'Unacceptable': Hezbollah continues to fire rockets into Israel
'Unacceptable': Hezbollah continues to fire rockets into Israel



@GarciaNetwork2576 Says:
Is the Nation of Israel Today God's Doing? No. The Illuminati (via the United Nations) put Israel back on the map as a nation in 1948. The Illuminati is an elite group of occult members, who own the largest banks (e.g., the Rothschild banking cartel) and control the world today through The Council On Foreign Relations. Interestingly, the United Nations was created by The Council On Foreign Relations. Their admitted goal is a New World Order, i.e., a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State. The League Of Nations failed to receive congressional support after World War I, so the globalists caused World War II to get their way (and they did). The UN was born. World Domination (aka, the New World Order) has been in the works for centuries. In fact, evidence can be traced back to the tower and city of Babel in Genesis 11:7-9, when men attempted to unite together in rebellion against God. If the Lord hadn't stopped them, the Antichrist would have come then I believe. Today, Babel is being continued as the nations of the world are tearing down the racial, language and geographical boundaries which God had established in Genesis 11:7-9 to protect humanity from soon corruption. Modern technology is making the world a smaller place to live each day. The "Star of David" (the national symbol for Israel today) is a demonic symbol not found in the Scriptures. This symbol is seen in star formation above the eagle on back of every U.S. one-dollar bill, showing that America is under the control of elite Illuminati Jews via Freemasonry. The so-called Star of David is two pyramids, one inverted. “That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and WILL RETURN and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee.” —Deuteronomy 30:3 Please read that again... WILL RETURN!!! God promised to regather Israel only when HE RETURNS! As difficult as it is for some people to accept, the nation of Israel today was not placed there by God. Certainly, God in His permissive and sovereign will allowed it, but the restoration of Israel to their Promised Land won't happen until Jesus returns. And let me say boldly that Israel belongs to God, not the Jews. Leviticus 25:23, “The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.” Unsaved Zionist Jews claim that God promised the land to them; but the Bible says it is God's land upon which He has promised to regather all the saved (Jew and Gentile alike) to live (Galatians 3:26-29). This regathering will happen when Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming (and not until). Jerusalem could be leveled tomorrow and it would not go against Biblical prophecy. In fact, it would support it according to Luke 21:24... "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." The Holy Land is God's land. The Zionist certainly aren't a holy people. Jews are the most hateful enemies of Jesus Christ today. And likewise, of the few Jews who are saved, they love Jesus the most. I believe that. Zionism is of the Devil.
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@leonhue722 Says:
The UN apparently has no problem with Israel being bombed by terrorists but has a big problem with Israel retaliating. GO FIGURE
@zzzzoogal9634 Says:
@alishanaz9527 Says:
Its not hamas (its Palestinian military) It's not Israel (it's Palestine) It's not Nazareth (it's Al Nasra) It's not Acre (it's Akka) It's not Beit She' an (it's Bisan) It's not Tel Aviv Yafo (it's Yaffa) It's not Jaffa, (it's Yaffa) It's not Hebron (it's Al Khalil) It's not Jerusalem (it's Al Quds) It's not Jericho (it's Arecha) It's not Lod (it's al-Lydd) It's not Bethlehem (it's Bayt Lahm) It's not the Negev (it's al-Naqab) It's not Beer Sheva, (it's Bir As-Saba') It's not Tiberias, (it's Tabariyya) It's not Gush Halav, (its Al-Jish)
@soup-nazi6824 Says:
There has been wars going on over there since i was a kid-im 55 now & its starting to get boring at this stage.....🥱😴
@spelingmistake Says:
british took persian land territories british gave divided lands back unevenly israel continues to expand it's borders illegally
@WalkInTheLIte Says:
So anyone who comments with anti Israel/anti war views is censored? That shows who the real enemy is.
@alinayan5370 Says:
@conservative-ku3lz Says:
Zion continues to make war and steal lands from the Semites, but after Gaza, the West Bank (No Hamas there) Lebanon is the next, it will then be Iraq, Syria and Egypt. All for the greater Israel, off cause. I have to question if, the most moral nation in the middle east, is not pitting Muslims and against Christians, and after WW3 has wiped out billions of people, the remaining global goyim will be mopped up by Babylon itself? Isn't going to happen.
Reap what you sow.
@gideonterer7818 Says:
And france is threatening israel to stop?😂😂
@SpikeProtein-c3p Says:
Nothing is unacceptable to Prayer Room Davo.
@WeveGotBush Says:
Don't they have a right to "Protect Themselves" or does the rule apply only for some?
@gail2698 Says:
You Want War you get War Isreal-Hezbola not lebanon Stop supporting terrorist leaders and agree to live in peace. Hamas and Hezbollah started conflict against Israel and Israel has the Right to Retaliate for self defense Stay strong IDF 🇮🇱
@jamespeacock8665 Says:
This guy is a prime example of why we aren't supposed to have dual-citizens in Parliament. But special rules for the small hats.
@rickmarek3840 Says:
You two don’t have a clue.
@kkcw6668 Says:
Australia, like the rest of the Sthn Hemisphere Nations are Member States of the U.N, all signatory to holding "Faith in the Principles & Purposes of the Charter of the United Nations". Wow, now there's a great place to build some consolidated Sthn Hemisphere clout.
@darrylweidenhofer Says:
Sky you are getting better at pushing war everyday. You must be proud Murdoch.
@immanuelkhongsai6268 Says:
Iran and its proxy are just an empty jar many lots of sound but no substance
@ww2guy88 Says:
U b*tch so it's acceptable for Israel to do it right "killing 700 people in just two days is acceptable, u f*xking bas+ard
@jaredbooom6558 Says:
It just shows that these terrorists literally have no leadership. And they are just acting randomly.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
They're not rockets, they are Lebanese pagers
@outlawbillionairez9780 Says:
76 years is long enough. Now pack up,get out of Arab land.

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