Iron ore prices gain traction after China stimulus
Iron ore prices gain traction after China stimulus



@Kelly-wf5ie Says:
$110 US a ton yet the product comes from Oz and goes 2 China, obviously that’s bc the fictitious Oz “ gov” is actually reg…..ed as a corp in DC on the US securities and Exchange stock markets !!
@windsong3wong828 Says:
Enjoy the bump as when the Simandou iron mines are ready…..the world will be flooded with iron ore and China won’t be buying from Australia anymore. The true end to the “ golden relationship “.
@croberts2358 Says:
That's because the US is letting them buy us Steel company. Ergo iron.
@carllyons4903 Says:
Unbelievable BS give it 12 months, China is screwed 😂
@Pet-rf6rh Says:
Over supply of housing/units in China. Major housing building company collapses. And long term demographic problems. I don't think so
@peterburke8650 Says:
It's over .. wake the f up.
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
Like Submarine:?
@Inexistentruth Says:
Thank you China, Australia's loving buddy, ❤️✌️.
@zigzag420mf Says:
China is bad
@NatePossibilities Says:
Chinese stimulus? You mean a stimurus?

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