Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: The left-wing media is a propaganda arm of the DNC
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: The left-wing media is a propaganda arm of the DNC



@michael3864 Says:
I need my Social Security. Not going back!
@JeremiahChung-x1v Says:
I am happy, finally a strong leader is back to WH , Made in USA , I will be first consumer on those products. 😊😊😊
@keithmccabe4040 Says:
I love this young, brilliant woman. She is a needed voice in this hyper partisan environment. APL, is the antithesis of AOC.
@joehernandez1765 Says:
🤯 our Republican women are way more beautiful than the other side all they got is donkey teeth Aoc we got Beautiful women they got Aoc
@Reporting-t9y Says:
Propaganda?!.. "On April 18, 2023, as opening statements were about to begin, the judge announced that the parties had reached a settlement. Fox News agreed to pay Dominion $787.5 million and acknowledged the court's earlier ruling that Fox had broadcast false statements about Dominion. The settlement did not require Fox News to apologize. It is the largest known media settlement for defamation in U.S. history."
@Mcfly-rj8yy Says:
@carlcauble733 Says:
Opinion, Camala uhm , she can't do anything but word salad,. Poor English,, brain fog, some of her followers probably suffer the same problem
@williamshaw5388 Says:
They are left. They are center right. Read a civics book you knuckledraggers.
@gilbertsuarez1156 Says:
Under trump 8 trillion spent in 4 years!! Under trump his lack of leadership with COVID 1 million deaths shameful reminder it was all going away yea right!!!
@chrisbrewer945 Says:
AP Luna is correct🎉🎉
@gilbertsuarez1156 Says:
Wow you jerk forget we came out of COVID!!!
@borkemoghene7519 Says:
There is a question begging for an answer, and this is it. Can Fox News tell me what Trump did specifically for Auto workers when he was in power?
@dronesarewatchingyouwhiley4587 Says:
This dumb lady just spilled mad propaganda, then turn around saying the dems are the one promoting propaganda… smh what a dummy. All Hispanic women are dumb and f their way to anything.
@Victor-qm7ug Says:
I'm a senior 70 year old man . With Medical issues . I still want to Work and be Able to Live what few years of my Life i have Left . As Productive and Happily As I can . But when You can Hardly Afford to Pay the Medicines . The Doctor prescribed to you ,and the pharmacy tells you that the medication will Costs You $ 400 + Dollars for a 90 day supply because there isn't a so called generic form of that same medicine . I have to make a decision whether to buy the medications or pay the bills before the electrical bills or whatever bills are disconnected . Because big Pharma are behind these people who are running for office I myself would like to hear one of the Candidates Talk and say . What will they do about That. But like the sayings Go ( Talk all Just Talk ) Many People Suffer Cause of That . Don't Just Promise ( F$%King Do Something About It ) Like Ya'll Promise if You Got The SPINE to Do the Job .
@janeyourkevich3086 Says:
Don't get complacent America. DJT and the GOP need every American to vote. He can't do it alone. He needs the people and a majority in both houses to make sh*t happen on Trump Time.
@rumarfile7335 Says:
Kamala Harris is just another blip on the screen as far as im concerned, prepare for a Seismic shift as we come to the cross roads in 2024, its going to be Epic!🎉
@borkemoghene7519 Says:
If the left wing media is a propaganda machine for the DNC, then what is Fox News there for? A misinformation outfit for Trump, I guess.
@Houndini Says:
Kamela is I guess still over our border. We seen how good that has worked out. I rest my case your honor.
@KardashevIII Says:
In my opinion, when history of this era is written, all of you who support Donald Trump, a lifelong racist, liar and criminal minded person will look foolish. Fox got a $800,000,000 judgement for misinformation. Fox, mend your ways if you want to be a respected American institution. I’m a lifelong conservative. I know the difference between a conservative and a criminal. Donald Trump will not be getting my vote.
@aragornii507 Says:
Jimmy Kimmel is the Joseph Goebbels of the Democrat party
@rwefree9469 Says:
Can’t wait for this election to be over. Sick of the Harris ads on YT. All of them are flat out lies.
@markbn2883 Says:
I’m sick of the phony Harris campaign ads they are nothing but total lies . It’s TRUMP all the way 🇺🇸
@ThomasT-l8p Says:
Hahahahaha what a load of crap. As if Faux News DIDN'T pay 787.5 million dollars for lying to people dumb enough to watch and believe. But you cult followers don't have any other option to get that smoke blown up your butt huh?
@rwefree9469 Says:
Well, Pelosi did say that you have to pass the bill first to see what’s in it. Why this corrupt Dem keeps getting elected is insane. Her district is a disaster. She holds on to her power only to enrich herself.
@shellylivingston343 Says:
There are disconnected people out tgere that don't know how to vote. Voting with feelings and rainbows and butterflies doesn't cut it.🙄
@wasblindbutnowsee Says:
"The left wing media is the propaganda arm of the DNC." Try telling that to Rush Limbaugh 25 years ago. He'd say, "Tell me something I don't know and that I don't broadcast every single day!"
@888Longball Says:
21% is insane. Too high.
@wigsandfluff5729 Says:
The media is going to have to be brought down and people jailed!!
@Soy_Bomb Says:
Trump DEFINITELY didn't work at McDonald's !
@Soy_Bomb Says:
Trump is falling apart. He can't string a thought together.
@normanstephan7209 Says:
Harris needs to come out and say exactly where she worked for McDonald's I believe she never worked for McDonald's and that is also a lie how can anyone vote for Harris when we're this close to World War III and she can't stop laughing and everything she's touched in the last three and a half years has turned to total crap
@PlumbRalph Says:
Facebook is blocking sharing this video clip! Election interference!
@JohnnyVeritas Says:
@JupiterSlim Says:
“There are undoubtedly vile racists at the core of Trumps movement.” - JD Vance “Republicans lose minority voters for simple and obvious reasons: their policy proposals are tired, unoriginal, or openly hostile to non-whites,” Vance wrote.
@MediaLieDetector Says:
They are all Zionist propaganda organizations. Luna is a derp.
@goopygeiger5632 Says:
APL…….great respect for her! Very intelligent!
@tjslegacy1 Says:
4:22 foreign interference with our elections.
@ruedigerwedi7957 Says:
Trump and Russia PROPAGANDA!!!!!!!! Lying and Bullying. STOP IT !!!!!! Follow real Successful Women Taylor and Oprah!!!!!!! VOTE::::💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙👍👍👍
@Chris-h3s5q Says:
Trump2024 fkh
@waynesworld2271 Says:
They think this is hollywood
@martinmiller3647 Says:
Pennsylvania supports Donald Trump who stands with Pennsylvania???
@matthiasjanbrungers4978 Says:
so? The right Wing Media is a Propaganda arm of the GOP.. whats the problem?
@Jake86923 Says:
Trumps a rambling incoherent rambling
@klemenszamoyski5225 Says:
Will tell you - stop sending our money to Israel?
@malcumyang9331 Says:
And fox is a propaganda machine for Putin.
@itfrecords Says:
she’s a cutie
@danielpoole1494 Says:
Harris/Biden have been letting big corporations do price gouging for 3.5 years Why haven't you done anything about abortion ... the border or inflation .... where have you been? Gender surgeries are cosmetic surgeries rarely required .
@nicklengyel356 Says:
Who wants to continue to help Ukraine anymore, anyway other than the demorats?
@peterphann1414 Says:
Trump is lie
@hfinn5706 Says:
Non smiley fox lady. 🤮. you are drinking the cool aid. I saw trump selling his silver coin for $100 that cost $31. Trump is a carney snake oil salesman and his believers are too dumb to see it. He’s not presidential he’s criminal.

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