Labor's low polling numbers leave federal election 'up for grabs'
Labor's low polling numbers leave federal election 'up for grabs'



@mattreynolds3815 Says:
Trators belong in our jails not our government...... time for Australia to clean house ...
@charlesrobinson9881 Says:
How can labor favor Democrats when the Democrats demand massive immigration of millions and millions and millions and millions of people willing to work cheap?
@l4rrikin Says:
Once the disinformation bill kicks in, we should see a boost for team-left. Sure, they'll need to get the TAFE re-education centres up and running quick-smart..
@jamesmclntosh3017 Says:
Come on sky, voice, 150 crims set free tax payer paying for them to live in hotels, albo in bed with Qantas, broken promises, forget your poling, labour is fucked
@Kelly-wf5ie Says:
I refuse 2 “ vote “ and pay for ANY criminal syndicate, in which ALL are and have been for roughly 60 + years !! Easily proved with a little research , thousands if not millions already know !!
@Faith_Jesus_Christ Says:
Get this government out.
@ngaugefouroaksstreetstatio6932 Says:
Albo/Bill gates trying to implement the WEF agenda, The Voice, huge immigration, censorship and all the woke BS. We have had enough, will Dutton be just the same?
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
So grab it you bunch of automated trolls!!
Since Labor has come to power there are many thousands of Australian families being forced to live in freezing cold mosquito infested tents having to poop in a bucket as bad as that sounds but that is the reality because of very high immigration numbers under Labor so is very few rental properties are available and rents prices just keep skyrocketing up even in those crime drug infested areas that most dont like even driving through . Albo and his bunch of lying control freaks need to be voted out fast for the kids of tomorrows sake at the least before he turns this place into another third world Britain disaster .
@dmarshall8366 Says:
The man cave? Just a bunch of repulsive right wingers.
@patriot388 Says:
Paul, the last thing I want to see on the program is another Labor sympathiser! 🙄
@minchen5187 Says:
Ask your sugar daddy us, they will help ya
@russellcullen9913 Says:
Dutton the war monger.
@pacnbeans Says:
Fuck our political system !! We have all been set up for failure !! We have become modern day slaves !
@Prognosis__ Says:
Both parties will be hanging out at the Masonic lodge sipping their international roast coffee
@Lachlan124-b1n Says:
MAGA TRUMP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 2024 MAGA DUTTON🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 2025!!!
@rhyno1740 Says:
Liebor have to go, permanently. Actually the Uniparty need to go, permanently.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Sorry Dorothy, you are the weakest link, goodbye!!!
@GrandpaVince Says:
It might be time for vince to dust off the old campaign suit

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