ABC accused of doctoring more footage in discredited war reporting
ABC accused of doctoring more footage in discredited war reporting



@lonepineX Says:
where is Albosleezys minister of truth? This was deliberate attempt to slander & these alleged "journalists" should be sacked immediately
@keithdaniels5918 Says:
ABC - always broadcasting crap
@N0oN3XD Says:
Misinformation gone viral! What the hell is going on?
@chrisdickinson7949 Says:
I don't want one red cent of my Tax dollars going to the ABC In NO way do they represent the average Aussie's point of view or beliefs
@boxerdally7457 Says:
Sell the ABC Sell the ABC Sell the ABC
@JackSmith-x8s Says:
I no longer watch ABC. They are a joke! They have lost ALL credibility. A left-wing, globalist and big pharma propaganda machine who's main agenda appears to be hiding the truth. Seriously, if lies, misinformation and disinformation was an olympic sport, they'd take the gold. What really p*sses me off is that I'm forced to fund this sh*t. They should be defunded immmediatly.
@GaryWebster-b5q Says:
Albanese supports Palestinians he supported the voice where are you Albanese to support our soldiers Albanese should apologise to Heston and the soldiers . He should be demanding the sacking of Mark Willacy and all those ABC staff involved . Doesn’t he want action on misinformation or is that another lie from a government who are full of misinformation
@Watch_disciple Says:
Sue them beyond repair. They have no right now to call out others for fake news
@grantlaredo9795 Says:
Like Sky never sexed up a story!!! Get real Murdoch hacks!
@debranewsome9853 Says:
abc should not be funded, never again. Disgustingly bias, it's been doing these things for quite a few years now.
@rogerloosemore5711 Says:
Hey dutton shut them down...what are they going to do...strike?
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
The ABC has well and truly been caught out on this one But as always it will make no iota of difference to an organisation that is a sheltered workshop for Leftie Socialists They promote and protect their own. All in the cause.
@user-fc4qt2uq8m Says:
Talk about misinformation not just only this but climate change lies
@dogsy273 Says:
Have you seen the rulers of the ABC? Rubbish people payed with our money encouraged to lie and decieve. Labor =ABC
@dogsy273 Says:
All media are allowed to propergate mis and disinformation. We the sovereign peoples of Australia are not allowed decent. I would snuf ABC out in a heartbeat. Rubbish with our money..
@justink1075 Says:
The ABC. Labor Party Crime Syndicate mouthpiece.
@MichaelKing-e1g Says:
Abc =waste of money,and to much to pay for lies😮😮😮😮😮
@billthewhovian Says:
If I worked for the ABC, I'd start freshening up my resume. I predict job losses.
@richardtravers8772 Says:
As an EX Serviceman I just wonder if Soldiers who are having their earned awarded Medals taken away due to innuendo and unsubstaniated rumours, will fight back and claim Civil Compensation for the National Shame they have been forced to bear.
@RichardCook-q5s Says:
Classic misinformation of a very serious nature and the government cares not at all!! It's disgusting and hypocritical!!
@kellyguthridge3529 Says:
Those involved in creating this fabricated lies should be arrested and put in prison, and as for ABC, it should be dismantled and sold off like the garbage it is
@BlackStump172 Says:
They are traitors .
@murraymclean9072 Says:
ABC requires only one thing, defund, and defund. The government talks about misinformation need to look Government funded ABC are your biggest spreaders of misinformation. Maybe there looking for a walkley.?
@hl5910 Says:
The abc is a corrupt media sewage outlet bludging off the Australian taxpayers.
@colb715 Says:
Defund the abc sack all lefties there
@Iwishiwasflying Says:
Error = BS. Adding extra sound means intent and mens rea was well and truly displayed by the ABC.
@kimmarsden9251 Says:
Defund the ABC NOW!
@politenessman3901 Says:
Close the ABC, sell the assets. If that can't be done, hold the ABC "journalists" personally financially accountable for their defamation - why should the taxpayer carry the costs for their personal vendettas?
@Justiceiseternal Says:
The ABC also doctored a press conference with the Priminister yesterday when the press asked a question you could not hear it at all then when the Priminister answered you could hear him clearly this went on and on sound off for the press sound on for the Priminister shame on the ABC
@gw5436 Says:
Shut this criminal activist organisation now. We do not want our taxes going to LIARS
@gw5436 Says:
These despicable creatures are leeches on the taxpayers bodies and the enemies of all Australians. How dare this woke sh*t make up lies about our heros.
@chrissymiller-crowe4012 Says:
Defund and refund all the money you have been sliming for subpar work
@bruceinoz8002 Says:
@chrissymiller-crowe4012 Says:
AlwaysBeenCorrupt never watch it , all the msn are delusional
@gail9906 Says:
Defund ABC! 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
How many years now have we been asking please get rid of the ABC? Australians do not want to fund the ABC. Governments please listen.
@lindalonergan7887 Says:
The gov is funding this.
@viti8347 Says:
Check all Ben Roberts Smiths footage!
@suthobay Says:
I used to think ABC was the only 'trustworthy' news outlet. Now I know none of them are. The world's full of propaganda and lies
@alexzannoni1501 Says:
A = Australia B = Broadcasting C = Communism Defund this Misinformation 'service' IMMEDIATELY!!!
@chrisallen2519 Says:
There is the evidence of what we knew all along.
@chrisallen2519 Says:
@franktully3065 Says:
Unfortunately, we're stuck with "our" ABC, because, even IF the Coalition ever had the spine to do anything meaningful about ABC's anti democratic behaviour, the ALP and the Greens, whom most ABC activist employees obviously vote for, would block any attempts to discipline it, let alone disband it. "Our" taxpayer funded ABC is an essential part of the leftists' propaganda wing.
@michaelandrews583 Says:
ABC Australia make the North Korean state media propaganda machine look like amateurs.
@rinzler9775 Says:
Deliberate falsification, treason, life endangerment. Criminal charges must be laid, and revoke their licence.
@RawTruth-Genx Says:
The ABC’s of the world are the biggest spreaders of misinformation - pure evil.
@user-gs2ou9bf4h Says:
Sick of paying for this crap ,defund the Australian brainwashing corporation
@knight2425 Says:
Surely the misinformation bill would leave the ABC unable to put anything on air 😂😂😂
@latrobe15 Says:
Why would the ABC care what we think. They don’t answer to anyone, not even the tax payer who funds them
@Jonathan-Sund Says:
The entire war on Afghanistan was a criminal act

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