Lisa Boothe: 'What's the point' of the Secret Service if they can't protect Trump?
Lisa Boothe: 'What's the point' of the Secret Service if they can't protect Trump?



@kateskeys Says:
Trump has made hateful rhetoric an art-form
@kateskeys Says:
MAGA-do you see a pattern here? Or do you just not care if trump destroys you. Trump didn’t get an Emmy- -it was rigged Trump lost 2020 -it was rigged Trump lost the debate - "it was my best debate" If I lose in 2024 - it was rigged If I lose in 2024 - it will be the fault of Jewish people I’ve been treated very unfairly- I’ve been indicted for crimes other people would be in jail without parole. I am your retribution MAGA doesn’t know what they’re dealing with They have the same needs and rights as everyone else Yet they insist on being exploited
@kateskeys Says:
Just let trump provide his own security No secret service
@SJ-vo1bw Says:
It's pretty clear they did protect him.
@snapfinger1 Says:
Even Eisenhower was criticized for playing golf by the press. Trump/Vance ‘24.
@startraveler3157 Says:
the secret service now admitting its incapable to protect and to serve.
@here1secgonethenext103 Says:
The secret service, you know, is a service that is secret and they perform a service, you know, for me (Kamala) that is secret. We can’t hide the secret of this service, you know, because it’s the secret service.
@brunogargiulo842 Says:
Trump said he will sell a limited edition coin for 100 euros, like the shoes for 400, the pin for 200, he hopes that all the poor white people in the MIDWEST will buy it to help him financially!!! poor guy!!
@fryrospyro8797 Says:
Everyone knows Trump set up the first fake assassination as a publicity stunt. Sadly it went wrong and an innocent man died protecting his family from the bullets flying around. There is no way secret service agents didn't know there was a young man on a roof top waiting to fire a few shots in the direction of Trump. There were no video drones flying above ground covering the area from above on that particular day, for a reason. Secret service snipers shot and killed the only man that could have been questioned about why he went there that day. As for the fist pump photo. There is no way the security team would let TRUMP stand up with his head visible ,unless they already knew there wasn't a second gunman around. Trump set the whole thing up. Trump was pissed because he wasn't meant to get hurt. Trump is a SHOWBIZ LYING COWARD CON MAN, and used to be called the media king because he knows how to use the media to con his supporters.
@zenlenzmedia Says:
Ive always said, "A women should never be president" We are too emotional And the reason I. say this is because well, I know.what a women is . Because I A WOMEN. AND WE ARE THE MORE EMOTIONAL BREED.
@inquisitiveone3579 Says:
Corey Comperatore was the real victim.
@keithbusick6859 Says:
We seen how the Secret Service protected Trump at one of his rallies and seen how that went it had all the markings of a 3 stuges skit with Moe Curly and Larry hyped up on DEI the 3 Stuges are funny and Secret Service is just disfuntionial
@simplicity996 Says:
Exactly, put the army in, the Secret Service do not protect Trump.
@ewamacionga7475 Says:
The state under Biden-Harris doesn't work. The Candidate for president is not safe. People aren't safe because of illegal bandits❗❗❗
@KathiLewis Says:
What a bunch of whiners! It’s only easy to guard Biden on the beach is no one thinks he is alive !
@inquisitiveone3579 Says:
Why would Trump bring a child (his grandson) onstage after alleged assassination attempts? Very irresponsible. Disgusting.
@xfiles4792 Says:
Both assassination attempts on Trump could've been prevented by enforcing existing gun laws. Mentally ill people are not allowed to buy guns. Why were people with rabid TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) allowed to have guns?
@johnchieze530 Says:
agents stuffing their faces with too many twinkies
@eldonhoward7925 Says:
If the Secret Service is in on these assassination attempts then that might be why there is a problem!
@Hawken707 Says:
Obama sure played a lot of golf in 8 years as president. No problem then was it😅
@herold2370 Says:
;;;; How many CHILDREN is tRUMP going to KIDNAP this time around? THOUSANDS the last time, folks! Wholesale, of course! tRUMPs family separation plan! You should look it up!
@kiszmyazz1026 Says:
There you have it pass the buck
@herold2370 Says:
:::: How about that g.o.p. Supreme Court! Saying if JOE ordered a hit! So what! He's President! Ah, JOE just QUIT! No time to Impeach and Convict! g.o.p. logic? GIVE U.S A BREAK!
@ronnydoctor466 Says:
Kamelface and the Secret Service mustve rode on the same lil yellow school bus!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💯
@Groot564 Says:
We have the technology there is no excuse! He works so hard and everyone needs to relax and get away from stress . We all do something to relax fish,golfing or tennis.
@thewoodmoose Says:
Its Trump's fault! He should have never been born!😂😂😂
@ronnydoctor466 Says:
The mainstream media refuses to talk about the latest Trump attempted assassination they say because they dont wanna bring any sympathy towards Trump , nor humanize him in any way!😢😲 What type of country are we kiving in?🤔🖕💯
@waiotahi52 Says:
How many more A+ qualifications can one person have to be a Republican candidate than Mark Robinson..he even has children to keep him humble
@ronnydoctor466 Says:
Why dont they cry about Biden laying out on the beach every other week?🤔🖕💯
@MKMK-xo9lo Says:
Former Presidents no matter if TRump or Obama , do not get the same level of Protection as a sitting President…
@jackbooten2681 Says:
The democrats are reimagining Govt. it only works in their imagination.
@dennissierocinski6038 Says:
What's the point of Homeland Security if we have more terrorists now?
@pamsimpson4147 Says:
The Secret Service can't protect President Trump on his home course??? President Trump 2024
@lunarminx Says:
Sadly they did protect him, you dumbass, he's alive and unhurt...
@lunarminx Says:
Satan loves Republicans, they follow all his evil ideals of lies, deceptions, hateed and chaos. Jesus loves democrats, they follow his teachings of love, empathy, compassion for all the weak, sick and poor.
@MrDavePed Says:
The Secret Service is there to block the President from receiving any real or genuine protection and to alert government agents to his whereabouts at all times just in case they want to set up an impromptu ambush, say, after a debate for instance. ..
@DynamicDave-z8r Says:
Wasn't Trump profused with his praises of the Secret Service in the immediate aftermath of the 2nd assassination attempt on his life? Why is Fox going against that?
@themasterzman1172 Says:
The bad guys only need to be lucky once as compared to the agency which needs to be perfect everytime.
@wigsandfluff5729 Says:
The Secret Service is weaponized against Trump… it is obvious they are purposely ignoring certain glaringly important areas in order to make Trump more vulnerable
@angiescher2444 Says:
Secret service takes the short bus
@hfinn5706 Says:
Fox, u alarmist Trump monger. It’s the threats u don’t hear about as to why they are there. Quit trying to martyr the crypto scam golf person who just really wants 4 years of immunity. If that’s all u have u have nothing but dog whistling ur views. Get new copy writers for your one way teleprompters. And for Gods sake keep selling those high priced ads. Rainy days are a coming and you have to get the hay in the barn. ❤️
@mjt4651 Says:
Worthless NFT’s. A coffee-table book “memoir” 🤣🤣🤣 And now, Christmas ornaments…From the lady who hated decorating White House for Christmas. In case you had doubts, Melania is a full participant in the endless and tacky Trump Family Grift.
@zuzdak Says:
abortion Lies Reveal Trump's Evil Character That Divides Americans
@shepardman993 Says:
Secret service is absolutely finished
@kennethfarthing1474 Says:
Exactly what’s the point of government if it doesn’t protect us
@Goldenheart2911 Says:
Thank you to the Secret Service officer who while doing his job to protect President Trump spotted the gun poking through the fence during the 2nd assassination attempt, promptly acted and kept him safe from harm. 👏 That is the purpose of the Secret Service and as President Trump said that day they did a good job and was thankful to them along with the local law enforcement for quickly apprehending the suspect. ✨ God bless the members of the Secret Service and law enforcement who put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect another. 🙏 Although they or their methods may not be perfect like anyone and anything else in this world their continued dedication and commitment to improve and serve is appreciated, respected and valued by many including those they have been assigned to protect.🙏✨💛
@johnnylawdawg1 Says:
Erik Prince could do it better, more efficiently and cheaper too.
@AndySinyard Says:
I❤ lisa booth what a beautiful attractive and highly intelligent young woman she tells the truth and is not afraid to do so❤❤you lisa
@JeffWalk-q4r Says:
Trump needs to hire his own bodyguards
@stantonfriedman Says:
We as Taxpayers shouldnt have to pay to protect someone that isnt a Political Figure .

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