Housing crisis is affecting support for the Victorian Labor Party
Housing crisis is affecting support for the Victorian Labor Party



@TheHandymanQld Says:
How about we bring population growth into the conversation. Just how many people living in Australia is enough?
@well-blazeredman6187 Says:
You can't build yourself out of an immigration-driven housing crisis.
@bobKringe Says:
Why the hell would you vote Labor, do you love the fact they are ruining this country
@carolcarson2159 Says:
I’m in WA same here will never vote Labour again. We have no housing.
@ishtarlew598 Says:
Blind Freddie can see it's this government's immigration policies causing the housing problem. They can't allow 100s of thousands of people into the country every hear without having the housing growth to support this.
@Talktothehand.253 Says:
First we need to overhaul the building industry. Lots of dodgy builders out there and there is no protection for the homebuyers. Builders declare bankruptsy of move money into other peoples accounts and get away with ripping off buyers. Government all talk and fingers in all the pies. The politicians are duds and or corrupt.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Labor has someone campaigning for them, Prosciutto, apologise and then resign.
@harness84_29 Says:
Anyone who supports labour are batshit crazy. We have enough filth in this country as it is. And we all know the onky reason they are here is to prop up the housing ponzi economy. All while throwing regular young aussies under the bus. Andrews was the instigator. These corrupt mofos are addicted to 3rd world working age migrants for their tax dollars. 😅
@bestestusername Says:
20 of the last 24 years of labor and nothing any better. The greens and others will get labor in then things will continue to be messy
@avalon1rae Says:
Government makes everything cost 5x its actuall cost.
@arclux Says:
Lol, Victorians will just vote them back them and looking at the Victorian liberal party i dont really blame them.
@OOICU812 Says:
“Housing crisis,” you say? Sounds a lot like the USA. You guys wouldn't happen to have an open borders policy like we have by chance?
@oldnutta7611 Says:
Preferential voting needs to be abolished.
@kanehills4280 Says:
We need more houses, we need more immigrants to build the houses.. lololol.. we are over it… labour is gone..
@rapscallion9333 Says:
Maybe stop flooding the country with millions of low value immigrants for the GDP sugar hit.
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Labor has killed Australia
@Blazer3434 Says:
fake fake fake polls
@leinam4164 Says:
People are looking for homes. So rediclous the rents are crazy landlords so creedy. government doesn’t do anything unbelievable.
@Chad.H. Says:
She actually went to India to promote education visas according yo her in her speech before she left. She said she wants more visas for India to be able to become leaders of Australia. I am not joking . Check her speech just handing over the country
@lindasindel2525 Says:
I have an idea, how about you adopt of few immigrants and bring them to your home and teach them..
@CristianZamora Says:
If they needed homes for illegals they'd be building like wildfire
@stephanmaric6796 Says:
Taliban Dan destroyed Victoria!
@boldlygo3469 Says:
Liberals are idiots no matter what part of the world you're in. Here in the USA ... liberalism is seen as a mental disorder.
@coreytrevor1311 Says:
Obviously, you don’t have enough parties to choose from. 😂
@smorfnimda Says:
Whoever voted for the communist really screwed up.
@bookertee3057 Says:
Another fine mess Andrews got you in.

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