Aussies face per capita recession as government pushes economic growth agenda
Aussies face per capita recession as government pushes economic growth agenda



@DavidLockett-x4b Says:
The government is hiring more public servants in order to spy on the population via the internet. Facial recognition will be here next if it is not here already. Plant potatoes, just in case.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Everything is 50 percent dearer than when Labor came to power.
@Charles-y5d Says:
At this rate the whole world is going to have to go bankrupt and start the whole entire system over again. I don't know what the deep state in all the multi corporate billionaires will do about that
@Charles-y5d Says:
You sound like america!
@actualfacts1055 Says:
I didn't know that Chalmers asked the public servants to model negative gearing and capital gains tax changes, then again I don't know anything that the ministers are doing, did Tanya do something stupid too ?
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Heh Albo we are running out of people to blame, I know Jim but we can't blame ourselves, be creative.
@CalciumHat Says:
5x pay increase and less responsibility and accountability than starting in a McDonalds role? I have infinitely more patience and respect for people learning new skills than you slug sell out "security for rest of life" delinquents. Chalmers, shorten, krudd, scummo.... albofonzsi? Trash leeches on a sick body.

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