Brandishing Hezbollah symbol in Australia should be 'loudly condemned'
Brandishing Hezbollah symbol in Australia should be 'loudly condemned'



@lorrainemckenna3217 Says:
Is this the new pro Palestinian, hezoballah
@gazstaf Says:
Pure antisemitism
@theoreinecke4867 Says:
This government is weak when it comes to terrorist activities
@theoreinecke4867 Says:
It is sickening to see this happening to Australia
@adamb735 Says:
Funny, in the nanny state (Victoria) you can’t do the German salute without jail and massive fines. But you can support Muslim terrorist groups. Sux to be a white male these days
@MitchObriens Says:
If you dont want Australia to turn into the present uk under Starmer then please vote Dutton and Pauline. I am an immigrant and i am a former Labor supporter. I will vote Dutton and Pauline to keep Australia safe
@Paul-fritz. Says:
The important thing is not what they were wearing, but rather what they were shouting: songs glorifying Hizbullah, promising to lead it to triumph over the unbelievers. This is a scream to combat the infidels, not to call for a ceasefire.
@JP-fi5ku Says:
😂 please sthu. If people can support a regime that has taken the lives of 20k children than this is fine as well. Peace.
@nickhybner8485 Says:
The government is a disgrace
@Greengrass6252 Says:
These sympathizer need to understand don't bring your shit here. If you want to act on this shit go back to where you came from and enjoy your shit life.
@ThreenaddiesRexMegistus Says:
The government will blind-eye this yet bans the sale, trading, and display of swastika marked collectables. Which one do you think is the clear and present danger? They’re both symbols of hate, unless you’re a Hindu, or Finn, or a myriad of Eastern religions using this sign peacefully for generations, and the Nazis got effectively cancelled in the 1940’s. Whereas the Hezbollah flag is an unambiguous call to arms. Seems a little incongruous to me?
@chrisjohnstone2392 Says:
Arrest and immediate deportation !!!
@donk5371 Says:
Deport immediately.
@carmelot324 Says:
Asio is busy
@malcolmhector2641 Says:
Labor are traitors & these flags flying is treasonous to us Australians & anyone flying such flags should be deported straight away ,no if's or buts , or lawyers involved to help them . Send the msg no tolerance for you .
@SaveTasol-cw3fs Says:
If I had an antivaxxer flag in Australia now I would have more opposition than if I had a Hezbollah flag. What sort of idiot country have we become? Multiculturalism is complete nonsense for the majority because the majority has to 1) loose Thier brain 2) change Thier speech 3) change everything to fit the minority. To avoid conflict when the majority has had enough they should move the offending minority back out of the country or from the land of the living.
@luke_rr4474 Says:
All terrorist symbols need to be banned! Albo the weak pathetic PM needs to go as he allows this to happen.
@Chapito999 Says:
Displaying d symbol there in Australia nd new Zealand is just the beginning. They are taking over
@alberthorick715 Says:
Liberal policies in Western counties Will be their downfall in a few years time
@ivanshapiro250 Says:
That's a direct result of Australia letting in hordes of Lebanese muslim filth in the early 1980's
@NouveauView Says:
It's funny how edgy jokes can get you in trouble but people waving flags of terrorist organizations are totally fine in Australia.
@samnaaman7978 Says:
Deport them but first compensate them for the illegal war that Australia went in with America and its allies that attacked Afghanistan Iran Libya and Syria Australia should be taken for war crimes and should compensate the victims of that illegal attacks that made their countries third world countries stealing their wealth and making them refugees
@ozzyace71 Says:
“They want peace in Lebanon?” How about we want peace in Australia 🇦🇺 they should eff off over there if they’re so upset
@outdoorlyf Says:
Flying and supporting israeli flags and agenda should be not allowed aswell. A rule for all
@mbens9266 Says:
Revoke visa/PR and deport ASAP
@serverlan763 Says:
Yup we are a divided country all right, We have terrorists living in our country. Yet if if you displayed a Aussie flag you would get arrested. Two tier policing, just like in the UK.
@paulwild2258 Says:
The Trojan horse is already within. 😮
@sigurbjörgKarlsdottir Says:
Islam plague
@danielxbox28 Says:
it actually exisits as a response to Israeli occupation of Lebanon in the 80s... Sky News get a lot of stuff wrong.
@coal_man Says:
Bloody greenies.
@carolpountney7627 Says:
So much for laws in this country being enforced by the Albanese Government! These pro-terrorist organisation supporters are given FREE REIN in Australia!
@hadidirani8419 Says:
The one in red reads ‘ya Hussain’. So please get your facts right.
@diggerduckaussie6834 Says:
Send them back to their hell they want to live in, Australia is for a good life terrorist free country, albo can get the hell out of parliament today. He is trying to destroy Australia. Sack him now.
@simoncarroll-we3hg Says:
These people have no allegence to australia
@rvr2174 Says:
@BelieverOfGodAlmighty Says:
Im so confused.why are they supporting a terrorist org now. Is it a new norm? What a sad sad world this has become
@Condemnhummus Says:
Deleting comments you propagandists
@tatiannaannunaki2027 Says:
“Free Speech” no longer in Australia? Like UK?
@MusiciansWithVision Says:
Just another so called democracy oppressing free speech and freedom of expression!
@jesusissavior333 Says:
Really.... I am starting to suspect these woke lefty hamas hezoballah alphabet people are the majority, and I missed out on some ascension truth or something. Nobody I know are calling them out. Whenever I say something, my friends would all go silence. I think I am gonna start to brainwash myself too.
@timothyuzonduministry2893 Says:
They are Muslims when u ve Muslims immigrants that's what u got
@jiminverness Says:
Most of the Lebanese population is not Hezbollah, does not like Hezbollah, does not want Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah is a terrorist militia supported only by the Shia Muslim minority in Lebanon, funded by Iran. Wearing Hezbollah symbols in public is wearing a Shia version of a Swastika, maybe worse.
@BronwynMurray-sc2xu Says:
Where is the Albanese government's moral compass allowing support for terrorist organisations to proceed? What are they going to do out it because it's at these sort of riots/protests innocent people get hurt. Disgraceful to see this in Australia.
@lilatan639 Says:
Where the hell is our illustrious Prime minister? He should step up & brhave like the leader he was elected to be. Shame on him & his government
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Jews 🙄
@chalithdhananjaya6891 Says:
Reality of brain rot modern society
@apolloxiii5574 Says:
It seems the world is full of ignorant stupid people.
@surprisehlawutelo409 Says:
You and God are majority Prophet TB Joshua
@SimonKawagle Says:
In Australia??? What is happening??? Deport??? Not in Australia.
@Getsome2030 Says:
Immediate deportation

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