Calls for Australia to follow lead of US and ban Chinese electric vehicles
Calls for Australia to follow lead of US and ban Chinese electric vehicles



@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
avrithing is made by china its another company greed ford and gmc said they can not compite with chinise car thats all its about chinise cars would cost 25k and gmc or ford would want you to pay 80k for less stuff
@gmarshall1026 Says:
We are getting flooded with cheap Chinese crap cars
@awc900 Says:
Most Chinese brands won't be around in five years or earlier if the CCP stops subsidising them. So not bringing them in is a good idea.
@michaelandrews583 Says:
If you buy a Chinese EV do so at your own peril. There's a reason why Chinese hotels and property managers in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Xiaoshan and other places in China are banning all electric vehicles from their underground carparks, There's plenty of footage around of Chinese EV's spontaneously combusting in other asian countries as well, causing major fires in collisions and accidents or simply exploding for no reason at all. There's even footage of bystanders having to smash the windows of these cars to free trapped passengers in a burning Chinese EV after a minor accident due to windows and doors not being able to be opened along with rear suspension collapse in their high end vehicles. They are mobile crematoriums.
@archiekabooom2928 Says:
Labor is selling out our country to China just to stay in power.Lock the communist Labor bastards up.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Did Australia rush in again with out doing their homework? Remember the cameras or what ever it was that got installed in the govie offices 18 months ago or so, suspected of being spy capable.
@carlyndes9002 Says:
If Australia's government doesn't ban these Dangerous Exploding Vehicles , well they're only got themselves to blame when all goes Horribly wrong !?
@AAa-qd8hb Says:
Just say no to all EVs junk.
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
Unfortunately, it will never happen to much $$$$ involved
@jeffsmart7674 Says:
Chris Bowen doesn’t want to upset his new employer. Why else would he welcome Chinese crap unless your’ve done a back door deal. He would be the worst politician Australia has ever had, but it works to the coalitions favor, because he just helps to determine how Australians will definitely vote soon, keep up the devastation Bowen
@DrEd-th2lu Says:
All EV’s need to be banned. They are dangerous…
@jamestinning8900 Says:
They ban wine and lobster. 🙄 Keep cooking Garry🤦🏻‍♂️
@yaoxun Says:
Have some independent thinking….
@yaoxun Says:
Lapdog always lapdog
@yaoxun Says:
You are not a dog to follow them
@BRADLEY856 Says:
Do we understand the primary method to maintain “peace’ is to have robust, mutually necessary trade and education agreements ? A fellow called Tsun Zsu mentioned that As to the suggestion “all the cars might be turned off” - before they are let’s throw our fridges, computers, air conditioners, mobile phones, freezers, solar panels, batteries, torches…. in the trailer and slip down the dump. The issue to hand is people who know FA about combat are the talking head experts. Get a grip and realise if there is a war everyone dies. Everyone. I’m off to punch out the nasty little spies who run those Chinese Food Shops (they’re intelligence outlets !!!) Idiots incorporated
@Gavin-qh7li Says:
There's no way China Bowen or Albo on his Elbows and Kneesy for China will do that.
@DenisBellars Says:
Oh yeah let's stop the average person having a cheap environmentally friendly Car let's only buy from Japan you fucking idiot
@sicoco3216 Says:
First the need to build roads to drive these EV’s. Then charging stations. Then think about it
@DeepStateofIsrael Says:
EV's are almost the thing of the past!!! Lithium mines are all in Congo! Children working the mines!
@vernonwhite4660 Says:
BYD has just issued a recall for 100000 Evs Posing a fire threat😮
@jimmyjack7884 Says:
Albozos boss won't allow that
@cyclonutterd7075 Says:
So without China, our mining industry is destroyed, but we should refuse to buy back the products that are produced by China from our resources. Sounds like we'll be shutting down our biggest customer. Great idea.
@jamesblackie4195 Says:
Switched off is not too bad it is if they are let heat up overcharged see what happens then just test them.
@lukei6255 Says:
The supersmart australians can always make their own ev... 😂 But first you need to learn how to make a bicycle 😂😂😂
@PJC005 Says:
BYD failed ADR compliance, now ablo and bowen have let the shit in the country.
@VK6AB- Says:
Why? Are you going to ban solar panels, batteries and Apple products?
@gangstertopo Says:
Australia will never ban anything from China
@craigpaulson3503 Says:
I didn't know Temu was selling EVs.
@Pet-rf6rh Says:
Each Chinese EV comes with pre installed TikTok to spy on us
@dyu999 Says:
@Wit_Shunter Says:
You should not play with things you don't understand or you might get hurt.
@suzanneknight5794 Says:
40 Chinese brands coming to a dealership near you. How do they pass Australian safety standards?
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
24 May 2024 ***In total, Tesla produced 287,359 units of Model Y and Model 3 cars in China in the first four months, 5% lower than the same period in 2023, ...As of July 2023, Tesla says the factory has the capacity to build over 750,000 vehicles per year and is the primary production site for Tesla vehicles exported *** MORONS
@outback109 Says:
The way ev sales are falling they won't have to.
@Psittacine-pp5yd Says:
Anyone with sense would ban them here they are cheap knockoffs .
@HyperVaccinated Says:
That is good as we should only have American made Tesla's here
@FreeFreeFrankenstein666 Says:
@davidarter6271 Says:
That’s EXACTLY what we should do.

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