Ukraine denies links to 'delusional' Trump would-be-assassin
Ukraine denies links to 'delusional' Trump would-be-assassin



@thinkerly-hq8dx Says:
Guy is delusional idiot. Would nevet have been selected for sniper school.
@russianenglish4284 Says:
Trumpite Guidelines For Failing As A Sniper 1. Paint your face blue and dye your hair blue so that you will be especially noticeable and memorable. 2. Put all kinds of inflammatory posts on social media so that you will be noticed by the FBI. 3. Don't use a sniper rifle. 4. Use an semi-automatic weapon that is less accurate from 200 yards. 5. Don't practice firing on distant targets. 6. Don't use any camouflage or cover. 7. Make sure to stick your rifle barrel out of the treeline so that it will be seen. 8. Make sure not to hide your car. 9. Dont swap the car license plate. 10. Make sure not to camouflage yourself from any security cameras while walking down the street. 11. After the encounter, having failed to fire a single shot, get on a major highway being scanned by police and on which every passing bridge has security cameras so that you can be easily tracked down and caught.
@SenturosGaviannus Says:
Amercians... Their politics are like their relgion. So cult like.
@soylentgreen6082 Says:
It is obvious that when Trump's numbers are down his campaign will organize a fake assassination attempt against him. It is standard behavior for a malignant narcissist to gaslight the public this way.
@asediaFPS Says:
didnt deny that 60 billion
@char1595 Says:
A fukcing CETA male …what could possibly go wrong ….hey Blakkrok is that all ya got🤬🤬🤬
@grantfoley5414 Says:
This doesn’t mean Ukraine has anything to do with him. Zelenskyy isn’t inviting this guy over for beers like “hey about this Trump guy..”. Media need to be more responsible.
@Goggyegg Says:
Funny seeing all the Americans in the comments you're news must be fucked 😂😂
@twirlyturd4364 Says:
Ofcourse they deny it they denied Nord stream 2
@REPOMAN24722 Says:
Obviously they are involved, if he gets into power he will end the war, Ukraine has always been a trouble maker in history
@DavidArulnathan Says:
Sounds like an inside job to me..
@RidgeyDidgeDude Says:
We know Black Rock are out to get Trump 1. Who controls Black Rock? 2. What's the CIA/FBI doing to investigate these incriminating links??
@RidgeyDidgeDude Says:
Meaning he had strong links to Ukraine ok
@lalutte65 Says:
Guys been there, guys recruited fights form them, guy fail his assassination attempt with an AK with serial numbers filed off—AND NOW NOBODY KNOWS HIM?
@debrashawcross170 Says:
It's like it's from a "playbook"
@jenniferbailey5914 Says:
Stop spreading Russian propaganda Sky and doing Putins dirty work. Shame on you!
@kskwest Says:
They also denied Nord Stream. Every one knows what Trump Victory means !!!
@ronanrogers4127 Says:
This has SBU written all over it
@neilcampbell3981 Says:
Why does your network run bs to made up stories. I Australia we don't vote for Trump so why run his BS here.
@Mattlikes2skate Says:
I know how to find the next trump assassin …. Just check who did black rock ads and put them on the watch list
@DeeHarper-o5x Says:
Yea right 😮
@geoffdrew5207 Says:
A perfect example of how misinformation on the media can have devastating consequences for those that don't have the intelligence to understand the true situation.
@ericwilliams8504 Says:
What's blackRock got to say then??
@firefox5714 Says:
Too late sweet prince, we have seen all we need to know to PROVE that he was connected to Ukraine.
@dorisbannister8059 Says:
Old news…. Next…. Let’s move on people….
@andrewbyrnes6389 Says:
Nice. add that to his massive list of failures.
@TheChrimboEffect Says:
The Khazarian fake Jews in Ukraine and Israel love our tax payer dollars
@kiyotakaayanokoji6 Says:
This guy is nuts ....lives in his own fantasy wants Americans to fight war that has absolutely nothing to do with America
@ianwanden6760 Says:
Of course they denied it now
@raymondmckinley5955 Says:
Ukraine = BlackRock ask Larry Fink better still Lindsey Graham. Didn’t Zelensky signed over reconstruction to blackRock? Slovakia’s Fico was also a target of an assassination attempt after refusing to back the Ukraine. The terrorists that attacked the concert hall in Moscow were linked to the Ukraine. The Ukraine is a dictatorship with marshal law and all elections canned. The deep state gain a lot if Trump is eliminated, so doe’s the Ukraine.
@SurprisedShiba-qu6mp Says:
What's with the 'delusional' bullsh*t? He just your normal Democrat.
@vaskodimoski5690 Says:
Of course Ukrainians would deny it
@ate71622 Says:
Bed and breakfast and plenty of sex for him!
@AdamGuitar420 Says:
another pro nazi-azov pro ukraine retard..
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
how many cia are in ukrain ??? dems are like hamas now all ? party of Hate ? ..
@dhanu_4539 Says:
Lot of money flowing into Ukrainian pockets, we wouldn't want that to stop.
@kevinkirwin3561 Says:
Ukraine back separatists did say taking out the bridge in Boston was just the beginning.....
@gregeberhardt1711 Says:
The democrats love guns.....good thing they can't shoot. These clowns think Trump is bad for democracy ............ what hypocrites
@mitchellrothschild8592 Says:
It looks like he has fakentits. He is sick
@SDawson398 Says:
As per usual, authority's & media collaborate to 'cover' for 10's of millions of Democrat violent rainbow nutcases. The 'cover' is the worrying part, as it tells a story of who is really behind all these assassination attempts against trump. Democrats will do ANYTHING so trump doesn't slow there globalist 2030 & beyond agenda. The western world really is in trouble, men & women don't really know which side of the fence they are on anymore, & they want our kids to be confused also, by implementing rainbow policies in schools. Sad, really sad that the nutcases have mostly taken over the media, of which influences the populations indefinately etc. Smart people will see thru it & not be influenced with all this rainbow media brainwashing etc.
@jack-bjorn Says:
This is because of the US media. This is because of The View and MSNBC and CNN and the others.
@IgorLozovskiy Says:
@jannaZX 3 h <> За первым и вторым покушением стоит кремль... (им во что бы то ни стало надо завершить "Киев затридня", котрый уже длится 3-й год). Но когда возвратится Президент DJT, то обе войны будет "путлер капут")!
@richardroop4744 Says:
Sure we all visit Ukraine in our spare time especially if the government is picking up the Tab
@IgorLozovskiy Says:
@NS-mz8gq 1 h <> Mr. ZZZelensky is Ukraine's enemy #1 (INTERNAL)! A henchman (Trojan) of the Kremlin.
@sarcheshmehus Says:
They say: Democracy is on the Ballot They mean: Democracy is on the Bullet
@sarcheshmehus Says:
@fizzgigmalmy2567 Says:
Wouldnt surprise attempt on trump by the khazarians....they will be getting desperate as Putin is ruining their plans and the walls are closing in on Netanyahu....the babylonian sect is facing its unveiling for the first time in centuries...then again what a lame attempt
@Jaebin_under_God Says:
Another blackrock operative
@sean7082 Says:
The Russian Ukraine war started because of Biden's environmental law that resulted in the oil price skyrocketing. Russia didn't have money to wage war while Trump had kept low the oil price. Iran and Russia earned a lot of money in the Biden administration, enough to support Hamas and Hezvbolla and start the war in Ukraine. If Kamala would be elected and continues to keep Biden's government strategy, that is what would kill Ukraine.
@MartinSimon-r5i Says:
The secret service are a complete Failure, the are not doing their job,they already failed twice, God forbid if there's a next time ,God bless x President Trump 🙏

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