Who is doomed: China's economy or the doomsayers?
Who is doomed: China's economy or the doomsayers?



@muhammadshahzad2864 Says:
I think best thinking working and i think next China new super power of world and new Geo political policy and plans but some countries problem why big question but China best relationship and best business economy all world happy nice people and friends and countries answer waiting pakistan??bawaG world news ❤❤
@boonteoh7240 Says:
The West is talking about their doomed and gloomed, not China!
@euphegeniadoubtfire1364 Says:
There are channels like China Uncensored and the China Observer that clearly have nothing good to say about China. Now that the US Congress has earmarked 1.5 Billion USD as budget for its Anti-China Propaganda worldwide, I think this will be a lucrative reason for these channels to step up their game.
@richardliu7499 Says:
@FrankiePo89 Says:
When congress need to have a "China Week" and allocated 1.6b, you know China ain't failing.
@ammarsawi6118 Says:
I love China ❤
@wesleyclayton1168 Says:
China was deemed to be doomed since 1983
@estelasantos1917 Says:
chinas growth was mostly driven by infraestructure now they are changing to a more national, sustainable and tech focused economy <3
@ribeirojorge5064 Says:
Thaaannnk Yooouuu BRICS ❤️ 💚 💜
@urimtefiki226 Says:
China's economy is doomed.
@notorious25796 Says:
Well-done Mushahid sahb

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