Nuclear power is the 'only low emissions technology' independent of the weather
Nuclear power is the 'only low emissions technology' independent of the weather



@Frosty-thecensored Says:
💥bombshell 💥
@onlythaclonessir2525 Says:
@Rusty-Shackleford69 Says:
Nuclear power is one of those things that ought not be used in our current times. These plants sans cost to build are massive targets for rouge actors to target. Please don't be naive!
@TheCaptain001 Says:
Completely correct. Nuclear power would have prevented our current climate change issues. Nuclear power is the way; as long as the waste is correctly dealt with.
@Sam-f1k8e Says:
the media is drunk on Nuclear Industrial Complex $MONEY$
@Sam-f1k8e Says:
either you are ignorant or grossly misinformed. all nuclear plants have an Off Gas system. yes they release Fission Product Gases into the atmosphere! then there's the elephant in the room, what to do with the spent fuel bundles with half a million years half life's! not to mention nuclear accidents.
@willeisinga2089 Says:
Australia dumb and dumber. Sky News Fake News.
@MischaFellner Says:
Solar installers for trump
@claudballs5679 Says:
Nuclear is a good source of power but nobody talks about the damage it does to the sea life or life in the region of these facilities when something goes bad. there are a lot of marine biologists that want to talk about the destruction to the sea life in the region of Japan where they had their little accident, but the media doesn't want to have anything to do with them they don't want the protesters to come calling.
@drpammy7847 Says:
Huge mistake to become reliant on fossil fuel controlled by axis by E v i l. V v smart move by Mr T to say he will not run in 2028 as this & daily prayer will stop future attempts by Demz Hit Men. Also the holy spirit is making moves in is-real. Will USA Jews be brave & break free from brainwashing by Senator Schumer types. USA Muslims know the best way to save Muslim kids is with Mr T as Prez. He will end Ha mas & peace will return to the world. That's why Axis of E v i l, want her to win as they fear him not her. Just like 1940. When UK was facing slavery from huge national socialist villains from all sides - they hid in tunnels and hills and marsh lands & forests. UK folk said their daily prayers. The Lord had sent David to defeat Goliath & centuries later, brave Winston Churchill was sent to defeat the villains Adolf & Stalin & Mussolini. Bibi has a bit of Churchill in him doesn't he? (Elegant speaches & record of military service) And the strong American Eagle will soon be on its way under the next president Mr T, who has a bit of Ron Reagan in him (Retired TV Star who took a hit for freedom & democracy) & with Thatcher defeated the last Axis of E v i l. Pray for world peace folks.
@petert24turner71 Says:
Bowen will keep the wind power going from what blows out of his ass.
@petert24turner71 Says:
How much solar & wind power farms will it take to produce 2.5 giga watts of electricity 24/7 which is what Eraring is capable of. It can't be done, full stop.
@carlyndes9002 Says:
What ever the outcome with all this Nuclear BS talk , just know your bills will be much higher !? ..... As nothing will change under a WEF Controlled puppet Lib or Lab government !?
@Poorlineforeva Says:
It's the earthquakes you have to look out for.
@joeybrown3583 Says:
Sky is so woke. Burning coal is better.
@Aaronwhatnow Says:
That headline is just irrelevant. Nuclear is the most expensive form of electricity generation.
@ricky6864 Says:
Corrupt politicians dont want us to have cheap power. They want us to be rorted with our own existing resources and a useless green scheme
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
Reality check.... Those who campaign for the most dangerous and expensive source of energy via sky Australia won't get to see nuclear energy in Australia.... Dutton himself will be at least 70 years old and long retired from the political arena before any Reactor came on Line..... 😆😆😆.......funny
@AximandTheCursed Says:
Weather-dependent energy is okay if you want quality of life to regress to pre-industrial levels (just like real socialism!). The rest of us will be happy with nuclear power.
@DonaldDeCicco Says:
The goal is not low emissions but scarcity of power.

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