'Cut the spin': PM using ACCC supermarket lawsuit as a 'scapegoat'
'Cut the spin': PM using ACCC supermarket lawsuit as a 'scapegoat'



@RiverWhiskey07 Says:
Albo still blaming others, wonder hes not blaming Dutton for this too.
@trickyboy1517 Says:
Are you now denying that Coles and Woolies are ripping off their customers during a cost of living crises, Bully? You really are low aren't you. :I
@waynetowers5828 Says:
No it’s not him He’s to busy blowing up gay rights balloons
@patriot388 Says:
You have to look at who owns the supermarkets. These people are only interested in profit, profit, profit! Something has to be done to curb their greed!
@foff3379 Says:
They are all in it
@douglaswasley1461 Says:
PM's quote "This is not the Australian Spirit." ...........electors don't deserve to be treated as fools by the Government, energy prices need to be real because household budgets are tight......Labor will do, say anything when the polls are going down...eg blame somebody else............
@jenzag7621 Says:
Budgets are tight; because Spineless Albo brought in huge numbers of immigrants, who never paid a cent in taxes in Australia; but are enjoying the fruits of our hard labour, courtesy of Spineless Albo, the Toxic Greens and the Hypocritical Teals.
@richardsoane6192 Says:
Fools voted for labour.
@midnorthmidwest Says:
When a supermarket manager tells you your getting ripped off you can bet your getting ripped off.
@Hardwick989 Says:
Lying bugger. Power and gas has gone through the roof and so will everything we buy. Elbow created this problem , muppet!
@davidjohn6466 Says:
Hey elbowsleezy, what about your higher taxes on fuel, cigarettes & alcohol, cost of living & your inflation, what a moron, clutching at straws , & now blaming supermarkets, (trying to use a scapegoat ) what a imposter, have a look in your own backyard first & stop the bs
@ianenglish123 Says:
Bolts BS again. Scapegoat crap. Albanese intends to enforce a mandatory code of conduct backed by hefty fines following the ACCC findings, isnt that good governance. The cost of living has gone up world wide, anyone thats travelled or has relatives overseas knows this. Just shows the partisan crap that spews from Sky news.
@vmura Says:
Albi is not a PM - no😝 he is a 1st class clown and grifter
@Davefree-f7e Says:
Dont use Woolworths..aldi our choice
@mikeoneill9461 Says:
I do the household shopping, and I watch the specials and general pricing. OREO pricing is like Tim Tam's, and if you are alert, you get the best price. I shop in each of Coles, Woollies, IGA, and Foodworks. I expect each to have differing specials and shelf prices. We don't need a court case to get the best prices, you need common-sense. I get my exercise walking between each having parked the car central to all. Albanese you're a schmuck
@Pokersmith Says:
The higher the price the more tax they get. He ain't that angry.
@gregoryellsmore2095 Says:
I don't think Albo likes Capitalism. He's Taxed us into poverty. Everything costs more.
@jolla9963 Says:
PM 32% coukd help over night by dropping tobacco, alc and fuel excises. Let us have OUR money. He could also stop giving OUR money away, keep it here where it is blody well needed. Albo is a GRONK, a Gutless, Repulsive, Obnoxious, Narcissistic, Kuh, yeah you know that last word.....
@darrenpaulschofield5268 Says:
Albo your gone sunshine. You will go down as the worst PM of all time.
@PJRayment Says:
The ACCC's claims as shown on the news seem suspicious. I don't recall the exact figures, but they went something like this: 1) Price of X was $3.50 for 250 days. 2) Price of X went to $5.00 for 22 days. 3) X was then on sale for $4.50. Am I supposed to believe that X was never on sale during those 250 days?
@vernonwhite4660 Says:
Why cann t the ACCC Investigate the govt & Albo over price manipulation.of petrol ,beer cigs, and taxes😊
@ahmedxr8 Says:
💩 comes out of Albo's mouth.
@latrobe15 Says:
How can you challenge this when petrol can go up 30% overnight. Why are they not ACccccccccc’d
@iamasmurf1122 Says:
the truth is that most of these supermarkets are largely owned by the general public ... 70% publicly owned by mum & dad Australian investors ... i know this as im a nobody stockholder on a disability pension actually .. i do a lot of investing to keep up with cost of living i invest ... i know company fundamentals ... the truth being is that this is actually an attack on the Australian public ... my stock price by the way did nothing today did not fall... i looked into this law suit its nonsense nothing wrong with capitalism and competing and making profits that is how companies work
@markspin4596 Says:
The deadbeat thinks we were born yesterday...
@davidbarnsley8486 Says:
My wife has said before covid Orio biscuits were only $1.50 a package and $3.50 came after covid So this price jacking has been under way for many years What a great distraction the week pm got today with this little crumb The cost of living crisis come from price gouging on fuel electricity gas prices Which has so much to do with very bad government policies EXCISE government tax that is a major problem at least Morrison froze fuel excise for a while
@jamespavier1624 Says:
The faster Hard Labor are gone will be the time when things can get better, Up to you voters.
@Ds-lq3tc Says:
So who will benifit from woolworths and coles fines if found guilty the rip off lying labor goverment
@pavelbohacik1305 Says:
He was more than happy to take their money during th Voice campaign
@PhilipRanson-d5t Says:
Albo has no shame if he can avoid blame,charmers is charmless and totally inane.
@derekbate9919 Says:
accc suing... who gets the money, cause the shops will just put up the price of food to get the money that they are sued for.
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
What is unacceptable to be treated by Albo like pack of plebs
@kymlevi2746 Says:
Billy Bullshit is back Hand balling the blame of the cost of living crisis.
@lisamareepritchard6375 Says:
I think Albo has been listening to Kamala, she’s saying the same thing 😂. Increased energy prices will affect grocery prices
@mikewilcox5284 Says:
Labor is going to make our oriels cheaper to manage our cost of living expenses
@ginobiondi2 Says:
Albosleeze and Charmless find someone new to blame.
@Dracul.gaming Says:
Worst government in Australian history. Albo$leazys cost of living crisis makes Keatings recession look like a walk in the park.
@IanBrasher-uq4te Says:
Coles Woolworth should go back to opening at 8 oclock and close at 5 oclock shut for a hour for lunch pack shelves between 8 and five and see how many people loss there jobs and stick up the government
@gecko-sb1kp Says:
The Honorable Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Anthony Albanese...had a light bulb moment to try and save himself. No chance...
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Who's that sour bitter looking woman next to him.
@coopsnz1 Says:
meat is marked alot ??? how much does it cost to slaugher one cow $1000
@coopsnz1 Says:
who buy oreos the rubbish
@coopsnz1 Says:
accc corrupt government department
@coopsnz1 Says:
Qantas net profit down 16% ! you wont hear green & australia insitute tell you that
@coopsnz1 Says:
banks net profit down 10.6%
@laurismclennan7170 Says:
Yes the coles 1:43 and WW prices have gone up but the LABOUR government have been responsible for increases in power, fuel and wages.
@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
what about electricity companies gas companies patrol
@NeverAgain316 Says:
I say bring on the investigation on Labor and Green!
@coopsnz1 Says:
green & australia insitute always lie the communist or the dumb
@TerrenceBosworth Says:
Albanese's biggest lie. And their are many lies. I will turn up every day. I will accept responsibility!!!!! He never accepts responsibility and he has gone missing ( in the car) when Australia needed a strong leader. What did Australia do to deserve such a spineless leader??

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