Senate committee releases 'damning' report on first Trump assassination attempt
Senate committee releases 'damning' report on first Trump assassination attempt



@rayrosedale Says:
STAGED of he would had been dead twice. A gunman climbs within 500 ft and missed. A gunman wait at a closed golf course 24 hours waiting for Donald Trump, the only way he could have known is the Secret Service told him, STAGED he was supposed to have gotten away but he was spotted by a good citizen. You believe what you want to believe.
@danielpoole1494 Says:
fbi fixed it
@ogenevieve Says:
Ok, Lindsay. Every other country has nothing to gain and everything to lose if anything happens to DJT. This administration and its corrupt branches are 100% behind ALL of this. Why? The vast majority of American citizens have already chosen DJT to be our next potUS, so isn't that the definition of democracy? Why would a man who has everything to lose risk his life to take over the country that has been turned into an economic disaster and a major dumpster fire? Bcuz he cares.
@chrismc.4437 Says:
The hit is coming from the inside. Totally orchestrated by current leaders.
@d.castillo9495 Says:
Rico trump is forced to have outdoor events because he refused to pay the fees to venues making it harder for the Secret Service to protect him.
@icthruhiseyes Says:
Unfortunately, it seems like no one is held accountable for anything anymore
Besides what is reported here. Do Not Forget. Just a few months before Trump was Denied extra security
@tarn1135 Says:
Lindsey Graham thinks everything is an act of war. Personally I think Iran should be toppled, however Graham is such a war hawk that if any country sneezes in our general direction he wants to declare war. Wonder if it was his neck on the line or his children’s lives that would be wasted in the inevitable “counter insurgency” action and the quick panicked choice to leave, he’d still be so ready to declare war?
@ricardoacain1391 Says:
Iran if you’re listening 🙏🏼
@Zona-dw9rp Says:
We all know that this attempt on Trump was intentional.
@trixiec4880 Says:
Democrat Iran collusion.
@mikeemmons1079 Says:
It is important to remember that this 18 year old kid was indoctrinated to hate for half of his life. it is far more important to recognize that there are 10 thousand more where he came from.
@dont.ripfuller6587 Says:
You missed suckers!
@brandymocanu6073 Says:
Must bring back mental hospitals!
@coreymaddo6910 Says:
this is what happens when you repeatedly say hes a threat while the dems are being a real threat
@mojoswifty360 Says:
Conspiracy disguised as incompetence.
Send him to Quantico Bay prison
@DrMajaIvano Says:
Today is the T man, tomorrow it might be u as the target despite all investments in your background, and life in general in order evilness to prevail?!?
@d.castillo9495 Says:
The assassination attempt reminds me that it was a registered Republican who used him for target practice.
@jeffharper410 Says:
If you obstruct an investigation, your guilty of the crime.
@srb1064 Says:
Sounds like the came through with new federal charges so Florida couldn't take it...
@DrMajaIvano Says:
"failed to ensure" as a "negligence " or " on the order" ? Whatever. It's their job that are paid for to conduct it professionally
@matthewgower Says:
Of course Iran doesn’t want Trump in office, they know what’s coming
@emmettturner9452 Says:
2:18 “the counter snipers were sent to the rally in response to credible intelligence of a threat but Secret Service personnel said they were unaware of a threat. None of that jives together.” Both true when we stop twisting and distorting things to manufacture contradictions. There’s the vague Iranian threat that prompted counter sniper coverage and then the specific threat of someone on the roof with a gun that they weren’t aware of. Two different threats. Yes, they knew about a suspicious individual with a range finder nearly a half an hour before but at that time no one knew he was a threat.
@Reporting-t9y Says:
On May 7, 2019, The New York Times revealed that it had acquired information about Trump's tax returns showing more than a billion dollars in business losses with a decade in the red.
@bobjohns8914 Says:
A key question that will never be answered: Just how did that kid know that roof top would be clear for him to set up from? He had to know ahead of time that would be his firing position. It's not like he could walk the site with a rifle and look for positions of opportunity the day of the event!
@philhardwick100 Says:
A damming report? So what. So tired of this. Talk is cheap. Do your job and have people fired
@memecakes4436 Says:
They want to unalive Trump and start a war with Iran. You know the saying two birds
@dawnbonome9056 Says:
Biden/Harris are accountable for this too!! Harris is a threat to America!
@TraceguyRune Says:
Let's be real, the FBI knew it was going to happen, and they briefed the secret service that day about it, and told them "Let it happen". The FBI work for Joe Biden
@SarahConner451 Says:
Strange why a foreign gov wants to assissinate someone who is not in gov? Something stinks..
@ccc56ccc Says:
Not a thing will be done or anyone held accountable. Talk is all you get - If it is one of us middle class/poor people doing something illegal they will throw you under the jail unless your an illegal migrant then they will give you more money.
@glennmandigo6069 Says:
"Twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action" -Murphy's Law
@glennmandigo6069 Says:
Cried all about Russia but say nothing about Iran
@saucymango99 Says:
Literally telling us nothing we didn't already know.
@mjos4291 Says:
Helene and Constantine eye of the tiger. Boomp! boomp boom boom! Boom boom booooomp boom! EYE OF THE TIGER
@Qingeaton Says:
This current government is criminal and incompetent at the same time. How anyone could vote for more of the same boggles my mind.
@MyIOnU Says:
When you have the title as first assassination, you know the Country is in hell right now.
@chrisflounders4390 Says:
Seems pretty crystal clear. Whoever it was who denied drone coverage knew something was going on. Find that person do what it takes to get them to confess we already know the Democrats are behind both attempts and they will continue to try even after he is elected.
@majesticsword Says:
My Family is Republican, but voting blue!!!!!💙💙💙💙💙
@cdjeeyore Says:
If Iran wants him dead that tells me every reason not to vote for Harris.
@williamjohnson9727 Says:
Democrats are still using hateful rhetoric towards Trump. Their reckless verbal attacks led their mindless cult followers to acting out on these assassination attempts. No chance of them being held accountable for their treasonous crimes.
@Earl-d5e Says:
I still want to know who the women with the black hat and white tank top behind Trump filming calmly.
@kimb3843 Says:
Nothing makes sense, don't know what to believe, there's no common sense ~ God help us all ☮️❤️🙏
@mangloreanwithabeard Says:
Real truth will be disclosed once Trump becomes the president 🇺🇸💪🏼
@Cmoth040 Says:
And? What is Congress going to do about it? Nothing. The same thing that happens every time. Congressional hearings are theater, little plays to give everyone an emotional outlet. It's the appearance of action. A few people resign. Nobody actually responsible are ever questioned. Nobody ever gets truly held accountable. It's a lie designed to alleviate pressure.
@atypicalmisanthrope Says:
what are the consequences of sedition, corruption, and conspiracy by our OWN government against the will of the people...nothing. Nobody cares about these committees anymore because nothing ever comes from these circus acts.
@aletajary4362 Says:
South. Routh. WHY RUTH?
@suqqmadiq2604 Says:
I want to say I'm surprised this crap is happening, but we all know these bastards are getting paid. By whom I can't say yet but know that their agenda is to disarm the American people. To take away the last line of defense between the government and the people... Their arms and by that the constitution itself.
@janeyourkevich3086 Says:
The "Democrat" Party is vile and ruthless. They communicate their encouragement to violence through passive aggression and carefully selected language. Most sane people see what they're doing and how they do it. They are the haters of America who use others to carry out their wishes. Zero integrity, zero morals, zero ethics.....every single one of them. Vote GOP America. It can't be worse than the crazies in power right now.

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