Israel 'left' with 'one choice' in Hezbollah confrontation: Sharren Haskel
Israel 'left' with 'one choice' in Hezbollah confrontation: Sharren Haskel



@mujtabarajput1727 Says:
Main problem in middle east is due to land steeling of Israel,where was Israel in 1948, Israel was build on stolen land,shame for theifes,
@morro4398 Says:
Never submit to Islam! Am Yisrael Chai ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
@OnlyScienceRules Says:
๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‚โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿซต๐ŸปโœŠ๐Ÿป๐ŸŽธ The war against Israel is not just against Israel. It's a war against the suoerior Western civisation altogether. Because completely destroying and erasing the Western civilisation grom existence is the ultimate goal of the 1400 year old bloody death cult called islam. If the islamic world succeeds, it will be because of incompetent politicians, hypocrites, despots and tyrants holding political offices and occupying soaces in parliaments in Western countries. And the fault of woke members of Western societies that prefer and choose to "tolerate" other wokes and muslims living amongst them.
@DexKoontz Says:
When did Australia (and the U.S.) turn SO STUPID??? I fought alongside good Australians in Vietnam. They were sharp and knew up from down. I considered them better than us. What a disappointment you have become, Australia, not securing your country and your way of life.
@vb9043 Says:
You go, Israel. Standing with you from South Africa
@leigh9807 Says:
Israel attempts to negotiate with them all year and the Idiots shoot 8000 rockets every day for a yearโ€ฆ. You get what you ask for
@blainesitter9110 Says:
i can count on one finger on one hand.
@malgudidays3311 Says:
Iran don't want to get their hands soiled.
@liliviolapilatestoronto Says:
Hezbollah is fully responsible for war in the northern front
@liliviolapilatestoronto Says:
Hezbollah is fully responsible for war in the northern front
@robertvalence7899 Says:
Sharren. Hizbollah staying north of the Litani river was not broken - it was never observed. Despite the UN providing troops to observe & enforce the ceasefire, the UN completely failed. Despite the UN's observation, Hizbullah acquired 150,000 rockets with which to to threaten Israel.
@SamEdward-j8b Says:
I dont read AlJazeera sorry
@acesfullmike5371 Says:
A large problem standing in the way of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, as exemplified by Netanyahu, and can also be seen, ironically, in those Israelis protesting against him. What is fundamentally standing in the way of any peace agreement is the current attitudes of the Israeli people. Israel is a racist apartheid society believing in a God given right to dominate a population they view as inferior and to take over their land. The Israelis are a people that can't conceive of any change. Racism and apartheid have corrupted the morals of the Israeli society. The Israelis are being controlled by their hatred, their desire for revenge, and their feelings of superiority. Israelis show a total nonconcern regarding the number of Palestinians that are being murdered, or the extent of the Palestinians' suffering. The Israelis have stated and shown that they do not believe the Palestinians have any human rights, including the right to life. Six Israeli hostages were killed and thousands of Israelis protested. Thousands of Palestinians are killed, with thousands protesting all over the world, except in Israel there are NO protests. The Israelis couldn't care less about the Palestinians. They have no guilt or shame regarding Israel's treatment and oppression of the Palestinians, over the years since 1948 nor since October 7th.
@TruthSeekerAll Says:
Why is Israel informing before the attacks? None of its enemies are doing that.
@humananity Says:
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35
@pavelp9887 Says:
All those who have cursed the Israel and the Jews beware the destroyer for he comes for you. If I were you I would repent and help the Jews in any way you can because once itโ€™s over you will be measured, and found wanting!
@andrieswilmans2985 Says:
Love and best wishes to Israel and all Israelis. Also best regards to Australia and a friendly caution to send back Gazans. ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐ŸŽ—
@mcbbecks5035 Says:
It seems Australian government is adopting the "protection payment" syndrome. Why on earth would anyone pay millions of dollars to a terrorist group if that individual is not afraid of them (the terrorists) attacking? They are already hear and ready to strike anyway. Australia is becoming unsafe at an alarming pace.
@IAMPhilip777 Says:
What pathetic Journalism ''...but it only did so''...blah balh blah * tone - body language - UTTERLY DESPICABLE ONE-SIDED 'JOURNALISM'.
@bullshitstomper9417 Says:
Fully sick Iron Dome bro ๐Ÿ™„
@williamtan9655 Says:
Isarel must win ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™
@MichaelMcIntire-h5e Says:
Japan and Poland got it right. The refugees can stay and join other desert countries
@LoFi_120 Says:
"do to others what you would have them do to you"~Jesus. We need peace The world need peace, Jesus is peace the world needs Jesus. Accept Him in your life and you shall have peace you have never had. Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.
@G-T Says:
Typical Izraeli response, cry victim!
@rockefellersilva Says:
Lebanon used to be a lovely Christian country until they let Islam crawl in and ruin it.
@insurgent23 Says:
Biden still waiting his double cup vanilla ice cream
@Marydunlop-y4t Says:
Listen to this Israelli Minister -Ms Haskell. Australia are importing the problems of the Middle East into Australia. The problem is that we have Hamas and Hasbulla ministers in Australia in Albanese and Wong.
@cynthiagonzalez658 Says:
WHY put quotation marks on those words โ‰๏ธ
@dan61131 Says:
World dictators has used & abused Democrats presidency since Carter! They've taken advantage to start wars & created chaos with they're neighbors.
@soapytowel1565 Says:
The 2 state solution was previously rejected by Arafat & others a long time ago. They just want Israel gone from the face of this earth & nothing else will satisfy Hamas, Hezzbollah, Iran & the rest of the Islamic world
@dianecollier7177 Says:
I love hearing the news of Israel when someone's telling the truth. Thank you and God bless you
@dixiehansen8226 Says:
So much of what you say could totally be coming out of my mouth. Thank you for your channel! It is nice to hear someone who is excited for the Saviors coming as I am. Sooner the better!
@liebs1973 Says:
Thank you SkyNews
@WalterHildahl Says:
America wouldn't accept it either. althow Harris probably would. I stand with Israel !!!
@victorswart7411 Says:
The West has been invaded by these radical muslims they are breeding Europeans into a minority and its all been planned by Klaus Schwab Sirros Elets and the liberal media their propaganda tool. Isreal must fight and win its fir their excistance
@SteelHorse-Rider Says:
Are you people Stupid, their own kind want nothing to do with Palestinians?
Israel has proven that they can reach out and touch any terrorist anywhere and that goes for terrorist supporter's as well = leftist's ๐Ÿ˜‡
@scwps23 Says:
@BuckMckawtheotherone Says:
She warns Canada three times about supporting Hamas and Hezbollah both politically and financially. Thank you Sharren. God keep you safe.
@arnabbiswas3973 Says:
Piya nai th kha lo bc.... raj nat sins uses army zu secure ppp nich eliminator..... alexa zwei domi nar mpfi waits de panzer fodder elixer 4k centre ur kit nur fodder blau flame kenya test ad... Rechnung ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ”ฏ๐ŸŒต๐Ÿซ’๐Ÿซ’๐Ÿซ’๐Ÿฅœ๐Ÿฅœ๐Ÿฅœ
@saarb737 Says:
In the comment section: Muslims who occupieded 40+ states since the 7th century, want to take the only Jewish homeland (where Jews had Jerusalem as their capital more then 1600 years before Islam was invented). In Islam there is 'dar el islam' (place where Islam rules). And 'dar el harb' (place where islam isnt the ruler). Harb btw == war. Europe, America, you are next!
@saarb737 Says:
For all the 'free 'palestine' guys. Can you tell me plz, if palestine was existed as a state- When was it established? When destroyed and "occupied"? And from whom? What was the boarders? Who was its prime minister/president when the Israelis occupyied it? Who was its army head/general/chief when the Israeli occupyied it? . Can you answer it? Ill wait.., Got the point? . And lets have a history lesson, 'palestine' is part of the name 'syria palestina' a name of a **REGION** (not a state), a name given by the ROMAN EMPIRE after they occupied the land of israel from the Jews. And, have you heard about 'kingdom of israel'? (United monarchy), It was existed even back at 1010BC (thats 1010 years before christianity, and 1610 years BEFORE ISLAM). . And you know what was the capital of that kingdom? ****drums****- JERUSALEM. Yes, jerusalem was a jewish capital before you islamist came to that world and trying to claim everything that aint yours. +Jerusalem was not an arab/muslim capital a single day throught history. Also- talking about 'occupation'/'colonialsim'.. remind me plz- how many muslim states there are today? (40+). how many muslim states where before Islam was made in the 7th century? (0)....... how many Jewish states there are today? (1), and you want to destroy it as well. much liberal, very wow! Jews always had 1 state, and never demanded more then that 1 sole state, even tho they are here many..... mannnyyyyyy years before both Christianity and Isalm. think of it that way, my 'dear' antisemic people who think they are just "anti Israel" and not antisemic: -when jews had no state, it was much easier to persecute them and kill them. -when jews has a state, suddenly its much harder, right? its not 'politiclly correct' to hate jews these days.. the 'correct' way is to hate thier state. Learn history.
@saarb737 Says:
Think of it for a second.. Ukraine fights Russia (a state, stste of terror, but still a state). Nobody thinks of a weapon embargo on Ukraine. Israel fights Hamas, Hizbullah, Hutis etc (terror organizations + Iran, state of terror), @keirstarmer @kamalaharris and many other leaders (especially from europe signs and wants to sign weapon embargos against Israel. It has a name, its called - ANTISEMISM..
@samueldiengdoh1505 Says:
Future events will happen as prophesied in the Bible
@MrVibrating Says:
If an ideology selects *you* as its enemy - regardless of whether those sentiments are reciprocal or not - and that self-avowed enemy then brings war to you, regardless of your actions, then you _have_ a mortal enemy with whom you're _at_ war, whether you like it or not.
@devonnkeith Says:
Isreal was lying the entire time they killed kids he is a Nazi.
@jackdeserno5378 Says:
good speak
@Condemnhummus Says:
Bot comments ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@DoronL73 Says:
Australia should contact Israeli government to get whatever background they might have on the individuals that came from Gaza, as they mostly have been radicalized from early age, unfortunately they will find here a already radical community

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