Sky News host calls out hypocrisy from humanitarian groups
Sky News host calls out hypocrisy from humanitarian groups



@dimension556 Says:
Well said and absolutely spot on,its a big shame.on the UN
@baxterpaws5873 Says:
You are right our leaders need their heads examined
@underalions2023 Says:
Who's been feeding the baby they took hostage on Oct 7th
@peters303 Says:
Lebanon= Hezbollah = Lebanon
@peters303 Says:
Thank you SkyNews Oz! 🇭🇲
@stephendianda1543 Says:
They're not humanitarian organizations, they terrorists rights activists.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Give it a miss sharri. Sick of you and your completely one sided views.
@Andy-yc3bq Says:
God bless Israel
Islam does not believe in human rights just use it when it suites them
@davidjohnpaul7558 Says:
Did you know that the media can be held responsible for backing Genocide, Sharri? Your turn will come, with any luck...
@Deb-z5n Says:
Penny Wong is a disgrace. She says she’s donating all those millions that you and I are paying to help Palestinian civilians, but the money is being used to assist the Hamas terrorists and to gain a few more pro- Palestinian votes. Stop giving Hamas millions of dollars and use the money to help here at home where it’s needed, eg for hospitals and schools and Australians who are struggling
@TruthSeekerAll Says:
Humanitarian groups = Terrorists defender groups.
@robertcampomizzi7988 Says:
Let's pitch in and by Amnesty a dictionary. They dont know what indiscriminate means.
@dnoll4759 Says:
Groups like Hezbollah control all those human right groups and the UN, Nato and climate groups.
@jberto8878 Says:
Humanitarian "agencies", and even the UN are used as cover up for terr*r organizations, we knew that long time ago. And for laundering money and exploiting people´s good sentiments to build wealth for the organizers.
@luckytirtiono8445 Says:
Aussie politicians hypocrite
@piclepiclopiclu Says:
YOU hypocrites calling 12 israelí children deaths but failed to mention how many schools have israel shot and how many children have israelís killed 2 days ago israel bombarded another school in which 5 children died but you all bunch of hypocrites don’t mention it how many palestinians have died so far since last year by the thousands israel attacks innocent schools and hospitals no one does that now report on that you bigots
@sigurbjörgKarlsdottir Says:
To funny or stupid 😆😂😂😂
@WeDewey Says:
Hypocrisy abounds.
@michaelandrews583 Says:
I stopped donating to these hypocritical humanitarian groups years ago when it came to light in 2002 with a report that refugee children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone were subject to sexual abuse and exploitation by employees of national and international NGO's, UNHCR and other UN bodies. In 2008 there were signs that sexual abuse and exploitation of beneficiaries not only continued, but was under reported. In 2010 a special task force developed a website devoted to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse by personnel of the United Nations, non governmental organizations and other international organizations. The audacity of the United Nations taking the high moral ground on humanitarian issues currently taking place in the Middle East, and now defending terrorism, should be causing nations from all over the globe to question this organization's legitimacy when it still has skeletons hiding in it's closet.
@nevillemills9517 Says:
They are not humanitarian groups they're child smugglers, human trafficers. Because they support criminals.
@FireBirdSpinners Says:
There is no such thing "international humanitarian law".......there are some conversations that some countries sign and some dont
@siafonoti9273 Says:
Amnesty International can go f... themselves.
@YB-ok1ny Says:
You forgot to mention that most of Israelis injured and the beautiful children mirdad by hesbulla in 5he last year were Muslims. So, why hasn’t Aus given any money to Australian kids and homeless. Shouldn’t charity begin at home.
@jeremyspencer1505 Says:
Our government has lost moral clarity.
@bellapokushevsky7028 Says:
An islamist plan to take over the West that actually exists. The West has been studied by islamists for many many years. 1. immigration. 2. the birth of a large number of children. 3. the infiltration of these grown children into all government bodies
@danieljohansen2352 Says:
@PrisonButler Says:
Great news piece
@grahamhutton1633 Says:
I stand with Israel 🇮🇱
@MrBlancodan Says:
There were more the 12 children killed by Hezbollah rockets - around 40 people out of them half soldiers
@samuelwright1129 Says:
Just found out today we have a first nations ambassador Justin Mohamed. Seems his father was a Lebanese muslim and married an Aboriginal woman from the Torres strait who converted to islam. Strange he is stated to be aboriginal and not Lebanese yet he is muslim. Another Wong Albo appointment to suit their islamic views! They still pump money to terrorists and call it relief, utter BS!
@charlieseisun5667 Says:
Amnesty International is a far-left, pro-communist organisation.
@fourwings9645 Says:
Penny Wong should be ashamed of herself she went all the way to Israel after the October 7 massacre but refused to go see the burned KIBBUTZIM --IF SHE DIDN'T SEE IT - IT DIDN'T HAPPEN
@andrew6526 Says:
Currawong is a disgrace. She will never represent real Australians. Vote One Nation 🇦🇺
@michaelmahoney5431 Says:
You and your reporting is, at best, racist and disgusting.
@michaelmahoney5431 Says:
Your claims of protecting civilians is unsupported by independent clear and convincing evidence and therefore will be the same and completely disregarded as a truthful statement, assertion, assessment, evaluation, and/or allegation. The same being reported as such to the distributor of your statement(s). What is being said does not comport with the 2024 NSM-TF 20 report's findings of Israel failing to protect civilians. I have and will continue to harbor and express a criticism and hatred of the State of Israel and all of those providing material support to Israel (i.e., US and UK) in Israel’s unlawful genocidal treatment of innocent Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. Recall, “However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.” IHRA’s non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism. Your accusations of antisemitism are incongruent with objective reality.
@michaelmahoney5431 Says:
Only 4 civilians were killed. What is one of those were your sister or brother? Still on board?
@wilbur1884 Says:
@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 Says:
@davisoneill Says:
White Supremacist bimbo. Dirty cow. I wonder how many Native Australians her grandfather murdered.
@michealwered3927 Says:
the world is stupid...dumbed down ignorant
@Shayne-l5l Says:
World has gone mad and our government is to blame... no Commonsence
@FeCiriaco-h6q Says:
@frank00135 Says:
Targeting terrorist how dare Israel. Killing of terrorist using pagers how cleaver. As per Penny Wrong like always she is supporting the terrorist just as Labor is destroying Australian freedom and our children's future.
@שמעוןפרנסקי Says:
What the whole western world does not understand..that today it is Israel..tomorrow it is you...Islam intends to take over the whole world..according to Iran's method
@edwardgagen5339 Says:
FU@K the United Nations! They are not the same as they were!!! The Middle East would be peaceful now if the democrats were not in power!!!
@urielros Says:
As an Israeli I am already too tired to be angered at the hypocrisy, ignorance, stupidity and sheer evil of the U.N and the world.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
The sooner Al-pinocchio and co get the boot, the better it will be all 'round, the federal government alteady sounds bereft of ideas 💡⬆️😮😂😂
@gecko-sb1kp Says:
The United Nations should be a thing of the past. They lost all credibility many moons ago...

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