Son of Trump's would-be assassin suspect arrested on child pornography charges
Son of Trump's would-be assassin suspect arrested on child pornography charges



@shirleyellis9708 Says:
Throw away the key.
@jamieseiple Says:
He likes kids huh?
@JasRaymond1 Says:
You won't see this in the Democrat controlled media .
@TheClownCunt Says:
He doesn’t look insane. And no surprise what he was arrested for . Pedophilia runs deep in Democrats.
@summagnuscumdeo5442 Says:
This is insane
@roxximusik8958 Says:
It's hardly surprising that this individual is well screwed-up having such a father, but how much did he know and care about his activities ? Also, you have to wonder how big an appetite there is for viewing vile, under-age porn amongst adult males ?
@kathybrooks4270 Says:
Sick bastard.
@KellyMurdock-nh7pu Says:
Theres some extra twist in this freaks dna. If the eyes are the window to the soul the eyes on these two say crazy as hell !A cage with a double bed in the basement at langley is where these albinos need to go !
@snellavision Says:
Living the rest of your life in a Federal "pound me in the rear" prison seems like more of a punishment than being humanely terminated by the state
@mrnoone8852 Says:
Know it's completely understandable why did they try to kill Bolsonaro in Brazil. Under Bolsonaro leafing police investigating the child and s trafficking. Lula has roped the investigating once most of his colleges are involved. The
@Want0nS0up Says:
It would be interesting if both father and son disappeared off the radar. Similar to Lee Harvey Oswald, Jeffrey Epstein, Matthew Crooks. I wonder if their last words were “but you promised…“?
@jule3480 Says:
Not surprising at all
@hariseldon3786 Says:
Yes - but is he a Democrat? Or a British Conservative Politician or BBC employee?
@anthonytheiss1296 Says:
@jonathanparle8429 Says:
The lefties would probably just say that he is being inclusive.
@Her.Serene.Feline.Cuteness. Says:
Geez. Democrat supporters come from good homes..🙄🤔😭🤣😂
@yoniweizman4570 Says:
🗺️ 🤮🤮🤮
@yowten8994 Says:
Bet he was at Epsteins island.
@hannacook859 Says:
Makes sense, people with hate don't normally care about what kids feel
@spacewalktraveller1 Says:
At least both of these sickos can spend the rest of their life in prison together where they belong.
@blackcorp0001 Says:
Fire your editor ... they suck
@flinch622 Says:
What are the odds of this? Maybe its genuine... maybe its a ruse to isolate the two men from communication with each other & media? I hope this is good law enforcement in action, but sadly there's always a question mark hanging over every movement of the Taterhead administration. I get this feeling one or both men have been on law enforcement radar for years but politically blocked.
@dalejames8576 Says:
Of course, he's a pedo dim.
@douglasfathers4848 Says:
THE $150.000 bounty would come out of the bail out fund .
@yoniweizman4570 Says:
Oooh brother, that mugshot is a defence attorney’s worst nightmare 😂
@CaliWeHo Says:
"They" always have crazy eyes.
@k20t30pl Says:
The political elite demonic occult are scared of Trump busting their socialist control wide open, so they send in their pawns.
@stephencampbell311 Says:
Nice family..
@MarcusN-kp1jn Says:
The people with the worst case of TDS always have the biggest skeletons in their closets. My armchair psychologist analysis is that they project their own sins onto Donald Trump; their picture of him reminds them of themselves. That's why they can't stand him.
@iara_pimenta Says:
To jail, sob
@maryanjames7890 Says:
Like father like son --------- loony
@FutureJ23 Says:
This is the freedoms liberals cry about 😂
@firedragon7656 Says:
Mentally Deranged Pedophile Radical Lefties. Democrats are Lying Fear pushing War Mongers! All on Mental Meds 🤦🏻‍♂️
@jasongeorgiou1375 Says:
The first pic I ever saw of the guy and he looks like an obvious sicko, so no surprises he would turn out to be collaborating with other PDF files... Seems typical of his depraved ilk to have TDS, because they fear that their sexual "freedoms" to violate others will be intruded upon by another Trump administration. 🙄🤮
@lornatodd4750 Says:
What a lovely family....🤮🤬 ..
@TedaR Says:
I can’t take the background sound! Yikes! 😳 And by the time I get here, I don’t wanna hafta read anything else. 🥱🤤
@TedaR Says:
Real news reported by real journalists! Such a rarity! What a treat! Ty Sky News & co! ❤✝️🙏🏼✌️🇺🇸 Edit ugh no reading pls.
@Ray-dv1md Says:
The dems just love their child porn.
@rickchiplin4970 Says:
Wait until he is in the Penal Unit and the Inmates find out he is into Kiddie Porn.He will be sleeping with One Eye Open.
good he cant rot in prison with his dad
@9realitycheck9 Says:
Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, R. Kelly, Ed Buck, P. Diddy.. is it any wonder Child Rapists want want Trump "deleted"?...
@matthewflinders1978 Says:
What can you say? Another Democrat supporter 🤷🏻 Like Diddy and Co...Epstein etc. Democrats.
@jbv671 Says:
It's not child pornography !!!!!! Stop calling it that.......its child abuse images calling it pornography implies consent !!!!!
@journeymanelectrician Says:
Silent posts are trash
@Lynae-v4o Says:
These are the kind of people voting for Harris.
@championwise6996 Says:
@leahg6137 Says:
Curiously his dad was recruiting in Ukraine, things that make you go Hmmm 🤔 wykyk
@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
*Bill Hicks - JFK Assassination*
@rapscallion9333 Says:
some people shouldn't breed.😱
@CarlDi3trich Says:
They don't want the son to talk, obviously. Also the letter released by the FBI should not have been released. ALSO the idiot has no way to pay the "bounty" so I hope the other idiots out there realize that.

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