate. When Trump was able, perhaps for the first time on a national stage, to mention the in-writing exchange with the mayor of DC as well as Pelosi, Miur could have fact checked him, but he didn't because it is now a known matter of Congressional record. When Harris replied with the standard charge, and oblivious disregard for what Trump had just said, about inciting an insurrection, Muir should have fact-checked her, but he didn't. They can't both be right. Only one can be right. They can't both be telling the truth. Only one was telling the truth. They can't both be lying. Only one was lying. Just like that the charge of insurrection is completely deflated by the written documents from President Trump to the mayor of DC and Pelosi for the mayor to authorize (as she was the only one who could do so) the National Guard. However Pelosi and the mayor rejected the President's offer. This is not what someone would do if they were intent on carrying out an insurrection.
@paulgrimm Says:
Even Bill Clinton saids it’s all about the economy
@bcshifflett Says:
TRUMP❤ 2024
@RaymondSmith-vv7bf Says:
Foreign affairs and stopping ww3 is most important. Harris is not the choice for that
@dscwac396 Says:
Let's run the country on feelings and vibes, if you're a black or illegal who wants some free money? Kamala's campaign slogan in a nutshell
@gooseduarte2758 Says:
Why do they keep saying the economy was better under Trump. It wasn’t
@terrencehammond3777 Says:
President Donald Trump has a great track record of the American people 👏 👍 to do what he said he would do by far. The democrats blocked him when he was in office with court cases, impeachment one,and two lied about everything
@MartyDick Says:
If there's another debate, megan kelley or fox.
@billridarelli5691 Says:
Hope so
@twoseedplanters Says:
Today Sams club 4 pack of butter $14.95 last year $7.56, I need a cow, but the feed price is off the charts!!
@jmfoty4280 Says:
Jesse Watters and Sean Hannity as moderators... In all fairness, Trump has faced moderators who have a long history of bashing him regardless of the facts. What if Harris faces a moderator or two that knows her flaws and willing to hold her accountable.
@sheilajamero642 Says:
There should be no tax payer money given to anyone for gender confirming surgery. That is freaking off the chain. I can’t believe this is even an issue
@VgBond-b2u Says:
Speculate this, 10 million new voters in November that aren't Americans....
@cleara98 Says:
Trump should point out how proud Harris told America she is last person in the room with Biden during crucial decisions.
@cleara98 Says:
No earrings, hair pulled back. Both should have ears showing to prove fair debate. That would be part of the requirements if on the Trump team.
@conniejeffreys7582 Says:
TRUMP 2024
@davidlee186 Says:
She has no Ideal what shes doing, Demos just want a warm body they can control, just like biden.... Sorry Im voting Trump
@ellenroberts5181 Says:
How can anyone see that she will get prices to come down. If taxes will come down AFTER the election.....WHY NOT NOW? I'm so tired of the dodging and lies
@sardomarcrowe5723 Says:
Wow... days late and dollars short Time. You are also one of the two magazines that openly manipulated perception against Trump and then smugly said "You're welcome!" You should lose your right to publish.
@tim6986 Says:
ya, i would;ve loved to see them try to "sharpen her". like sharpening chalk on the grindstone. one of the few cases we've seen both in office, it really is that simple. but libs are libbing, "i'm voting for a better future". wait what? no, you're voting for 4 more years of the last 4 years. but, libs aren't libs cuz they're smart and logical.
@MeganGross-iv7zc Says:
Why does it matter if you like somebody? So, by that logic if you're going to need a brain surgery and there's this really great doctor top in the field that has saved thousands of lives. But he's an a******, you're going to choose the nice guy who just graduated med school yesterday and it's already killed two patients because you like him better? People that have that kind of a mentality and that low of an IQ should really just not vote.
@AndreDawson-f5w Says:
How can economy voters be undecided it's been disasterous these last few yrs. Trump had the best economy in decades according to Art Laffer it was the best ever

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