'Real world is hurting': Labor lashed over cost-of-living inaction
'Real world is hurting': Labor lashed over cost-of-living inaction



@howey1993 Says:
As usual as a disabled pensioner with a mortgage and can’t work right now and can’t get on NDIS with increased interest rate rises and everything else going up. I get no help as usual. They could at least bring the pension up to the minimum wage since they’ve got so much money to throw away on the voice and other stuff, giving themselves multiple record pay rises. It’s so good to hear someone talking common sense. This has gone so far beyond ridiculous now.
@johnkauppi7078 Says:
I'm my opinion power bills and council rates have gone up so much it's hurting. $450 a quarter for rates, to $750 a quarter in two years. What is council doing with all this new money? Pissing it away as usual. I wish my income went up as much. And where is all this cheap green energy we are endlessly being promised? I get anxious every time I get a letter from the energy company.
@CalciumHat Says:
I know how to slip a 14$ tin of anchovies? It's the little things.....delicious little things....
@earlofmar7987 Says:
I've been in Oil & Gas all my life. When Exxon went down to build plants, they had a budget to work with, cause they knew what it cost to build a plant. Australia, forced them to hire only Union Labor. This DOUBLED their costs. Kamala is going to do the same thing to America.
@ShaneJohn-r5c Says:
They want a rich and poor scociety no middle class it's allways been there focus and they got it with housing and cost of living.no.more saving money that's for the rich.😂
@HyperVaccinated Says:
ALP is doing well and it is the peoples fault if they cannot afford stuff, They should learn how to manage their money better!
@ShaneJohn-r5c Says:
Chalmers hates the word recession that's why they don't say chalmers would say it if liberal were running the show but he doesn't want to say it.we have had negative growth for 3 consecutive months.labour and liberal are not for the people they are both looking after ther own interests I have no faith in labour or liberal.pauline Hanson is more for the people than both those parties.very sad government.😑
@vincentcacciola7161 Says:
ABC = All Bout Crapp
@FutureJ23 Says:
Corruption causes negative affects on the people. Corruption alone.
@Deano00777 Says:
Our population has been increased by around 3% for a 0.1% increase in our economy. Absolute failure.
@te22a Says:
This really is the worst government I think we've ever had. We are a nation in decline under Albosleazy.
@rhyno1740 Says:
Well i heard today that chocolate will be increasing. Everything keeps increasing under liebor.
@ElarMack-ci1of Says:
AS DIRE STRAITS song goes, with relation to the BENT ELBOW, "Not runnin' out of anything in my deep freeze". All is OK in the SLEEZE"S FREEZER. Everybody else is doing it tough though. A communist ELITE! Labor has no U in their name, because to LABOR, U are of NO CONCERN TO THEM and U don't matter.. They simply DON'T CARE ABOUT "U". The so called PM has to be careful because DR SPOCK wants his JOB!
@Chad.H. Says:
Well said thank you.
@peterolsen9131 Says:
wouldnt dropping the excise tax for a while on fuel alone cut the cost of everything as transport is cheaper and we all can get to work cheaper and farmers fuel relief make food cheaper at the farm gate?
@davotravel Says:
They can't take action of cost of living. Too busy trying to censor everyone.

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