'A joke': Government grants approval to bulldoze habitat on private land
'A joke': Government grants approval to bulldoze habitat on private land



@elenawalker3746 Says:
When Dutton was Home Affairs Minister he led and implemented the Sendai, UN’s - Build Back Better disaster framework that was incorporated into Australian law. As part of the Forth Industrial Revolution large amounts of energy is needed, and Australia plans to become a critical mineral superpower, where wind and solar farms along with their transmission lines are being forced into rural communities across Australia.
@seanswanson1909 Says:
The greens activists ignore these sites because their government funded and their scard of losing their funding
@georgekordis4268 Says:
Tell them to get stuffed.
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Tanya will stop a gold mine because of voices from indigenous elders but will destroy the bush and habitat of Koalas for wind turbines and power lines,,,, good one Tanya you are a hypocrite!
@SkullBanker-68 Says:
Destroy habitat to save the planet ,you can't make this stuff up, stand strong AUZ, love from the UK.
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Hurry up election so we can vote these loonatics out ,,,,
@kingcandy4809 Says:
Play the indigenous card
@zefangmeisterbob7592 Says:
About as sensible as the NBN and stadiums
@bretloyd8097 Says:
@debbiepark5917 Says:
I have worked in the environment industry in Australia. No longer there. I'm appalled at this. But I will tell u one thing. Blackrock and The World Economic Forum behind this. They want to get rid of farmers. Blackrock have now set up in New Zealand gave there govt money. Bought there way into our country. Energy renewable. For wind farming. It's a known fact I've seen Larry Fi k say on TV. We will make corporations and companies change there ways. Research what the wef Klaus Schwab wants to do. They already stopped Dutch farmers from farming. It's all in the big plan. BILL gates even involved..billionaire cronies playing God and buying there way..albanese a crook
@davidcarter4247 Says:
The Greens today would support clearing the site of the Franklin Dam if it was for a wind farm.
@GrandpaVince Says:
Next they could try to bulldoze vinceys shack 😨
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Never see any sooking when it came to CSG wells in the Pilliga.
@Suzanne-h2c Says:

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